This app automatically buys crypto on your behalf on Quidax using their API while you sit back, relax and enjoy a cold one.
DCA core features include:
- Create purchase plans
- Pause ongoing purchase plans
- Recieve webhook events on transaction executed.
- Fetch all processed transactions
- See ongoing plans.
git clone <this_url> && cd <repo_name>
- Run
npm install
- Configure Server
- Create
- Update
with the current attributesNODE_ENV = development
string must be 32 in lengthENCRYPTION_IV = <ENCRYPTION_IV>
string must be 16 in lengthQUIDAX_SECRET_API = <QUIDAX_SECRET_API>
- Setup markets
npm run setup
- Create
- Run the app locally
npm run server
- config: This directory stores all of the configuration for the app.
- constants: This directory stores constants for the application.
- controllers: This directory stores all business logic.
- jobs: This folder contains all cron and backgroud jobs.
- middleware: This folder contains all application level middleware
- models: This folder contains data models for the application.
- plugins: This folder contains all custom plugins written for the application
- routes: This folder contains application level routes
- services: This folder contains all application services