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Dec 5, 2013
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A collection of tools to be used with Vissim

All tools released under GPLv2

  • - Axle passage interpreter
  • - Axle passage formatter
  • - Export data to MS Excel and display a chart
  • - Printers number of vehicle passing each second
  • - Prints statistics from SAVA output (video analysis)
  • - Start/load/modify/run/save vissim simulations and save results
  • - Travel time statistics
  • - Simple queue system to run a batch of vissim simulations
  • - Run EC1 traffic simulator with given settings


   api - axle passage interpreter

SYNOPSIS [--start=HH:MM] [--end=HH:MM] [--tubedistance=meters]
   [--maxspeed=km/h] [--minspeed=km/h] [--minaxllen=meters]
   [--maxaxllen=meters] [--maxspeedvariation=percent]
   [--bouncereject=seconds] [--careful=integer] [--debug] [--export]

DESCRIPTION is a axle passage interpreter program designed to be used to
   analyse traffic data from pneumatic tubes and convert to axle passages.


       Optional. Start time for result interpretation.

       Optional. End time for result interpretation.

   --tubedistance=meters (floating point)
       Optional. This value represents the distance between the two rubber
       tubes.  Default is 3.3 meters.

   --maxspeed=km/h (integer)
       Optional. Maximum speed allowed for interpreation. Default is 70

   --minspeed=km/h (integer)
       Optional. Minimum speed allowed for interpreation. Default is 5

   --minaxllen=meters (floating point)
       Optional. Mimium distance between axles of a vehicle. Default is
       0.5 meters.

   --maxaxllen=meters (floating point)
       Optional. Maximum distance between axles of a vehicle. Default is
       14 meters.

   --maxspeedvariation=percent (integer)
       Optional. Maximum speed variation between axles of a vehicle.
       Default is 5 %. Needed in order to figure out if two axles belong
       to the same vehicle.

   --bouncereject=seconds (floating point)
       Optional. Rejects pulses that are too close to each other time-
       wise.  Sometimes caused by heavy vehicles that makes the rubber
       tube bounce.  Default value is 0.040 seconds.

       Optional. Fine tunes the internal logic. Controls how many axles we
       calcuate from pulses in hard places before we decide to delete
       impossible axles. Default is 34, but values lower that 34 is known
       to give almost as good results by using significantly less CPU.
       Higher values than 34 does not necessarily give better results.

       Optional. Enable export output. This will just print the passing
       time of each vehicle in the format: [HH]:[MM]:[SS]. This format is
       required for

       Optional. Enables debug output. Makes print debug
       information as well as normal output. It will make it print each
       detected axle, when it enters 'careful mode' and when it gives up
       trying to combine pulses into axle or axles into vehicles. Debug
       info is printed to STDOUT, but is easily grepable since each debug
       line starts with the text '[debug]'.


Noticed problems

   o       Heavy vehicles sometimes causes bounces. We're using bounce
           reject set to 40 milliseconds by default

   o       Light MC's sometimes doesn't cause enough pressure for pulses.
           Incomplete pulse patterns will be ignored

   Two vehicles passing the tubes in each direction at almost the same
   time are hard to deal with. This program uses brute force to combine
   all pulses to axles in such situations.


   o   No more that 2 axles

       This program doesn't support vehicles with more that two axles.
       This however doesn't seem to affect the interpreation accuracy

   o   Only channel 01 and 00

       We don't support any other channels in TMS Logger data than 01 and

   o   No Time-Pass Variation or Car-Follow Critera

       Brute force is used when needed.

   o   No fine tuning of vehicle definitions

       There is no option to fine tune the vehicle definitions. This is
       seldomly needed anyway.


   apiformat - axle passage formatter

SYNOPSIS [--interval=minutes]

DESCRIPTION formats the output from into vehicles by given time

   The input format is [hour]:[minute]:[second]. Use --export to
   get this format.

   The output format is [hour:minute];[num of vehicles during this time


       Reporting interval


   expexcel - export data to MS Excel and display a chart

SYNOPSIS [filename ...]

DESCRIPTION tries to start MS Excel using OLE/COM, print data and
   display a chart using data from standard input or given input files.
   The columns in the input data must be separated using semicolons.
   Suitable to use in combination with the program.


   resformat - prints number of vehicles passing during each second

SYNOPSIS [--vissim] [--nr=number or route] [--vissim-file=filename]
   [filename ...]

DESCRIPTION accepts these types of input

   o using --verbose-export and --nostats in

       The input format is read as:

       [completion time];[route];[veh id];[vehicle type];[travel time]

       Where [completion time] is the number of seconds from the start of
       SAVA-measurement with one decimal precision. [route] is the route
       that was used (eg. 1->2 or 4->3). [vehicle type] is the vehicle
       type as a string (eg. Car), see the documentation to for
       details. [travel time] is the travel time in seconds with 0 to 2
       decimal precision.

       A dot is used as decimal separator.


   o   vissim rsr-file (using --vissim or --vissim-file)

       The input format is read as:
       [completion time];[section];[veh id];[veh type];[travel time];

       Where [completion time] is calculated from the start of VISSIM-
       simulation with one decimal precision.  [section] is the travel
       time section. Use the --nr option to use desired section. [veh id]
       is vehicle number as an unique vehicle identifier during
       simulation. [veh type] is the VISSIM vehicle type identifier (eg.
       100). [travel time] is travel time in seconds with one decimal

       A dot is used as decimal separator.

   The program then outputs a list for the number of vehicles passing
   during each second, starting with second one.

   The output is suitable for creating a chart in e.g. MS Excel. It also
   adds the input format type at the beginning of the data as a field so
   that Excel uses it as name.

   Typically the graph will look like some sort of waveform.

OPTIONS accepts the following options:

       Input data from standard input or ending filename is of rsr-type
       from vissim.

   --nr=number or route
       Only use the given 'travel time section'-number with vissim input.
       Or, only use the give route with SAVA-input. Where 'route' is
       [start line]->[end line]. eg. "4->3" where 4 is the start line and
       3 is the end line.

       Read vissim-data from given filename as well. Creates an extra
       column in output.


   restid - prints statistics from SAVA output

SYNOPSIS [--startline=startline1[,startline2..]]
   [--waitline=waitline] [--endline=endline1[,endline2..]] [--verbose]
   [--verbose-export] [--nostats] [--vissim] [--convert]
   [--convert-file=filename] [filename]...

DESCRIPTION reads the output from SAVA program and prints
   statistics about travel time.

   Valid SAVA-input data processed here are on the format

   [time] [veh type] [veh id]   L [line nr]

   Where [time] is on the format HH:MM:SS:MSS (MSS=millisecond).  [veh
   type] is a text string describing the type of vehicle.  [veh id] is a
   unique vehicle identification number.  [line nr] SAVA virtual line.
   There may be a variable amount of whitespace before the 'L'.

   Print the following statistics:
   * Calculate arrival flow for each vehicle type
   * Calculate average delay

OPTIONS accepts the following options:

           Required. The number(s) of the starting line(s) which the
           vehicle passes or might pass. If you enter several numbers,
           separate them with a comma (",").

           Optional. The number of the waiting/stop line. Used if the
           vehicle needed to stop due to red light.

           Required. The number(s) of the ending line(s) which the
           vehicles passes or might pass. If you enter several numbers,
           separate them with a comma (",").

           Display each travel time calculated (like Vissim's 'raw'

           Like --verbose, excepts outputs a semicolon (";") separated
           list, suitable for export. The decimal separator used is a dot
           (".").  Format:

           [completion time];[route];[veh id];[vehicle type];[travel time]

           Where [completion time] is the number of seconds from the start
           of the SAVA-measurement.

           No statistics will be printed (only makes sense if used in
           combination with --verbose or --verbose-export).

           Output traffic volume and routing relative flow in a format
           compatible with Deprecated. contains
           neccecary logic itself.

           Convert line numbers present in the Sava input data to Vissim
           veh inp numbers. e.g. 1=4 to turn line number 1 into Vissim veh
           inp 4.  Separate each conversion with a comma. e.g. --convert
           1=4,4=32 Note: This option only works in combination with the
           --vissim option.

           Read sava line to vissim input-/desc/route no from a file. See
           --convert Separate each conversion with a new line. Lines
           beginning with a '#' -character is considered a comment.  Note:
           This option only works in combination with the --vissim option.


   --waitline only accepts one number.

Typical usage:

  • Starts Vissim
  • Load network
  • Modify Vissim settings (output data to files)
  • Run simulation
  • Save output and rename
  • Close Vissim


   visperl - run Vissim simulation and save the results

SYNOPSIS [--path=path] [--net=filename] [--rsz=filename]
   [--rsr=filename] [--period=seconds] [--iterations=no of iterations]
   [--input=[veh inp=volume],..]  [--route=[routing
   decision:route=relative traffic flow],..]  [--nullify-unused]
   [--stdopt] [--compile] [--stat] [--verbose]
   [--sava-endline=[line1],[line2],..]  [--sava-convert-file=filename]
   [--route-type-file=filename] [--reality] [--api-start=HH:MM]
   [--api-end=HH:MM] [--api-control-file=filename] [--ec1-controller=path
   to ec1-project] [--fill-unused] [--mail-smtp=hostname]
   [--mail-from-addr=e-mail] [--mail-from-name=name]
   [--mail-subject=subject line] [--mail-to=[e-mail],..]

DESCRIPTION runs a Vissim simulation using the given project file. It
   can modify certain properties in Vissim (e.g. traffic volume,
   simulation period) and rename log file of travel times to a custom name
   when done.


           Optional. This is the path to the Vissim project directory. Can
           be used to find the Vissim project file (not required) and to
           rename the rsz- or rsr file if the --rsz or --rsr option has
           been given.

           Required. The Vissim project file (without the path if --path
           has been given).

           Optional. Enables logging of compiled travel time.  Requires
           the use of the --path option.  Renames the resulting rsz-file
           to given filename.

           Optional. Enables logging of raw travel time.  Requires the use
           of the --path option.  Renames the resulting rsr-file to given

           Optional. Run the simulation at given number of seconds.
           Otherwise it just uses whatever's default in the project file.

   --iterations=no of iterations
           Optional. Run the simulation given amount of times to ensure
           the reliability of the simulation results. Default is 1

           Optional. Increase all individual traffic volumes by given
           number of percent.  Enter integers; e.g. --set_all_volume=10
           means 10% increase of traffic volume.

           Optional. Increase individual traffic volumes for each vehicle
           input number e.g. --increase_vehinp_volume=4,5=10:6=15. This
           adds 10 % to vehicle input 4 and 5, and 15 % to vehicle input

   --input=[[veh inp=volume],..]
           Optional. Set an exact value of traffic flow in veh/h. e.g.
           --input=4:100 where 4 is the Vehicle input number and 100 is
           the traffic flow in vehicles per hour.

   --route=[[routing decision:route=relative traffic flow],..]
           Optional. Set the relative traffic flow for a route. e.g.
           --route=1:3=100 where 1 is the routing decision, 3 is the route
           number and 100 is the relative traffic flow.

           Optional. Sets unset vehicle inputs or routing rel. flow (using
           --input or --route) to 0. Ignore if --input or --route is not
           used.  Useful if your traffic statistics doesn't include all

           Optional. Sets options using standard input instead. Remove the
           double dash ('--') before each option. Use a newline to
           separate each option.  e.g. input=1=51,2=9 on STDIN.

           Optional. Outputs compiled travel time statistics similar to
           the one produces. Bases it's output on the statistics
           that the Vissim rsz-file produces.

   --stat  Optional. Outputs self produced statistics based on raw travel
           times from the rsr-file Vissim produces. Includes max, min,
           variance, and standard deviation.

           Optional. Increase verbosity level. Outputs status whenever
           changing vissim parameters.

           Activates processing of SAVA-data. The numbers(s) or the
           starting line(s) which the vehicle passes or might pass. If you
           enter several numbers, separate them with a comma (',').

           The number(s) of the ending line(s) which the vehicles passes
           or might pass.  If you enter several numbers, separate them
           with a comma (',').

           Use a file with each sava-data-files printed on each line,
           instead of specifying each sava-file as argument.

           Use a file to describe of what type a traffic route is of. This
           produces statistics that also separates types of traffic.

           Compare with reality. Prints SAVA-statistics at the end.

           Specifies the start time for result interpretation.

           Specifies the end time for result interpretation.

           Enables the Axle Passage Interpreter to determine a accurate
           vehicle flow.  API control file which must contain each API-
           data file with it's vehicle input number and file name seprated
           with a semi-colon, on each line.
   --ec1-controller=path to ec1-project
           Use specified EC-1 controller

           E-mail the results. Specifies the hostname of the SMTP-server
           required to send the email.

           The resulting e-mail will look like it came from this e-mail-

           The resulting e-mail will look like it came from this name. Use
           (")-chars when appropriate.

   --mail-subject=subject line
           Subject line. Use (")-chars when approriate.

           Send the e-mail to these addresss. Separate each address with a

   --config, -f=filename
           Instead of specifying each option on the command line, use a
           config-file.  All options avalible on the command line is also
           avalible in the config-file.  Just omit the double dash (--) in
           front of each option. One option per line.  Don't use the '='
           char to separate option from parameter, use blankspace.  Empty
           lines and lines beginning with a '#'-char are ignored.


   Remaining issues

   Start of the EC1-simulator might fail
           Sometimes visperl is unable to find the EC1-simulator "License"
           message-box window and is therefore unable to start the
           simulator properly.

   Errors are not logged properly
           Any errors or warnings that occur is printed on STDERR and is
           not included with the e-mail. It is therefore easy to miss any
           errors that might have affected the outcome.

   Number of necessary simulations
           It is possible to calculate the number of needed simulations.
           Or when another simulation wouldn't change the total outcome in
           a simulation significantly.


   ttstat - travel time statistics

SYNOPSIS --vissim --convert --convert-file

DESCRIPTION prints various forms of statistics from travel times.

   travel times is read on the form

   [completion time];[route];[veh id];[vehicle type];[travel time]



   Output traffic volume and routing relative flow in a format compatible


   Convert line numbers present in the Sava input data to Vissim veh inp
   numbers. e.g. 1=4 to turn line number 1 into Vissim veh inp 4.
   Separate each conversion with a comma. e.g. --convert 1=4,4=32 Note:
   This option only works in combination with the --vissim option.


   Read sava line to vissim input-/desc/route no from a file. See
   --convert Separate each conversion with a new line. Lines beginning
   with a '#' -character is considered a comment.  Note: This option only
   works in combination with the --vissim option.

Simple queue system for simulations


A collection of tools for vissim







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