Version: V2.2
Author: UNKOWN
Create Date: UNKOWN
2020/10/26 v2.2: Add a power-save verson.Using watch dog and sleep mode.
2020/8/24 v2.1: Add pcb file.
2020/7/24 v2.0: Rebuid readme,add pic. By Vincent
The Lora soil moisture sensor is based on Atmel's Atmega328P, it collect local air temperature/ humidity with sensor AHT10, and detect the soil humidity with capacitor-humility measurement solution with 555, and transmit the local environment data to the gateway, with Lora communication, suit for applications for smart-farm, irrigation, agriculture, etc.
You can get one from: Lora_Soil_Moisture_Sensor
Hardware and detailed instructions please visit Wiki page: Lora_Soil_Moisture_Sensor Wiki
Control relay through wifi.
- IoT agricultural irrigation experiment based on Lora communication.
- YOUTUBE:Lora IoT Irrigation System - Outdoor Simulation Test