A simple ToDo webapp written in Django with Postgresql database.
Functionalities include:
i) Adding tasks
ii) Deleting Tasks
iii) Editing already added tasks
iv) Marking the tasks which are completed
Instructions for setting up the database:
i) Go to https://www.elephantsql.com/plans.html and select a 'tinyTurtle' free database.
ii) Open settings.py file from ToDo/todo_project/todo_project directory
iii) Find a dictionary named DATABASES and modify the credentials according to your instance details on elephantsql
In 'NAME' and 'USER', paste the value from 'User & Default database' section in elephantsql
Similarly, fill the value of 'PASSWORD' and 'HOST' ('SERVER' in elephantsql)
iv) In command prompt run the following command
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
v) Finally, go to