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Official Passbase Angular Demo App

This App shows an example integration of the Passbase Web Snippet integrated into an Angular App. Before your try to run the App please sign up on our developer platform and use your own publishabe API key, which you can find in the API settings section.

Please follow our integration guide in our official developer documentation to install all dependencies first in a correct way.


Ensure that you are using an up to date version for Angular. This means, that you also need to have npm/yarn and node installed. If you haven't, please follow this guide here first to install everything correctly.

Install & Run

In the project directory can run:

  1. Run npm install inside the project directory in terminal in order to install all dependencies
  2. Go into the file src/app/app.component.ts and exchange YOUR_OWN_PUBLISHABLE_API_KEY with your own publishable API key in line 17
  3. Run ng serve in terminal

This runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:4200 to view the App it in the browser.


This App shows a sample integration in Angular






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