.NET Core RC2 + RabbitMq 3.6.2 + Bugfixes
.NET Core came a step closer to completion With the announcement of the release of RC2. The new releases of Logging, Dependecy Injection and Configuration had a few breaking changes was handled. RawRabbit
is now fully migrated to the new project structure. There are new sample projects that combines .NET Core with RawRabbit (including Attributed Routing, Message Sequence etc.) and Serilog.
The underlying dependecy RabbitMQ.Client
was updated, as it 3.6.2 was released earlier this week. While at it, all other NuGet dependencies was updated to its latest version.
- #89 - Add vNext Samples
- #88 - Upgrade to RabbitMQ.Client 3.6.2
- #87 - Implement Timeout for Sequences
- #86 - Use dedicated channel for publishing to error exchange
- #85 - Upgrade to .NET Core RC2
- #83 - Issue when QueueFullName matches an Exchange Name. contributed by (johnbaker)
- #82 - Does RawRabbit runs on DNX Core 5.0 (.Net Core) ?
- #81 - Attributes for Routing/Queue/Exchange
Commits: b68cf97...e92022a