================================================================================ Text File Compare Tool August 6, 2019 Hitoshi Ozawa
Description Text File Compare Tool is a Java 1.6 command line tool to compare text files and output differences to specified output file. It can be used to compare files generated in test environment with those produced in production environment.
Requirements Oracle JDK 1.6
Setup (1) Depending on whether you're using MS Windows or Linux, execute "filecompare.bat" or "filecompare.sh" with appropriate arguments. Refer to section 3 for explanation on arguments. e.g. ./filecompare.sh -f file1.txt -g file2.txt -o output.txt
(2) Arguments may be set in a configuration file. file". Refer to section 4 for explanation on configuration settings.
Syntax usage: FileCompare [-a] [-b ] [-c ] [-d ] [-e ] [-f ] [-g ] [-h] [-i ] [-j ] [-o ] [-q] [-r ] [-s ] [-t] [-v] -a,--append append to existing output file -b,--buffer read ahead buffer size -c,--conf configuration file to use -d,--diffCnt max number of differing lines per file -e,--encoding file encoding -f,--file1 input file 1 -g,--file2 input file 2 -h,--help display this help -i,--dir1 input dir 1 -j,--dir2 input dir 2 -o,--output output log full path -q,--quiet hide console messages -r,--readahead number of rows to read ahead to find matching line -s,--separator output column separator character -t,--title output column header row -v,--version version
Configuration file Default arguments may be set in properties file Values specified by arguments will override values specified in configuration file.
append_flg append to existing output file include_header_flg output column header row file1_dir input file 1 file2_dir input file 2 file1_name input file 1 file2_name input file 2 output_filename output log full path encoding file encoding read_ahead_line_cnt number of rows to read ahead to find matching line buffer_size read ahead buffer size max_diff_line_cnt max number of differing lines per file column_separator output column separator character max_column_diff_length max characters of difference in a line to output quiet hide console messages
Example: append_flg=false include_header_flg=false #file1_dir= #file2_dir= #file1_name= #file2_name= #output_filename= encoding=Shift-JIS read_ahead_line_cnt=10 buffer_size=1000 max_diff_line_cnt=10 column_separator=, max_column_diff_length=10 quiet=false
filecompare.jar file compare Java program imagecropper_linux.properties sample configuration file for linux filecompare_example.properties sample configuration file filecompare.sh linux script filecompare.bat MS Windows script README.md this file LICENSE license file - Apache License, Version 2.0 NOTICE copyright notice sample/ directory with sample test images
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Releases 2019/08/06 v1.0 initial release