Meals Application README
This repository contains code for a meals application. The application allows users to search for meals, display them, mark favorites, and view detailed information about individual meals.
Table of Contents
Additional Information
Search Meals: Users can search for meals by entering keywords in the search bar.
Display Meals: The application displays meals fetched from the API in a grid layout with images and names.
Favorite Meals: Users can mark meals as favorites by clicking on a heart icon. Favorite meals are stored locally and can be displayed separately.
View Meal Details: Users can click on a meal card to view detailed information about the meal, including its name, photo, and instructions. Setup
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Open the project directory in your code editor.
To run the application locally:
Open the index.html file in your web browser.
Use the search bar to search for meals by entering keywords.
Click on a meal card to view detailed information about the meal.
Mark meals as favorites by clicking on the heart icon.
index.js: JavaScript file containing the main functionality of the application.
singleMeal.js: JavaScript file containing the singleMealWindow function for displaying meal details in a separate window.
meals.css: CSS file for styling the meals application.
mealItem.css: CSS file for styling the meal window component.
index.html: HTML file defining the structure of the meals application.
Additional Information
API Used: The application fetches meal data from the TheMealDB API.
Local Storage: Favorite meals are stored locally using the browser's local storage feature, allowing users to access their favorite meals across sessions.
Responsiveness: The application is designed to be responsive and works well on various screen sizes and devices.