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Transition-Based Reconfigurable FSM

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Transition-Based Reconfigurable FSM

Ever needed a reconfigurable FSM in your FPGA or ASIC design? The Transition-Based Reconfigurable FSM is a reconfigurable logic architecture which provides exactly that.

Exemplary state diagram of an FSM

Other FSM architectures implement the logic functions which "calculate" the output signals and the next state from the current state and the input signals. In contrast, the TR-FSM directly implements the FSM transitions (arrows in the image above) themselves. The TR-FSM architecture is built as a collection of reconfigurable transition rows (green boxes in the image below). Each FSM transition is mapped to one transition row. For more details see Sec. "Documentation".

Block Diagram of the TR-FSM Architecture

The TR-FSM is provided as a VHDL design with a number of generics to adjust the implementation (e.g., number of inputs, width of the state vector, ...). It is fully verified using testbenches as well as logical equivalence checking with actually implemented FSMs. Multiple different implementations were included and successfully used in two ASICs.

The TR-FSM is used by the Design Methodology for Custom Reconfigurable Logic Architectures This is a design methodology for the development of complete reconfigurable logic architectures (not just FSMs). The TR-FSM was developed in the course of this PhD work.

[email protected]

Directory Structure

README.rst                this file
doc/                      documentation, see Sec. Documentation below
vhdl/                     VHDL source code of the TR-FSM
vhdl_packs/               VHDL packages
tb/                       testbenches
sim/                      simulation setup for ModelSim/Questa Sim


More documentation for this project is stored in ./doc/.

  • arc2010.pdf is the initial conference publication [ARC2010] of the TR-FSM architecture
  • trets2011.pdf is the following journal publication [TRETS2011] and also features the first chip produced with the TR-FSM included
  • bibliography.bib: BibTeX file with the scientific publications


The TR-FSM implements a Mealy type FSM, i.e., the output signals depend on the current state and the input signals. In each state, the input signals are evaluated and the according state transition is activated to select the next state and the output value.


As shown in the image above, the TR-FSM is built as a collection of transition rows (TRs). Each TR implements one transition of the FSM, i.e., one input pattern as condition, one next state, and one output pattern. The state selection gates (SSGs) enable only those TRs, which implement transitions leaving from the current state. In each TR, a subset of the n_I input signals is selected by the input switching matrix (ISM). The maximum number n_T_m of observable signals is a characteristic of each TR and is termed "width". A TR-FSM instance consists of a different number of TRs with different widths.

The subset of inputs is evaluated by the input pattern gate (IPG). If it matches a given pattern, this transition is active. The IPG can match only a single pattern or a set of different patterns. Only a single TR can be active at a time, because in FSMs only a single transition is performed.

The next state registers (NSRs) and the output pattern registers (OPRs) of the TRs hold the next state and output signal. The values of the active TR are selected as next state and output, respectively. At the clock edge, the next state is stored by the state register and becomes the current state.

The configurable elements of a TR-FSM comprise the SSG, ISM, IPG, NSR, and OPR. In the pre-silicon design phase, the actual implementation of the sizable TR-FSM cell is specified by the number of input signals, the number of output signals, the width of the state vector, and the number of TRs of each width. Typically, TRs with a width of zero to four are implemented. Zero width TRs are used for sequences of consecutive states.

Since all TRs provide the same functionality (except for the number of observed input signals), the TR-FSM architecture allows to trade off the total number of states of an FSM against the number of transitions per state. The TR-FSM architecture efficiently handles transitions with unobserved input signals. Further, the mapping of an abstract FSM description to the TR-FSM configuration is a straight forward process.


The configuration is stored in config registers inside of the TR-FSM. Before its operation, the TR-FSM is configured using a config bit stream. This bitstream is generated with the tool TrfsmGen (see below).


This section describes how to include one or more TR-FSM instances in your ASIC or FPGA design.


  1. include package TRFSMPkg in vhdl_packs/trfsm-p.vhd
  2. add one or more instances of the module TRFSM
  3. connect the signals appropriately
  4. set the generics as required


  • Reset_n_i: active low reset input
  • Clk_i: clock input
  • Input_i: FSM input signals
  • Output_o: FSM output signals
  • CfgMode_i, CfgClk_i, CfgShift_i, CfgDataIn_i, CfgDataOut_o: configuration interface (see Sec. Configuration Interface)


  • InputWidth: number of input signals, i.e., width of Input_i
  • OutputWidth: number of output signals, i.e., width of Output_o
  • StateWidth: width of the state vector
  • NumRows[0-9]: number of transition rows with a given width

Attention: The IPG in the TRs are implemented as lookup-tables (LUTs). Therefore the configuration data grows with 2^Width. You most probably don't need TRs with more than 4 inputs.


For simulation, logical equivalence checking, and synthesis you need all VHDL files in the directories vhdl/ (except OutputRegister*.vhd and trfsm-outreg-struct-a.vhd) and vhdl_packs/.


The configuration for TR-FSM instances is generated with the tool TrfsmGen. Please use the release which is included in (see Build Instructions in README.rst). TrfsmGen requires various other sources of this project, therefore it is not included here.

Currently there are three ways to define the functionality of a TR-FSM, i.e., to specify the FSM

  • TrfsmGen script
  • KISS2 format
  • Verilog RTL

The TrfsmGen command write_bitstream saves the generated bitstream to a number of different formats, e.g., as VHDL or Verilog vector (e.g., for your testbenches), C constants (e.g., for your firmware driver), a simple text format, ... Use the formats which are appropriate in your design.

TrfsmGen Script

The first way to define the FSM functionality is to use the add_state and add_transition commands in a TrfsmGen script. For an example see

KISS2 Format

If you have a dedicated tool to design your FSM, it most probably can export the FSM functionality in the KISS2 file format [KISS]. Use the read_kiss command of TrfsmGen to import. For an example see

Verilog RTL

A more elegant way to specify your FSM is as RTL logic design and using a synthesis tool to generate the configuration data. This can be accomplished in a two-step process using the synthesis tool Yosys together with TrfsmGen. Currently Yosys only supports Verilog, but VHDL is available with a proprietary extension.

After synthesis, use the fsm pass and sub-passes of Yosys to detect and extract FSMs in the RTL logic design. The FSMs can be stored in KISS2 file format with fsm_export. Alternatively, you can save the whole logic design as an ILang file (internal logic netlist format of Yosys). Then read this file in TrfsmGen with read_ilang. TrfsmGen can also generate wrapper modules for the TR-FSM for direct instantiation in the logic design. For a (rather complicated) example see insert-trfsm.tcl, insert-trfsm-read.tcl, and insert-trfsm-replace.tcl.

Configuration Interface

The application of the configuration bit stream to the TR-FSM instances is fully user defined. You have to provide the appropriate signals from your design.

The configuration in the TR-FSM is stored in one continuous shift register. To apply the configuration or to exchange an existing configuration, set CfgMode_i to '1'. This enable configuration mode. Additionally, all internal configuration signals are set to '0' to avoid glitches and undesired behavior during configuration. If you have multiple related instances of the TR-FSM, it is best to tie all CfgMode_i inputs together.

For each individual TR-FSM instance, set the CfgShift_i to '1' and supply the config data to CfgDataIn_i, one bit per CfgClk_i cycle, LSB first. If desired, the previous configuration can be captured at CfgDataOut_o. When all bits for the instance were supplied, set CfgShift_i to '0' and proceed with the next instance. After all instances are configured, set CfgMode_i back to '0'. This immediately activates the new configuration.

There are two options regarding CfgClk_i:

  • using the system clock
  • using a gated clock

When using the permanently running system clock, CfgClk_i can be tied to Clk_i. In this case, set CfgClkGating in vhdl_packs/config-p.vhd to false.

The preferred option is to use a dedicated gated configuration clock. This avoids high switching activity and thus current consumption in a possibly large section of the clock tree for the config registers. Set CfgClkGating in vhdl_packs/config-p.vhd to true. Note that in this case CfgShift_i is not evaluated and can be tied to constant '0' or '1'. It is important that only the CfgClk_i of the currently configured TR-FSM instance is enabled. All others must be disabled. You have to provide the exact number of bits and thus clock cycles as stored in the config register.

For an example of a configuration interface as a OpenMSP430 CPU peripheral see


The individual building blocks of the TR-FSM are verified in ./sim/ using ModelSim or Questa Sim. Execute ./ to compile the VHDL sources and then run ./ [-cfgreg|-ism|-mux|-tr|-trfsm] to simulate the individual blocks.

To verify your logic design which contains TR-FSM instances, include the sources as mentioned in Sec. Files. You can either simulate the configuration process or you can directly apply the configuration data before the start of the simulation. Use the format modelsim of the write_bitstream command in TrfsmGen to save the configuration as ModelSim/Questa Sim force commands.

It is also possible to use logical equivalence checking to compare your logic design with Verilog RTL descriptions of the FSMs to your design with TR-FSM instances. Here you have to apply the configuration data as constraints or constants. Use the format lec for Cadence Conformal LEC and formality for Synopsys Formality. Additionally, the state vector encoding will most probably be different between the RTL design and the TR-FSMs. Use write_encoding to generate FSM encoding information files. Unfortunately only LEC supports the specification of encodings of FSMs in hierarchical module, therefore Formality is not supported here.


Martin Schmölzer extended the TR-FSM so that the output signals can be optionally register. To use this variant, include vhdl/OutputRegister*.vhd and use trfsm-outreg-struct-a.vhd instead of trfsm-struct-a.vhd. In TrfsmGen, specify version REG with the create_trfsm command and use set_outputs_registered to configure the use of the output register. Note that this variant is not covered with the testbenches.


The TR-FSM is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL 2 or later. You can freely use the design files and scripts in your (commercial) chip designs. If you improve the design files or the scripts, you have to provide their source code. This however doesn't affect the other parts of your chip design.

The output register contributed by Martin Schmölzer is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL 3. If you use the output register, you have to distribute your chip as source code as well.


  • example designs
  • image of timing diagram for configuration interface


Johann Glaser, Markus Damm, Jan Haase, and Christoph Grimm. A Dedicated Reconfigurable Architecture for Finite State Machines. In Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications, 6th International Symposium, ARC 2010, volume LNCS 5992 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 122--133, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2010. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Johann Glaser, Markus Damm, Jan Haase, and Christoph Grimm. TR-FSM: Transition-based Reconfigurable Finite State Machine. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 4(3):23:1--23:14, August 2011.
University of California Berkeley: Berkeley Logic Interchange Format (BLIF). February 22, 2005


Transition-Based Reconfigurable FSM






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  • VHDL 91.7%
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