sphinx: a password Store that Perfectly Hides from Itself (No Xaggeration)
libsphinx is a cryptographic password storage as described in https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1099
and as presented by the Levchin Prize winner 2018 Hugo Krawczyk on Real World Crypto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px8hiyf81iM
it also implements:
- the PKI-free PAKE protocol as specified on page 18 of the same publication
- The OPAQUE protocol as specified on page 28 of: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/163 - see also OPAQUE.md
It allows you to have only a few (at least one) passwords that you need to remember, while at the same time provides unique 40 (ASCII) character long very random passwords (256 bit entropy). Your master password is encrypted (blinded) and sent to the password storage server which (without decrypting) combines your encrypted password with a big random number and sends this (still encrypted) back to you, where you can decrypt it (it's a kind of end-to-end encryption of passwords) and use the resulting unique, strong and very random password to register/login to various services. The resulting strong passwords make offline password cracking attempts infeasible. If say you use this with google and their password database is leaked your password will still be safe.
How is this different from my password storage which stores the passwords in an encrypted database? Most importantly using an encrypted database is not "end-to-end" encrypted. Your master password is used to decrypt the database read out the password and send it back to you. This means whoever has your database can try to crack your master password on it, or can capture your master password while you type or send it over the network. Then all your passwords are compromised. If some attacker compromises your traditional password store it's mostly game over for you. Using sphinx the attacker controlling your password store learns nothing about your master nor your individual passwords. Also even if your strong password leaks, it's unique and cannot be used to login to other sites or services.
Install python
, libsodium
and libsodium-dev
using your operating system provided
package management.
Building everything should (hopefully) be quite simple afterwards:
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
cd src
libsphinx builds a library, which you can use to build your own password manager either in C/C++ or any other language that can bind to this library. The library also contains an experimental version of the PKI-free PAKE protocol from page 18 of the paper.
The Library exposes the following 3 functions for the FK-PTR protocol (the password storage):
void sphinx_challenge(const uint8_t *pwd, const size_t p_len, uint8_t *bfac, uint8_t *chal);
- pwd, p_len: are input params, containing the master password and its length
- bfac: is an output param, it's a pointer to an array of
(32) bytes - the blinding factor - chal: is an output param, it's a pointer to an array of
(32) bytes - the challenge
int sphinx_respond(const uint8_t *chal, const uint8_t *secret, uint8_t *resp);
- chal: is an input param, it is the challenge from the challenge()
function, it has to be a
(32) bytes big array - secret: is an input param, it is the "secret" contribution from the
device, it is a
(32) bytes long array - resp: is an output parameter, it is the result of this step, it
must be a
(32) byte sized array - the function returns 1 on error, 0 on success
int sphinx_finish(const uint8_t *pwd, const size_t p_len,
const uint8_t *bfac, const uint8_t *resp,
uint8_t *rwd);
- pwd: is an input param, it specifies the password again.
- p_len: is an input param, it specifies the password length
- bfac: is an input param, it is the bfac output from challenge(),
it is array of
(32) bytes - resp: is an input parameter, it's the response from respond(), it
is a
(32) byte sized array - rwd: is an output param, the derived (binary) password, it is a
(32) byte array - this function returns 1 on error, 0 on success
The following functions implement the PKI-free PAKE protocol, (for the
explanation of the various parameters please see the original paper
and the src/tests/pake-test.c
example file):
void pake_server_init(uint8_t *p_s, uint8_t *P_s);
This function is called when setting up a new server. It creates a long-term identity keypair. The public key needs to be shared with all clients, the secret key needs to be well protected and persisted for later usage.
void pake_client_init(const uint8_t *rwd, const size_t rwd_len,
const uint8_t *P_s,
uint8_t k_s[32], uint8_t c[32],
uint8_t C[32], uint8_t P_u[32], uint8_t m_u[32]);
This function needs to be run on the client when registering at a server. The output parameters need to be sent to the server.
void pake_start_pake(const uint8_t *rwd, const size_t rwd_len,
uint8_t alpha[32], uint8_t x_u[32],
uint8_t X_u[32], uint8_t sp[32]);
The client initiates a "login" to the server with this function.
int pake_server_pake(const uint8_t alpha[32], const uint8_t X_u[32], // input params
const uint8_t k_s[32], const uint8_t P_u[32],
const uint8_t p_s[32],
uint8_t beta[32], uint8_t X_s[32], // output params
uint8_t SK[DECAF_X25519_PUBLIC_BYTES]);
This function implements the "login" on the server, it reuses the data received when registering the user, and some other parameters that came out of start_pake() when the client initiated the "login". At successful completion SK should be a shared secret with the client. On error the function return 1, otherwise 0.
int pake_user_pake(const uint8_t *rwd, const size_t rwd_len, const uint8_t sp[32],
const uint8_t x_u[32], const uint8_t beta[32], const uint8_t c[32],
const uint8_t C[32], const uint8_t P_u[32], const uint8_t m_u[32],
const uint8_t P_s[32], const uint8_t X_s[32],
uint8_t SK[DECAF_X25519_PUBLIC_BYTES]);
This function finalizes the "login" on the client side. At successful completion SK should be a shared secret with the server. On error the function return 1, otherwise 0.
The following functions implement the OPAQUE protocol with the following deviations:
- does not implement any persistence/lookup functionality.
- instead of HMQV (which is patented) it implements a Triple-DH instead.
- it implements "user iterated hashing" from page 29 of the paper
- additionally implements a variant where U secrets never hit S unprotected
For more information please see the original paper and the
example file.
int storePwdFile(const uint8_t *pw, Opaque_UserRecord *rec);
This function implements the same function from the paper. This
function runs on the server and creates a new output record rec
secret key material partly encrypted with a key derived from the input
password pw
. The server needs to implement the storage of this
record and any binding to user names or as the paper suggests sid
void usrSession(const uint8_t *pw, Opaque_UserSession_Secret *sec, Opaque_UserSession *pub);
This function initiates a new OPAQUE session, is the same as the
function defined in the paper with the same name. The User initiates a
new session by providing its input password pw
, and receving a
private sec
and a "public" pub
output parameter. The User should
protect the sec
value until later in the protocol and send the pub
value over to the Server, which process this with the following function:
int srvSession(const Opaque_UserSession *pub, const Opaque_UserRecord *rec, Opaque_ServerSession *resp, uint8_t *sk);
This is the same function as defined in the paper with the same
name. It runs on the server and receives the output pub
from the
user running usrSession()
, futhermore the server needs to load the
user record created when registering the user with the storePwdFile()
function. These input parameters are transformed into a secret/shared
session key sk
and a response resp
to be sent back to the user to
finish the protocol with the following userSessionEnd()
int userSessionEnd(const Opaque_ServerSession *resp, const Opaque_UserSession_Secret *sec, const uint8_t *pw, uint8_t *pk);
This is the same function as defined in the paper with the same
name. It is run by the user, and recieves as input the response from
the previous server srvSession()
function as well as the sec
from running the usrSession()
function that initiated this protocol,
the user password pw
is also needed as an input to this final
step. All these input parameters are transformed into a shared/secret
session key pk
, which should be the same as the one calculated by
the srvSession()
The paper original proposes a very simple 1 shot interface for registering a new "user", however this has the drawback that in that case the users secrets and its password are exposed in cleartext at registration to the server. There is a much less efficient 4 message registration protocol which avoids the exposure of the secrets and the password to the server which can be instantiated by the following for registration functions:
void newUser(const uint8_t *pw, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *alpha);
The user inputs its password pw
, and receives an ephemeral secret
and a blinded value alpha
as output. r
should be protected
until step 3 of this registration protocol and the value alpha
should be passed to the servers initUser()
int initUser(const uint8_t *alpha, Opaque_RegisterSec *sec, Opaque_RegisterPub *pub);
The server receives alpha
from the users invocation of its
function, it outputs a value sec
which needs to be
protected until step 4 by the server. This function also outputs a
value pub
which needs to be passed to the user who will use it in
its registerUser()
int registerUser(const uint8_t *pw, const uint8_t *r, const Opaque_RegisterPub *pub, Opaque_UserRecord *rec);
This function is run by the user, taking as input the users password
, the ephemeral secret r
that was an output of the user running
, and the output pub
from the servers run of
. The result of this is the value rec
which should be
passed for the last step to the servers saveUser()
void saveUser(const Opaque_RegisterSec *sec, const Opaque_RegisterPub *pub, Opaque_UserRecord *rec);
The server combines the sec
value from its run of its initUser()
function with the rec
output of the users registerUser()
creating the final record, which should be the same as the output of
the 1-step storePwdFile()
init function of the paper. The server
should save this record in combination with a user id and/or sid
value as suggested in the paper.
void opaque_f(const uint8_t *k, const size_t k_len, const uint8_t val, uint8_t *res);
This is a simple utility function that can be used to calculate
, where c
is a constant, this is useful if the peers want to
authenticate each other.
If the server wants to authenticate itself to the user it sends the
user the output auth
of opaque_f(sk,sizeof sk, 1, auth)
, where
is the output from srvSession()
. The user then verifies if this
is the same as the result of opaque_f(pk,sizeof pk, 1, auth2)
where pk
is the result from userSessionEnd()
For the other direction, user authenticating to the server, reverse
the operations and use the value 2 for c
instead of 1:
opaque_f(pk,sizeof pk, 2, auth)
-> opaque_f(sk,sizeof sk, 2, auth2)
and make sure auth==auth2
libsphinx comes with very simple binaries implementing the sphinx protocol, so you can build your own password storage even from shell scripts. There are no such binaries provided for the PKI-free PAKE nor the OPAQUE protocols. Each step in the SPHINX protocol is handled by one binary:
The following creates a challenge for a device:
echo -n "shitty master password" | ./challenge >c 2>b
The master password is passed in through standard input.
The challenge is sent to standard output.
A blinding factor is stored in a tempfile, the name of this file is output to stderr. This tempfile is needed in the last step again.
Pass the challenge from step 1 on standard input like:
./respond secret <c >r0
The response is sent to standard output.
To derive a (currently hex) password, pass the response from step 2 on standard input and the filename of the tempfile from step 1 like:
fname=$(cat b) ./derive $fname <r0 >pwd0
The derived password is sent to standard output and currently is a 32 byte binary string. Please note that currently this only outputs the unblinded H(pwd)^k, for the full protocol this should be hashed again with the password prepended.
The output from step 3 is a 32 byte binary string, most passwords have some
limitations to accept only printable - ASCII - chars. bin2pass.py
is a python
script in the pwdsphinx python module which takes a binary input on standard
input and transforms it into an ASCII password. It can have max two parameters
the classes of characters allowed ([u]pper-, [l]ower-case letters,
[d]igits and [s]ymbols) and the size of the password. The following
examples should make this clear:
Full ASCII, max size:
./bin2pass.py <pwd0
no symbols, max size:
./bin2pass.py uld <pwd0
no symbols, 8 chars:
./bin2pass.py uld 8 <pwd0
only digits, 4 chars:
./bin2pass.py d 4 <pwd0
only letters, 16 chars:
./bin2pass.py ul 16 <pwd0