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osl-nginx Cookbook

This cookbook is a wrapper cookbook for the nginx opscode community cookbook. It primarily features a definition to manage vhosts using our standard configuration. It also ensure a few other settings are used by OSL default.


  • node['osl-nginx']['recipes'] - nginx recipes to include in run list
  • node['osl-nginx']['hostname'] - Default to node['fqdn']. Determines which folder under files/default to look for. If more than one server need access to a vhost.
  • node['osl-nginx']['server_port'] - Default server port for nginx. Defaults to 80.
  • node['osl-nginx']['directory_index'] - An array of the supported index files. Defaults to [ "index.html", "index.htm", "index.php" ]


Except for the 'default' recipe, all other recipes are OSL specific.


Includes the nginx recipes defined in node['osl-nginx']['recipes'].


Project specific virtual hosts will be managed within these recipes.


Set logrotation for nginx log files.



Installs nginx with the default recipe. You can define which nginx recipes to include with the node['osl-nginx']['recipes'] attribute. e.g. Adding more nginx recipes in a run list:

  "run_list": [
  override_attributes {
    "osl-nginx" => {
      "recipes" => ["default", "http_realip_module"]


This wrapper cookbook provides definitions for managing virtual hosts.


nginx_app is similar to apache2's web_app. It includes an OSL specific template and creates log directories, and can manage ssl options for virtual hosts.

This definition includes some recipes to make sure the system is configured to have nginx and some sane default modules:

  • osl-nginx::default

It will then configure the template and enable or disable the site per the enable parameter.


Current parameters used by the definition:

  • name - The name of the site. Also defines the server_name variable in the vhost. the template will be written to #{node['nginx']['dir']/sites-available/#{params['name']}.conf
  • cookbook - Name of the cookbook to pull the nginx template from. Defaults toosl-nginx.
  • template - Default nginx_app.conf.erb, source template file.
  • enable - Default true. Passed to the nginx_site definition.
  • cookbook_include - Name of the cookbook to pull the optional include file from. Defaults to pulling from the cookbook being called from.
  • include_name - Boolean (optional). Adds the include directive to the vhost config file. Defaults to false.
  • include_name - Name of the include file (sans .conf). Defaults to name.
  • include_resource - Type of chef resource to use include file from. Currently only supports cookbook_file or template. Defaults to cookbook_file.
  • server_aliases - Additional server names to be included. Must be an array of aliases.
  • directory - Creates the Defaults to /var/www/#{params['name']}.
  • ssl_enable - Enables ssl support. Note that ssl_enable, cert_file, and cert_key must be defined in order to populate the directive.
  • cert_file - Path to ssl cert.
  • cert_key - Path to ssl key.
  • directive_http - An array of nginx config directives to include only in the http vhost.
  • directive_https - An array of nginx config directives to include only in the https vhost.


Basic site

nginx_app "" do
  server_aliases ["", ""]

Basic site with an ssl cert and redirecting all http traffic to https.

nginx_app "" do
  server_aliases [ "", "" ]
  directory "/var/www/"
  ssl_enable true
  cert_file "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
  cert_key "/etc/pki/tls/private/"
  directive_http [ "rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;" ]

Basic site, but pull an include config from files/default/ This assumes the node['osl-nginx']['hostname'] attribute is set to

nginx_app "" do
  directory "/var/www/"
  include_config true

Basic site, but lets use an include config with a specific name and using a template for it. This will use the template templates/default/example.conf.erb and use an include directive.

nginx_app "" do
  directory "/var/www/"
  include_config true
  include_resource "template"
  include_name "example"


TODO: (optional) If this is a public cookbook, detail the process for contributing. If this is a private cookbook, remove this section.


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors: OSU Open Source Lab ([email protected])