This repository stores simple scripts to explore scientific publication pdfs using ChatGPT API. This is created with the simple intention of sharing useful code to look across the litterature. THIS CODE IS EXPERIMENTAL. We share so that others could try it and if it is proves useful, please let us know.
- At the moment, there is a simple script. To run it, you first need to create your conda environment as :
conda create --name <your_env_name> python=3.10
- Then activate it:
conda activate <your_env_name>
- Install the package
pip install .
- Go the script folder:
cd scripts
Copy your openAi API key in the .env file. You can find this here:
Run it using:
python --path_pdf <path_to_your_pdf> --save_summary True
This will save a little text file along with your pdf with the same filename but with a .txt extension.
--path_pdf: Path to a PDF file that you want to summarize.
Type: string
Default: os.path.join(script_path, '../example/2020.12.15.422967v4.full.pdf')
--save_summary: Save the generated summary in a txt file alongside the PDF file.
Type: boolean
Default: True
--save_raw_text: Save the raw text in a txt file along the pdf file.
Type: boolean
Default: False
--cut_bibliography: Try not to summarize the bibliography at the end of the PDF file.
Type: boolean
Default: True
--chunk_length: Determines the final length of the summary by summarizing the document in chunks. More chunks result in a longer summary but may lead to inconsistency across sections. Typically, 1 is a good value for an abstract, and 2 or 3 for more detailed summaries.
Type: integer
Default: 1
See the example/ folder for example runs. There is a typical short example (length of a typical abstract) and a long summary (using chunk_length 4).
First go to tests/ and read the
Make a PR against main. This will run CI through github actions.
This repository was started by Jerome Lecoq on April 12th 2023. Please reach out [email protected] for any questions. If this is useful to you, 👋 are welcome!