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trunk: added mrm_outputs.nml, pre-proc/; updated pre-proc/…
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StephanThober committed Oct 15, 2015
1 parent 0bb5a03 commit 4c13a2a
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Showing 4 changed files with 232 additions and 6 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions check/case_00/mrm_outputs.nml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@

! Emacs: -*- mode: f90 -*-
!1) First give the timestep for writing gridded model outputs
! It should be integer and has to be perfectly divisible
! by the number of total modeling time steps
!2) Define main outputs of the model as namelist
! the particular output flag is specified as .TRUE. / .FALSE
! for writing /not writing the output to a file
! SYNTAX = ".TRUE." or ".FALSE."
! switch to control write out frequency of the gridded model outputs below
! >0: after each <timeStep_model_outputs> time steps
! 0: only at end of run
! -1: daily
! -2: monthly
! -3: yearly
timeStep_model_outputs_mrm = -1
! 1. Fluxes
! routed streamflow (L1_qMod) [mm] -- case 1

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions mrm_outputs.nml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@

! Emacs: -*- mode: f90 -*-
!1) First give the timestep for writing gridded model outputs
! It should be integer and has to be perfectly divisible
! by the number of total modeling time steps
!2) Define main outputs of the model as namelist
! the particular output flag is specified as .TRUE. / .FALSE
! for writing /not writing the output to a file
! SYNTAX = ".TRUE." or ".FALSE."
! switch to control write out frequency of the gridded model outputs below
! >0: after each <timeStep_model_outputs> time steps
! 0: only at end of run
! -1: daily
! -2: monthly
! -3: yearly
timeStep_model_outputs_mrm = -1
! 1. Fluxes
! routed streamflow (L1_qMod) [mm] -- case 1

25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions pre-proc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,8 +90,9 @@ def latlon_to_nc(fhandle, lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal, suffix):
# specifies the grid properties
# for example, use a copy of the header.txt
# and adapt cellsize, ncols, nrows to your hydrologic resolution
headerfile_l1 = ''
headerfile_l0 = ''
headerfile_l11 = ''
headerfile_l1 = ''
headerfile_l0 = ''

# path to the output file, is hard-coded in mHM
Expand All @@ -117,16 +118,20 @@ def latlon_to_nc(fhandle, lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal, suffix):
parser.add_option('-g', '--header_l1', action='store', dest='headerfile_l1', type='string',
default=headerfile_l1, metavar='Header file for level 1',
help='Header file containing information about e.g. number of rows and columns at level 1. (default: header.txt).')
parser.add_option('-e', '--header_l11', action='store', dest='headerfile_l11', type='string',
default=headerfile_l11, metavar='Header file for level 11',
help='Header file containing information about e.g. number of rows and columns at level 1. (default: header.txt).')
parser.add_option('-o', '--outfile', action='store', dest='outfile', type='string',
default=outfile, metavar='NetCDF file',
help='Name of NetCDF file. (default:')

(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

headerfile_l1 = opts.headerfile_l1
headerfile_l0 = opts.headerfile_l0
outfile = opts.outfile
coord_sys = opts.coord_sys
headerfile_l11 = opts.headerfile_l11
headerfile_l1 = opts.headerfile_l1
headerfile_l0 = opts.headerfile_l0
outfile = opts.outfile
coord_sys = opts.coord_sys

# check whether any headerfiles are given
if headerfile_l0 == '' and headerfile_l1 == '':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +168,14 @@ def latlon_to_nc(fhandle, lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal, suffix):
# write lat and lon for level 1 to file
latlon_to_nc(fhandle, lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal, suffix)
if headerfile_l11 != '':
# get lat lon for level 1 header file
lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal = header_to_latlon(headerfile_l1, coord_sys)
suffix = ['_l11', ' at level 11']
# write lat and lon for level 1 to file
latlon_to_nc(fhandle, lons, lats, xx, yy, missVal, suffix)

# close netcdf dataset
print outfile + " created."
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions pre-proc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
usage: [-h] [-c 1] [-l headerlines] [-u usgsidline] [-o outfile] [infile]
This is the Python script to convert tab-separated discharge values from usgs (for example,
obtained from to mRM discharge files. Values can also be
converted from [ft3 s-1] to [m3 s-1]. If a value is missing, nodata value -9999 will be
used. If the flag by USGS is indicating that the data is not approved, a warning for this
timestep is going to be issued, but the values are used nevertheless.
positional arguments:
infile Mandatory input file containing the USGS discharge data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c 1 flag for unit conversion from ft to m (1 - yes (default), 0 - no)
-l headerlines number of headerlines (default 28)
-u usgsidline line containing the USGS ID (default 14)
-o outfile output file, if not given, output is written to standard out
python -c 1 -l 28 -u 14 -o mrm.txt usgs.txt
This file is part of the UFZ Python library.
The UFZ Python library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The UFZ Python library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with The UFZ Python library. If not, see <>.
Copyright 2012-2015 Stephan Thober
Written, Stephan Thober, Oct 2015
if __name__ == '__main__':
import numpy as np
from re import search
from sys import stdout

convert = 1
infile = ''
outfile = ''
headlines = 28
usgsIDline = 14
nodata = -9999.
# obtain arguments
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
outfile = ''
parser = ArgumentParser(
formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
description = '''This is the Python script to convert tab-separated discharge values from usgs (for example,
obtained from to mRM discharge files. Values can also be
converted from [ft3 s-1] to [m3 s-1]. If a value is missing, nodata value -9999 will be
used. If the flag by USGS is indicating that the data is not approved, a warning for this
timestep is going to be issued, but the values are used nevertheless.
parser.add_argument('-c', '--convert',
action = 'store',
default = convert,
dest = 'convert',
metavar = 'convert',
help = "convert from ft to m (1 - yes (default), 0 - no)")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--headerline',
action = 'store',
default = headlines,
dest = 'headlines',
metavar = 'headlines',
help = "number of header lines in input file")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--usgsidline',
action = 'store',
default = usgsIDline,
dest = 'usgsIDline',
metavar = 'usgsIDline',
help = "line containing the USGS ID")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile',
action = 'store',
default = outfile,
dest = 'outfile',
metavar = 'outfile',
help = "output file, if not given, output is written to standard out")
nargs = '?',
default = None,
metavar = 'infile',
help = 'Mandatory input file containing the lat lon coordinates')
args = parser.parse_args()
convert = args.convert
headlines = args.headlines
usgsIDline = args.usgsIDline
infile = args.file
outfile = args.outfile
del parser, args

# factor for convert ft^3 in mm^3
if == 1:
ft2m = 0.3048 # one ft is 0.3048 m
ft2m = 1.

# read file
fi = open(infile, 'r')
indata = fi.readlines()

# get usgs ID from indata
usgsid = search('[0-9]{8}', indata[usgsIDline]).group()

# create arrays
Ndata = len(indata) - headlines
# create list for dates
date = list()
# create array for measurements
value = np.zeros(Ndata)

# read value and date
for ii in np.arange(Ndata):
readStr = indata[headlines + ii].split('\t')
if readStr[-1] != 'A\n':
print('***Warning: value at date ' + readStr[2] + ' is not approved!')
date.append(readStr[2].replace('-', ' '))
if readStr[3] == '':
value[ii] = nodata
value[ii] = np.float(readStr[3]) * ft2m

# open standard out
if outfile != '':
fo = open(outfile, 'w')
fo = stdout
# write header
fo.write(usgsid + ' Gauge 1 (daily discharge)\n')
fo.write('n 1 measurements per day [1, ' + str(Ndata) + ']\n')
fo.write('start ' + date[0] + ' 00 00 (YYYY MM DD HH MM)\n')
fo.write('end ' + date[-1] + ' 00 00 (YYYY MM DD HH MM)\n')
# write data
for ii in np.arange(Ndata):
writeStr = date[ii] + ' 00 00{:11.3f}\n'.format(value[ii])
if outfile != '':

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