- Like the tagline says, where text starts. It is such a handy app and concept. But I spend a lot of time in Windows.
- Get content from Windows into Drafts App
- Get Windows command line output to Drafts. Wrapper scripts take commands and redirect output to a Dropbox file, overwriting previous content.
- Copy the content from DropboxToDrafts.js to a Drafts action.
- Or import from the Drafts Actions directory.
- Develop a process to create Drafts with content from existing files. This is useful with the iOS Workflow/Shortcuts app too. And iOS Shortcuts are easy to automate with Siri voice commands.
- Instead of using one file, use a single purpose folder. Drafts checks all files. When the Drafts action imports the draft it will erase the content.
- DOS file formats (CR/LF). I use a dos2unix function in the PowerShell profile to fix file format issues.
- Drafts App is iOS and macOS beta only.