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Laravel SEO Analyzer - Technical Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. System Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Project Structure
  5. Configuration
  6. Usage
  7. Key Components
  8. Database Schema
  9. Extending the Analyzer
  10. Troubleshooting


The SEO Analyzer is a Laravel-based tool designed to analyze websites for various SEO factors. It uses Puppeteer via the Spatie/Browsershot package to scrape web pages and perform SEO checks. The analysis results are stored in a database and the process is managed using Laravel's job queue system for efficient, asynchronous processing

System Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • Composer
  • Node.js and npm
  • Laravel 8.x
  • MySQL or another Laravel-supported database


  1. Clone the repository:
 git clone
 # move to the directory 
 cd laravel-seo-analyzer
  1. Install PHP dependencies
composer install 
  1. Install Node.js dependencies
npm install 
  1. Copy the env.example file to .env and configure your database settings
cp .env.example .env
  1. Generate an application key:
php artisan key:generate
  1. Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate

Project Structure

The key files and directories for this project are:

  • app/Jobs/AnalyzeUrl.php: Contains the main logic for analyzing a single URL.
  • app/Console/Commands/AnalyzeSeo.php: Artisan command to start the SEO analysis.
  • app/Models/SeoResult.php: Eloquent model for SEO results.
  • database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_create_seo_results_table.php: Database migration for SEO results.


  1. Set up your queue driver in .env: QUEUE_CONNECTION=database
  2. You may need to configure Puppeteer's path in config/browsershot.php if it's not automatically detected:
'node_binary_path' => env('NODE_BINARY_PATH', '/usr/local/bin/node'),
'npm_binary_path' => env('NPM_BINARY_PATH', '/usr/local/bin/npm'),

Usage To start an SEO analysis, use the Artisan command:

php artisan seo:analyze

Process the analysis jobs:

php artisan queue:work

Key Components

AnalyzeUrl Job

  • This job (app/Jobs/AnalyzeUrl.php) is responsible for analyzing a single URL. It performs the following tasks:

  • Loads the webpage using Browsershot.

  • Runs various SEO checks (ARIA landmarks, alt tags, etc.).

  • Calculates a total SEO score.

  • Saves or updates the results in the database.

  • Extracts and dispatches jobs for subpages.

AnalyzeSeo Command

  • The seo:analyze Artisan command (app/Console/Commands/AnalyzeSeo.php) is the entry point for starting an analysis. It accepts multiple URLs as arguments and dispatches an AnalyzeUrl job for each.

SeoResult Model

  • The SeoResult model (app/Models/SeoResult.php) represents the SEO analysis results for a single URL. It corresponds to the seo_results table in the database.

Database Schema

The seo_results table has the following structure:

Column Name Type Description
id bigint(20) unsigned Auto-incrementing primary key
url varchar(255) The analyzed URL (unique)
aria_landmarks float Score for ARIA landmarks
img_alt_tags float Score for image alt tags
color_contrast float Score for color contrast
semantic_html float Score for semantic HTML usage
broken_links float Score for broken links check
meta_tags float Score for meta tags
lazy_loading_images float Score for lazy-loaded images
favicon float Score for favicon presence
mobile_friendly float Score for mobile-friendliness
input_types float Score for correct input types
total_score float Overall SEO score
created_at timestamp Record creation timestamp
updated_at timestamp Record last update timestamp

Extending the Analyzer

  • To add new SEO checks:

  • Add a new method in the AnalyzeUrl job class.

  • Update the handle method to include the new check.

  • Modify the calculateTotalScore method to include the new factor in the overall score.

  • Update the database migration and SeoResult model to include the new field.


  • If Puppeteer fails to run, ensure Node.js and npm are correctly installed and accessible.
  • For database connection issues, check your .env file for correct database credentials.
  • If jobs are not processing, ensure the queue worker is running (php artisan queue:work).


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