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In simple, revenueCat is a wrapper around Appstore/PlayStore subscription integration flows. Everything you need to implement and manage in-app purchases and subscriptions

Configure Subscriptions in App Store Connect

Note: Add tax and billing information in the app store connect before configuring products otherwise you will not be able to get any product list from the store API. As revenueCat will throw an error while fetching the products list using their SDK

We need to configure our subscription | In-App Purchases in App store connect. There are mainly four types of subscriptions available.

  • In-App Purchase
    • Consumable
    • Non-Consumable
  • Subscription
    • Auto renewable
    • Non-Renewable

All other subscriptions except Auto Renewable can be configured individually, But Auto renewable must have a subscription group. Under a subscription group, One can add multiple subscriptions and the user can subscribe to one of them. For Auto-renewable subscription localisation and grace period, a setting is required.

How to create subscription group and grace period

Every product we configure must have an identifier that is unique across subscriptions. which can be used to make any transaction with Storekit.

Configure the introductory, Promotional, and offer code with a subscription if you need to give the customer a free trial or any discount on a subscription.

  1. Pay-up-front — The customer pays once for a period of time, e.g. $0.99 for 3 months. Allowed durations are 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months.
  2. Pay-as-you-go — The customer pays a reduced rate, each period, for a number of periods, e.g. $0.99 per month for 3 months. Allowed durations are 1-12 months. Can only be specified in months.
  3. Free — This is analogous to a free trial, the user receives 1 of a specified period free. The allowed durations are 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.

[Offer code] (

Note: - Since launch, Apple's in-app Offer Code redemption sheet has proven to be extremely unstable. For example, the sheet may not connect, may not dismiss after a successful redemption, and may not accept valid codes. Additionally, sandbox and TestFlight behavior has been seen to be inconsistent. A workaround may be to instead redirect customers to the App Store app to redeem codes as described above.

Create revenueCat App

RevenueCat provides a free trial for up to $10000 in revenue then you need to pay for the services. Create one revenueCat app and configure the platform-specific application for e.g Android and iOS. Application name, bundle identifier, App Store Connect App-Specific Shared Secret and key information need to add in order to complete the application configuration.

Redirect apple subscription event notification directly to revenueCat configure. This configuration will speed up the event update in revenueCat and the status will be updated fast.

App Specific Shared Secrete

Create App Specific Shared Secrete in App Store

Configure App Specific Shared Secrete in RevenueCat

In App Purchase Key Configuration

Generate key in AppStore Connect

Add key in RevenueCat

RevenueCat Public Key

To initialise the SDK we need public key from revenueCat. You can get it from revenueCat dashboard. Shown in below screen shot.

Configure Products

RevenueCat has a mapping model to display the products to the customer in the form of offerings. Entitlement, Offering, and Packages in the revenueCat dashboard are the way to manage your display and package group.

  • Entitlement
    • An entitlement represents a level of access, features, or content that a user is "entitled" to.
  • Offerings
    • Offerings are the selection of products that are "offered" to a user on your paywall. They're an optional, but recommended feature of RevenueCat that can make it easier to change and experiment with your paywalls.
  • Packages
    • Each Offering you create should contain at least one Package that holds cross-platform products.

Configure SDK in Platform

You can configure SDK for iOS, Android, and react-native. follow the steps in the above link.

Purchases.logLevel = .debug
let configuration = Configuration.builder(withAPIKey: RevenueCatConfiguration.apiKey)
let build = configuration.with(usesStoreKit2IfAvailable: true).with(appUserID: "UserID").build()
Purchases.configure(with: build)
Purchases.shared.delegate = self

Displaying Products

If you've configured Offerings in RevenueCat, you can control which products are shown to users without requiring an app update. Building paywalls that are dynamic and can react to different product configurations gives you maximum flexibility to make remote updates.

func getProducts(completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, IAPError>) -> Void) {
        Purchases.shared.getOfferings { (offerings, error) in
            if let offerings = offerings {
                self.offerings = offerings
            } else if let error = error {
                completion(.failure(IAPError.pulicError(error: error)))
            } else {
                completion(.failure(.pulicError(error: error)))

Restore Purchases

When the application initialised, we can get the customer info from the revenueCat to check the subscription information after that we can manually set the subscription for the given userid. So restore purchase is not needed at all. Still user can have a option to retore their purchase using following method

Purchases.shared.restorePurchases { (customerInfo, error) in
   guard let customerInfo = customerInfo else {
      return completion(.failure(IAPError.unknown))

Making Purchases

Process a transaction with Apple or Google

The SDK has a simple method, purchase(package:), that takes a package from the fetched Offering and purchases the underlying product with Apple, Google, or Amazon.

Purchase without promotional offer

 Purchases.shared.purchase(package: package) { (transaction, customerInfo, error, userCancelled) in
  if customerInfo.entitlements["your_entitlement_id"]?.isActive == true {
    // Unlock that great "pro" content              

Purchase with Promotional offer Promotional offers are very useful to win back customers and these offers should be limited to specific users only. To benefit the user with the promotional offer we can show them some special UI and once they select it, purchase it with the package which supports that promotion.

func purchaseProductWith(package: Package, promoOffer: PromotionalOffer, completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, IAPError>) -> Void) {
        Purchases.shared.purchase(package: package, promotionalOffer: promoOffer) {[weak self] transaction, customerInfo, error, userCancelled in
 Get Promotional offer for the package
 func getPromotionalOffer(package: Package, completion: @escaping (Result<PromotionalOffer, IAPError>) -> Void) {
        if let discount = package.storeProduct.discounts.first {
            Purchases.shared.getPromotionalOffer(forProductDiscount: discount, product: package.storeProduct) { (promoOffer, error) in
                if let promoOffer = promoOffer {
                    // Promotional Offer validated, show terms of your offer to your customers
                } else if let error = error {
                    completion(.failure(.pulicError(error: error)))
                } else  {
                    // Promotional Offer was not validated, default to normal package terms

Checking Subscription Status

Get User Information

func getCustomerInfo(completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, IAPError>) -> Void) {
        Purchases.shared.getCustomerInfo { [weak self] (customerInfo, error) in

Get Entitlement Information

Get entitlement information in the customer info object as shown in the above function. There could be more than one active entitlement. Get isSandbox, willRenew, startDate and eneDate of subscription, Unsubscribe DetectedAt Date, and Billing issue date if any.

Unsubscribe detected and billing issue date will be there if any billing issue, refund initialisation, cancellation are in process and apple detected grace period.

Checking If A User Is Subscribed

if customerInfo.entitlements["your_entitlement_id"]?.isActive == true {
  // user has access to "your_entitlement_id"                
if ! {
    //user has access to some entitlement

Listening For CustomerInfo Updates

This delegate method will be called every time we launch an application and when a purchase transaction is done. You can update subscription information when this updates the state of purchases.

// Additional configure setup
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
   Purchases.logLevel = .debug
   let configuration = Configuration.builder(withAPIKey: RevenueCatConfiguration.apiKey)
   let build = configuration.with(usesStoreKit2IfAvailable: true).with(appUserID: "UserID").build()
   Purchases.configure(with: build)
   Purchases.shared.delegate = self  

extension AppDelegate: PurchasesDelegate {
    func purchases(_ purchases: Purchases, receivedUpdated customerInfo: Purchases.CustomerInfo) {
        // handle any changes to customerInfo

Custom Attributes

RevenueCat support custom attribute which becomes very useful in some scenario to mark a customer or identify a customer-specific tag.

Purchases.shared.attribution.setAttributes(["isRetainedUser": "True"])

Manage Purchase after sale.

Trial Subscription

Apple auto-renewable can be configured with a trial subscription. Which works in a seamless manner. Once an introductory offer is created, there is no way to edit it like sometimes we need to edit the period or type of offer. If the end date has not been set then the new date can be configured, The offer will end at the configured date or it can be discarded by ending the offer from App Store connect.

Purchases.shared.checkTrialOrIntroDiscountEligibility(productIdentifiers: [forIdentifier]) { introEligibilityDict in
  • After trial period subscription will be converted to renewal
  • Subscription will end if user cancels during trial period.
  • He may not able to cancel the renewal if he cancels the trial subscription before 24 hours of expiration.
  • Different subscription group can avail trial once.
  • A is Eligible for introductory offer flag will be updated periodically. Configre your code based on this flag.


RevenueCat can handle refunds across all platforms for both subscription and non-subscription products. As soon as RevenueCat detects a refund, the CustomerInfo will be updated to reflect the correct entitlement status - no action is required on your part! If you have questions about refunds, take a look at our community article covering the topic.

in iOS 15 User can request refund from application with a reason to select from.

func refundPurchase() {
        if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
            IAPManager.shared.getCustomerInfo { result in
                switch result {
                    case .failure(let error):
                        self.showAlert(alertText: "Info", alertMessage: error.localizedDescription)
                    case .success(let isSuccess):
                        if isSuccess {
                            guard let customerInfo = IAPManager.shared.customerInfo else { return
                            self.initialiseRefundRequest(customerInfo: customerInfo)
        } else {
            if let url = URL(string: "") {
            } else {
                self.showAlert(alertText: "Refund Status", alertMessage: "Refund requests not supported. Please consider updating to iOS 15 or later.")
func initialiseRefundRequest(customerInfo: CustomerInfo) {
        guard let activePackage = self.package else { return }
        if let activeEntitlement = IAPManager.shared.getActiveEntitlements(forPackage: activePackage) {
            IAPManager.shared.refundRequest(productID: activeEntitlement.productIdentifier) { refundResult in
                switch refundResult {
                    case .failure(let error):
                        self.showAlert(alertText: "Refund Status", alertMessage: error.localizedDescription)
                    case .success(let refundStatus):
                        switch refundStatus {
                            case .success:
                                self.showAlert(alertText: "Refund Status", alertMessage: "Refund request submitted!")
                            case .userCancelled:
                                print("Refund request cancelled")
                            case .error:
                                self.showAlert(alertText: "Refund Status", alertMessage: "Issue submitting refund request")
        } else {
            self.showAlert(alertText: "Refund Status", alertMessage: "No active subscription found")

Use Cases:

  • As per the apple documentation in US "All Purchase is final" policy applies. Based on which country you are serving different policies are engaged.
  • Since all refunds can be processed through the apple payment procedure. After some grace period, apple may refund the purchase price or less.

Billing Issues

The customer Info object will have the status of any kind of subscription or billing issues. For example, anytime a user has requested a refund or canceled or changed to a lower subscription plan. They might end up in a billing issue. In such cases, revenueCat will give two important flag.

  • UnSubscribe Detected at
  • Billing Issue Detected at

Note:- We can show a flag or restrict the user from accessing the access when this date is not nil in the customer info object.

Upgrades, Downgrades, & Management

App Store

There are no code changes required to support upgrades, downgrades, and crossgrades for iOS subscriptions in your app. Customer can choose to upgrade, downgrade, or crossgrade between subscriptions as often as they like.

According to Apple, when a customer changes their subscription level, access to the new product can vary depending on the change:

Upgrade. A user purchases a subscription that offers a higher level of service than their current subscription. They are immediately upgraded and receive a refund of the prorated amount of their original subscription. If you’d like users to immediately access more content or features, rank the subscription higher to make it an upgrade. Downgrade. A user selects a subscription that offers a lower level of service than their current subscription. The subscription continues until the next renewal date, then is renewed at the lower level and price. Crossgrade. A user switches to a new subscription of the equivalent level. If the subscriptions are the same duration, the new subscription begins immediately. If the durations are different, the new subscription goes into effect at the next renewal date. You can refer to this blog post for more information on how to set up subscription groups in App Store Connect.

Price Change

The price change is treated by apple in certain ways please read this apple documentation for more detail

When a subscription price increases apple will send you notifications, mail, and in-app messages to update users about the price increase If the price change is a big amount apple may present a confirmation sheet to get users to opt-in for the new price. A decrease in price may silently renew without the user’s knowledge.

Cross-Platform Subscription Status

Multiple platforms may require to fetch the current subscription purchased by the user to entitle him/her to some access to the application. We can configure RevenueCat with user-id if the user is known in advance. When going from an Anonymous ID to a custom App User ID RevenueCat will decide whether the identities should be merged (aliased) into the same CustomerInfo object or not depending on the state of the custom App User ID and if it already has an anonymous alias.

For those applications which require authentication should initialise the revenueCat with nil user-id which will create an Anonymous user when they first launch the application.

Purchases.configure(withAPIKey: "my_api_key")

Later you can log in to the revenueCat with user-id when the user authenticates successfully.

func loginRevenueCat(my_app_user_id: String) {
        Purchases.shared.logIn(my_app_user_id) { (customerInfo, created, error) in
            // customerInfo updated for my_app_user_id
            // Check customer info

When an identified user logs out you should call the logOut() method. This generates a new Anonymous App User ID for the logged-out state.

func logoutRevenueCat() {
    Purchases.shared.logOut { info, error in



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