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StephanThober committed Nov 23, 2015
1 parent 05fc468 commit ead6ac4
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Showing 2 changed files with 265 additions and 213 deletions.
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@@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# purpose: conversion of binary files to netcdf files
# written: Juliane Mai & Matthias Zink Feb 2014
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import struct
from writenetcdf import writenetcdf # from ufz
from readnetcdf import readnetcdf # from ufz
from fread import fread # from ufz
from autostring import astr # from ufz

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command line arguments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

headerfile = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/header.txt'
outfile = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/'
indir = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/'
years = '1989,1993'
latlonfile = '../test_basin/input/latlon/'
variable = 'pre'
variable_long_name = 'daily sum of precipitation'
variable_unit = 'mm d-1'

import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]',
description="Converts binary input files for mHM within <years> stored under <indir> with header information from <headerfile> into NetCDF file <outfile>.")

# usage example with command line arguments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Precipitation:
# python -f ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/header.txt -o ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/ -i ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/ -y 1989,1993 -c ../test_basin/input/latlon/ -v pre -l 'daily sum of precipitation' -u 'mm d-1'
# Temperature
# python -f '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/header.txt' -o '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/' -i '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/' -y '1989,1993' -c '../test_basin/input/latlon/' -v 'tavg' -l 'daily mean air temperature' -u 'degC'
# python -f '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/header.txt' -o '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/' -i '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/' -y '1989,1993' -c '../test_basin/input/latlon/' -v 'pet' -l 'daily sum of potential evapotranspiration' -u 'mm d-1'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

parser.add_option('-f', '--header', action='store', dest='headerfile', type='string',
default=headerfile, metavar='Header file.',
help='Header file containing information about e.g. number of rows and columns. (default: header.txt).')
parser.add_option('-o', '--outfile', action='store', dest='outfile', type='string',
default=outfile, metavar='NetCDF file.',
help='Name of NetCDF file. (default: outfile=../test_basin/input/meteo/')
parser.add_option('-i', '--indir', action='store', dest='indir', type='string',
default=indir, metavar='Directory of *.bin files.',
help='Directory containing annual files [YYYY].bin (default: ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/).')
parser.add_option('-y', '--years', action='store', dest='years', type='string',
default=years, metavar='Years of *.bin files.',
help='Yearly files to be converted via -y <from year>,<to year> (default: "1989,1993").')
parser.add_option('-c', '--coordinates', action='store', dest='latlonfile', type='string',
default=latlonfile, metavar='Latlon file.',
help='NetCDF containing latitude and longitide grid. You may use ' +
'(default: ../test_basin/input/latlon/')
parser.add_option('-v', '--varname', action='store', dest='variable', type='string',
default=variable, metavar='NetCDF Variable.',
help='Variable name used in NetCDF and has to be exactly one of {pre, tavg, pet} (default: pre).')
parser.add_option('-l', '--varnamelong', action='store', dest='variable_long_name', type='string',
default=variable_long_name, metavar='Long_name in NetCDF.',
help='Attribute long_name of variable in NetCDF (default: "daily sum of precipitation").')
parser.add_option('-u', '--variable_unit', action='store', dest='variable_unit', type='string',
default=variable_unit, metavar='Unit in NetCDF.',
help='The attribute unit of variable in NetCDF (default: "mm d-1").')

(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

headerfile = opts.headerfile
outfile = opts.outfile
indir = opts.indir
years = opts.years
latlonfile = opts.latlonfile
variable = opts.variable
variable_long_name = opts.variable_long_name
variable_unit = opts.variable_unit

del parser, opts, args

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read header file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# info = (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value)
info = fread(headerfile,cskip=1)

ncols = int(info[0][0])
nrows = int(info[1][0])
xllcorner = info[2][0]
yllcorner = info[3][0]
cellsize = int(info[4][0])
NODATA_value = info[5][0]

# init some things
startyear = int(years.split(',')[0])
endyear = int(years.split(',')[1])
times = []
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open and set NetCDF file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dimensions
fhandle = nc.Dataset(outfile, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
startTime = ('days since ' + str(startyear) + '-' + str(1).zfill(2) + '-' + str(1).zfill(2) + ' '
+ str(0).zfill(2) + ':' + str(0).zfill(2) + ':' + str(0).zfill(2))
varName = 'time'
dims = None
varAtt = ([['units' , startTime],
['calendar' , 'standard']])
thand = writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True, vartype='i4')
varAtt = ([['axis' , 'X']])
varName = 'xc'
dims = ncols
var = np.arange(xllcorner, xllcorner + ncols * cellsize, cellsize)
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True)
varAtt = ([['axis' , 'Y']])
varName = 'yc'
dims = nrows
var = np.arange(yllcorner + nrows * cellsize, yllcorner, -cellsize)
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True)
# Variables
# lon
varAtt = ([['units' , 'degrees_east'],
['long_name' , 'longitude' ]])
varName = 'lon'
var = readnetcdf(latlonfile,var=varName)
dims = ['yc','xc']
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, comp=True)
# lat
varAtt = ([['units' , 'degrees_north'],
['long_name' , 'latitude' ]])
varName = 'lat'
var = readnetcdf(latlonfile,var=varName)
dims = ['yc','xc']
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, comp=True)
# create variable and write attributes of it to NetCDF file
varAtt = ([['long_name' , variable_long_name ],
['units' , variable_unit ],
['_FillValue' , float(info[5][0]) ],
['coordinates' , 'lon lat' ]])
varName = variable
#var = mask_upscale
dims = ['time','yc','xc']
vhandle = writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, attributes=varAtt, vartype='f8',comp=True)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read binary files
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Format C Type Python type Standard size
# i int integer 4
# I unsigned int integer 4
# l long integer 4
# L unsigned long integer 4
# f float float 4
# d double float 8
# s char[] string
from_day = 0
to_day = 0
for iyear in range(startyear, endyear+1):
leap = (((iyear % 4) == 0) & ((iyear % 100) != 0)) | ((iyear % 400) == 0)
days_year = 365 + leap
bindata = open(indir + str(iyear) + '.bin', "rb").read()
values = np.array(struct.unpack(astr(ncols*nrows*days_year)+'f',bindata[0:4*ncols*nrows*days_year]))
# create daily fields and roll axis, because for netcdf writer first dimension has to be time
var = np.rollaxis(np.reshape(values, (nrows, ncols, days_year), order='Fortran'),2,0)
from_day = to_day
to_day = to_day + days_year
# write data to nc file
writenetcdf(fhandle, vhandle, var=var, time=np.arange(from_day, to_day))
# write time steps to nc
times = np.arange(from_day, to_day)
writenetcdf(fhandle, thand , time=np.arange(times[0], times[-1]+1), var=times)
# close netcdf
#!/usr/bin/env python
# purpose: conversion of binary files to netcdf files
# written: Juliane Mai & Matthias Zink Feb 2014
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import struct
from writenetcdf import writenetcdf # from ufz
from readnetcdf import readnetcdf # from ufz
from fread import fread # from ufz
from autostring import astr # from ufz

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command line arguments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

headerfile = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/header.txt'
outfile = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/'
indir = '../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/'
years = '1989,1993'
latlonfile = '../test_basin/input/latlon/'
variable = 'pre'
variable_long_name = 'daily sum of precipitation'
variable_unit = 'mm d-1'

import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]',
description="Converts binary input files for mHM within <years> stored under <indir> with header information from <headerfile> into NetCDF file <outfile>.")

# usage example with command line arguments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Precipitation:
# python -f ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/header.txt -o ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/ -i ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/ -y 1989,1993 -c ../test_basin/input/latlon/ -v pre -l 'daily sum of precipitation' -u 'mm d-1'
# Temperature
# python -f '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/header.txt' -o '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/' -i '../test_basin/input/meteo/tavg/' -y '1989,1993' -c '../test_basin/input/latlon/' -v 'tavg' -l 'daily mean air temperature' -u 'degC'
# python -f '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/header.txt' -o '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/' -i '../test_basin/input/meteo/pet/' -y '1989,1993' -c '../test_basin/input/latlon/' -v 'pet' -l 'daily sum of potential evapotranspiration' -u 'mm d-1'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

parser.add_option('-f', '--header', action='store', dest='headerfile', type='string',
default=headerfile, metavar='Header file.',
help='Header file containing information about e.g. number of rows and columns. (default: header.txt).')
parser.add_option('-o', '--outfile', action='store', dest='outfile', type='string',
default=outfile, metavar='NetCDF file.',
help='Name of NetCDF file. (default: outfile=../test_basin/input/meteo/')
parser.add_option('-i', '--indir', action='store', dest='indir', type='string',
default=indir, metavar='Directory of *.bin files.',
help='Directory containing annual files [YYYY].bin (default: ../test_basin/input/meteo/pre/).')
parser.add_option('-y', '--years', action='store', dest='years', type='string',
default=years, metavar='Years of *.bin files.',
help='Yearly files to be converted via -y <from year>,<to year> (default: "1989,1993").')
parser.add_option('-c', '--coordinates', action='store', dest='latlonfile', type='string',
default=latlonfile, metavar='Latlon file.',
help='NetCDF containing latitude and longitide grid. You may use ' +
'(default: ../test_basin/input/latlon/')
parser.add_option('-v', '--varname', action='store', dest='variable', type='string',
default=variable, metavar='NetCDF Variable.',
help='Variable name used in NetCDF and has to be exactly one of {pre, tavg, pet} (default: pre).')
parser.add_option('-l', '--varnamelong', action='store', dest='variable_long_name', type='string',
default=variable_long_name, metavar='Long_name in NetCDF.',
help='Attribute long_name of variable in NetCDF (default: "daily sum of precipitation").')
parser.add_option('-u', '--variable_unit', action='store', dest='variable_unit', type='string',
default=variable_unit, metavar='Unit in NetCDF.',
help='The attribute unit of variable in NetCDF (default: "mm d-1").')

(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

headerfile = opts.headerfile
outfile = opts.outfile
indir = opts.indir
years = opts.years
latlonfile = opts.latlonfile
variable = opts.variable
variable_long_name = opts.variable_long_name
variable_unit = opts.variable_unit

del parser, opts, args

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read header file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# info = (ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value)
info = fread(headerfile,cskip=1)

ncols = int(info[0][0])
nrows = int(info[1][0])
xllcorner = info[2][0]
yllcorner = info[3][0]
cellsize = int(info[4][0])
NODATA_value = info[5][0]

# init some things
startyear = int(years.split(',')[0])
endyear = int(years.split(',')[1])
times = []
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open and set NetCDF file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dimensions
fhandle = nc.Dataset(outfile, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
startTime = ('days since ' + str(startyear) + '-' + str(1).zfill(2) + '-' + str(1).zfill(2) + ' '
+ str(0).zfill(2) + ':' + str(0).zfill(2) + ':' + str(0).zfill(2))
varName = 'time'
dims = None
varAtt = ([['units' , startTime],
['calendar' , 'standard']])
thand = writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True, vartype='i4')
varAtt = ([['axis' , 'X']])
varName = 'xc'
dims = ncols
var = np.arange(xllcorner, xllcorner + ncols * cellsize, cellsize)
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True)
varAtt = ([['axis' , 'Y']])
varName = 'yc'
dims = nrows
var = np.arange(yllcorner + nrows * cellsize, yllcorner, -cellsize)
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, isdim=True)
# Variables
# lon
varAtt = ([['units' , 'degrees_east'],
['long_name' , 'longitude' ]])
varName = 'lon'
var = readnetcdf(latlonfile,var=varName)
dims = ['yc','xc']
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, comp=True)
# lat
varAtt = ([['units' , 'degrees_north'],
['long_name' , 'latitude' ]])
varName = 'lat'
var = readnetcdf(latlonfile,var=varName)
dims = ['yc','xc']
writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, var=var, attributes=varAtt, comp=True)
# create variable and write attributes of it to NetCDF file
varAtt = ([['long_name' , variable_long_name ],
['units' , variable_unit ],
['_FillValue' , float(info[5][0]) ],
['coordinates' , 'lon lat' ]])
varName = variable
#var = mask_upscale
dims = ['time','yc','xc']
vhandle = writenetcdf(fhandle, name=varName, dims=dims, attributes=varAtt, vartype='f8',comp=True)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read binary files
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Format C Type Python type Standard size
# i int integer 4
# I unsigned int integer 4
# l long integer 4
# L unsigned long integer 4
# f float float 4
# d double float 8
# s char[] string
from_day = 0
to_day = 0
for iyear in range(startyear, endyear+1):
leap = (((iyear % 4) == 0) & ((iyear % 100) != 0)) | ((iyear % 400) == 0)
days_year = 365 + leap
bindata = open(indir + str(iyear) + '.bin', "rb").read()
values = np.array(struct.unpack(astr(ncols*nrows*days_year)+'f',bindata[0:4*ncols*nrows*days_year]))
# create daily fields and roll axis, because for netcdf writer first dimension has to be time
var = np.rollaxis(np.reshape(values, (nrows, ncols, days_year), order='Fortran'),2,0)
from_day = to_day
to_day = to_day + days_year
# write data to nc file
writenetcdf(fhandle, vhandle, var=var, time=np.arange(from_day, to_day))
# write time steps to nc
times = np.arange(from_day, to_day)
writenetcdf(fhandle, thand , time=np.arange(times[0], times[-1]+1), var=times)
# close netcdf


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