slua 1.0 Release
optimized speed for startup and runtime
reduce memory footprint
add remote debugger
brand new exception handle mechanism
wrap binding no longer block startup, you can add a callback to display progress
invalid lua-API calling no longer crash editor
report lua error in coroutine no longer caused crash
add compare method for LuaVar
add support for nullable value type
add support for extension method to export
add setting to control line ending
add macro flag that report warning on using reflection
add IgnoreBaseAttribute to skip auto gen event base
modify build script to support vs2012
luafunction/thread/table can be passed nil in
LuaSvrGameObject no longer dispose main luastate
fix return wrong value if delegate has ref arguments
fix generate wrong wrap code if function with refed value type
fix Clamp of Mathf
fix lock strategy of refQeue
fix build error on Unity 5.2.2
fix clear command to delete target folder
fix enum extends byte
fix build script
fix negative int/short value overflow on arm64
fix launch debugger on MacOSX
much minor fix
_Need remake all interface_