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trunk: MERGED branch mai containing solved task <automatic mHM check …
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Juliane Mai committed Feb 11, 2014
2 parents aa31938 + 7bf6396 commit 74a837c
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Showing 14 changed files with 6,531 additions and 5,883 deletions.
23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions check/README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@

To run all the test cases type

$ make test
$ cd check/
$ ./

on your command line. If test case was running properly, i.e. is
consistent with the pre-defined output, command line output will be
Expand All @@ -20,12 +21,26 @@ will be written on standard output. Additionally, you will find a file
mhm.output in each specific test case folder case_[id]/ containing the
mHM print-outs. Inspecting this file might help you to find the reason
of failure. Only if all test cases pass the make test, a new feature
of mHM is allowed to be committed via
of mHM is allowed to be merged back to the trunk which consists of two

$ svn commit -m "mo_[module name]: I have added this feature."
(1) Update your branch to current status of the trunk, i.e.
include features already apparent in the trunk but not your branch

$ cd my-branch/
$ svn merge
$ svn commit -m "mhm: branches: my-branch: I have the current trunk \
in my branch and solved all conflicts"

(2) Merge your branch to the trunk

$ cd trunk/
$ svn merge --reintegrate
$ svn commit -m "mhm: trunk: successfully integrated feature \

Please be aware that the test cases only include switches specified
within a namelist. This means that you should run "make test" with
within a namelist. This means that you should run "./" with
the Makefile setting for

(1a) compiler = Gnu
Expand Down
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions check/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Runs mHM with different settings specified in namelists.
# $ ./
# This script has to be run successfully without failure statements before
# a new feature is merged back to the trunk of mHM.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To run all the test cases on (s)ystem "eve" with (c)ompiler "nag53" in (r)elease mode "debug"
# type

# $ cd check/
# $ ./ -s eve -c nag53 -r debug

# on your command line. If test case was running properly, i.e. is
# consistent with the pre-defined output, command line output will be

# $ ###########################
# $ # case_[id] o.k. #
# $ ###########################
# $ using
# $ System: eve
# $ Compiler: nag53
# $ Release: debug

# otherwise, if the test scenario failed either during runtime or
# because of inconsistent output

# $ ###########################
# $ # case_[id] failed #
# $ ###########################
# $ using
# $ System: eve
# $ Compiler: nag53
# $ Release: debug

# will be written on standard output. Additionally, you will find a file
# mhm.output in each specific test case folder case_[id]/ containing the
# mHM print-outs. Inspecting this file might help you to find the reason
# of failure. Only if all test cases pass the make test, a new feature
# of mHM is allowed to be merged back to the trunk which consists of two
# steps:

# (1) Update your branch to current status of the trunk, i.e.
# include features already apparent in the trunk but not your branch

# $ cd my-branch/
# $ svn merge
# $ svn commit -m "mhm: branches: my-branch: I have the current trunk \
# in my branch and solved all conflicts"

# (2) Merge your branch to the trunk

# $ cd trunk/
# $ svn merge --reintegrate
# $ svn commit -m "mhm: trunk: successfully integrated feature \
# <this-is-the-feature>"

# Please be aware that the test cases only include switches specified
# within a namelist. This means that you should run "./" with
# different compilers and in release/debug. These settings can be made
# by using the optional arguments of, i.e. "-c", "-r", "-s".

# The test cases specified so far are:

# case 0 :: DEFAULT

# restart_flag_states_read = .TRUE. (default: .FALSE.)
# restart_flag_states_write = .TRUE. (default: .TRUE. )
# restart_flag_config_read = .TRUE. (default: .FALSE.)
# restart_flag_config_write = .TRUE. (default: .TRUE. )

# processCase(8) = 0 (default: 1)

# optimize = .TRUE. (default: .FALSE.)
# opti_method = 1 (default: 3 )
# nIterations = 6 (default: 400 )

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2014 Juliane Mai
# License
# This file is part of the UFZ CHS mesoscale hydrologic model mHM.
# The UFZ CHS mesoscale hydrologic model mHM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The UFZ CHS mesoscale hydrologic model mHM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# eve
# :: gnu45 :: release --> ok
# :: gnu46 :: release --> ok
# :: intel11 :: release --> ok
# :: intel12 :: release --> ok
# :: nag53 :: release -->

# :: gnu45 :: debug --> ok
# :: gnu46 :: debug --> ok
# :: intel11 :: debug --> ok
# :: intel12 :: debug --> ok
# :: nag53 :: debug --> ok

set -e
set -o pipefail
# Perform a cleanup if script is interupted
# trap cleanup 1 2 3 6 # output and error messages will be lost
pprog=$(basename ${prog})
dprog=$(dirname ${prog})
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function usage () {
printf "${pprog} [directory]\n"
printf "Checks mHM for different scenarios specified in namelists (case_* folders). \n"
printf "The (s)ystem, (c)ompiler, and (r)elease settings used by the Makefile can be specified optionally.\n"
printf "\n"
printf "Input\n"
printf " None.\n"
printf "\n"
printf "Options\n"
printf " -h Prints this help screen.\n"
printf " -c Compilers used to generate a mHM executable, e.g. 'gnu' \n"
printf " (DEFAULT: all found on specified system)\n"
printf " -r Release or debug mode, e.g. 'release'\n"
printf " (DEFAULT: debug)\n"
printf " -s System on which mHM will be compiled, e.g. 'eve' "
printf " (DEFAULT: eve). \n"
printf "\n"
printf "Example\n"
printf " ${pprog} -c gnu45 -s eve -r debug\n"

# cleanup at end wnd when interupted
function cleanup ()
cd ${isdir}
if [ -f 'mhm_for_check' ] ; then \rm 'mhm_for_check' ; fi

case_dirs=$(\ls -d case_*)
for case_dir in ${case_dirs} ; do
cd ${case_dir}
if [ -f 'cdo.error' ] ; then \rm 'cdo.error' ; fi
if [ -f 'cdo.out' ] ; then \rm 'cdo.out' ; fi
if [ -f 'cdo.terminal' ] ; then \rm 'cdo.terminal' ; fi
if [ -f 'dds_results.out' ] ; then \rm 'dds_results.out' ; fi
if [ -f 'mhm_terminal.out' ] ; then \rm 'mhm_terminal.out' ; fi
if [ -f 'mhm_for_check' ] ; then \rm 'mhm_for_check' ; fi
\rm -r output_b1
mkdir output_b1
\rm -r output_b2
mkdir output_b2
cd ..

cd ..
make clean

# global variables

# switches
while getopts "c:hr:s:" Option ; do
case ${Option} in
h) usage 1>&2; exit 0;;
c) compilers="${OPTARG}";;
r) release="${OPTARG}";;
s) system="${OPTARG}";;
*) printf "Error ${pprog}: unimplemented option.\n\n"; usage 1>&2; exit 1;;
shift $((${OPTIND} - 1))

if [[ ${compilers} == '' ]] ; then
compilers=$(\ls ../make.config/${system}.* | grep -v 'alias' | grep -v 'gnu41' | grep -v 'gnu44' | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 2)

for compiler in ${compilers} ; do

# Compile mHM
cd ..
# echo ''
# echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'
# echo 'Setup compilation: '
# echo 'make system='${system}' compiler='${compiler}' release='${release}' PROGNAME='${mhm_exe}
# echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'
# echo ''
make system=${system} compiler=${compiler} release=${release} PROGNAME=${mhm_exe}

cd check
case_dirs=$(\ls -d case_*)
# case_dirs=$(\ls -d case_0)

for case_dir in ${case_dirs} ; do
echo ''
echo '##################################################################################################################'
echo '# '${case_dir}' will be checked ... #'
echo '##################################################################################################################'
echo ''
cd ${case_dir}

# remove old exe and link recently compiled
if [ -f ${mhm_exe} ] ; then
\rm ${mhm_exe}
ln -s ../../${mhm_exe}

# run mhm
echo ' mhm is running ...'
./${mhm_exe} > 'mhm_terminal.out'

# mhm was running till the end?
found=$(grep 'mHM: Finished!' mhm_terminal.out)
if [[ ${found} == 'mHM: Finished!' ]] ; then
echo ' mhm finished'

# load cdo
cdo -h diffn 1> cdo.out 2> cdo.error || true
if [[ $(more cdo.error) != '' ]] ; then
echo ' try to load module cdo ...'
source /etc/profile.d/ || true
module load cdo || true
cdo -h diffn 1> cdo.out 2> cdo.error || true
if [[ $(more cdo.error) != '' ]] ; then
echo ' cdo not installed, but necessary for checking mhm outputs'
echo ' Abort'
exit 1
echo ' cdo is loaded'
echo ' cdo is installed'
echo ''

# compare outputs in output_b1/ with reference ones in output_save/
cd output_save
nc_files=$(\ls *.nc)
cd ..
for nc_file in ${nc_files} ; do
# cdo -b 16 :: precision=double=16bit

echo ' * cdo diff output_save/'${nc_file}' output_b1/'${nc_file}
cdo -s diffn output_save/${nc_file} output_b1/${nc_file} > cdo.terminal
iRecordsDiffer=$( grep -i 'differ' cdo.terminal | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d 'o')
echo ' Number of records that differ more than 0.001: '${iRecordsDiffer}
if ((iRecordsDiffer > 0)) ; then
echo ' -------------------'
echo ' Details '
echo ' -------------------'
cdo diffn output_save/${nc_file} output_b1/${nc_file}
echo ' -------------------'

echo ''
echo ' Total Number of records that differ more than 0.001: '${nRecordsDiffer}

if (( ${nRecordsDiffer} == 0 )) ; then
echo ''
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' # '${case_dir}' o.k. #'
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' using'
echo ' System: '${system}
echo ' Compiler: '${compiler}
echo ' Release: '${release}
echo ''
echo ''
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' # '${case_dir}' failed #'
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' using'
echo ' System: '${system}
echo ' Compiler: '${compiler}
echo ' Release: '${release}
echo ''
cd ..
echo ' mhm was aborted'
echo ''
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' # '${case_dir}' failed #'
echo ' ###########################'
echo ' using'
echo ' System: '${system}
echo ' Compiler: '${compiler}
echo ' Release: '${release}
echo ''

done # case loop

if ((nRecordsDiffer_allCases > 0)) ; then
echo ''
echo '##################################################################################################################'
echo '# At least one case failed in this comiler setup #'
echo '# is aborted without cleaning up the output in the case directories, #'
echo '# such that it can be used to identify the bug #'
echo '##################################################################################################################'
exit 1

done # compiler loop

# Clean up mhm directory
echo ''
echo '##################################################################################################################'
echo '# All cases with the speciefied compilers were o.k. #'
echo '# Output is cleaned up. #'
echo '##################################################################################################################'
echo ''

exit 0

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