A collection of tools and exploits for TI-Nspire calculators.
Custom bootloader for the TI-Nspire CX (not monochrome or CX II).
See nLoader/README.txt.
Modified version of nLaunchy CXM, with:
- No support for CX/CM (monochrome calculators only)
- No PP1234567 on the screen during boot
- Better progress messages
- Boot2 version in about screen spoofed as
- If OS fails to load, it launches download mode
- Touchpad fix for EVT touchpad/SimpKey keypads (in CLASSIC_TOUCHPAD_FIX_EVT folder; untested)
- Fixes for compiling with GCC 12
Install using the instructions in MyNlaunchyCXM/readme.md. Parts of it are outdated, but the installation instructions still work.
Minuscule Ndless program (for OS 3.1+) to overclock monochrome calculators to 150MHz.
Put it in the ndless/startup
folder or just run it after every reboot. There is no UI.
A permanent fix for the keyboard not working correctly on OS 2.1+ on prototype TI-Nspire CAS Touchpad calculators.