A simple Python client to use the Akeneo PIM API.
Dependencies are managed with pipenv (list of dependencies available in Pipfile).
You may install them with:
pipenv install --dev
The easiest is to use pipenv in your new project:
pipenv install git+https://github.com/matthieudelaro/akeneo_api_client#egg=akeneo_api_client
A simple example is provided in docs/example.py.
To export the data from your PIM, you may use the docs/example_exporter.py.
If you experience issues when importing modules, run the examples as follow:
cd docs
pipenv run python3 example_exporter.py
Run tests as follow:
pipenv run nosetests
Tests are provided with mocks, recorded with VCR.py. In case you need to (re)run tests, you should install the dataset in you PIM instance as follow:
- specify the database to install in app/config/parameters.yml:
installer_data: PimInstallerBundle:icecat_demo_dev
install the database by running the following command:
bin/console pim:installer:db --env=prod # or, in case you are using Docker: docker-compose exec fpm bin/console pim:installer:db --env=prod