This project meant to provide intuitive functions to use Google's Puppeteer, without wasting time.
You can scroll down for a cool ebay example!
Install via npm:
npm i os-puppeteer-helper
Require ph:
var ph = require("os-puppeteer-helper")
Create a browser:
let bt = await ph.createBrowser(url, slowMo = 5, headless = false, width = 1300, height = 768)
// save the page and the browser
let browser = bt[0];
let page = bt[1];
Navigate to a page:
await ph.navigateTo(page, url, givenTimeout = null, waitForSelector = null, timeoutSelectorSearch = 24000,
delayAfterSelector = 1500,
delayAfterNavigated = 0)
Insert text by selectors:
await ph.setTextToSelector(page, selector, text, delayAfter = 0, typeDelay = 20, clearTextBefore = true)
Click and wait for selector:
await ph.clickOnSelector(page, selector, delayAfterClick = 0, selectorToFindAfterClick = null, howLongToWaitForSelector = 240000, delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
Wait for a selector to be removed from the dom:
await ph.waitForSelectorToBeRemoved(page, selector, checkEach = 2000)
Click on element contains certain text:
await ph.clickOnElementContainsText(page, selector, text, delayAfterClick = 0, selectorToFindAfterClick = null, howLongToWaitForSelector = null, delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500) {
Download a file:
await ph.downloadFile(page, path, downloadSelector)
And a lot more!
* Will create a new chromium browser
* @param url -> the url to log in to
* @param slowMo -> how long to wait before each command
* @param headless -> show/hide browser
* @param width -> browser width
* @param height -> browser height
* @param googleSignIn -> if you gonna log in to any Google service, trigger to true to fix the login problem
createBrowser: async function (url = "about:blank", slowMo = 5, headless = false, width = 1300, height = 768, googleSignIn = false) {
* Will create a new firefox browser
* @param url -> the url to log in to
* @param slowMo -> how long to wait before each command
* @param headless -> show/hide browser
* @param width -> browser width
* @param height -> browser height
createFirefoxBrowser: async function (url = "about:blank", slowMo = 5, headless = false, width = 1300, height = 768)
* Will navigate to a certain url with an option to search for a selector after page load
navigateTo: async function (page,
givenTimeout = null,
waitForSelector = null,
timeoutSelectorSearch = null,
delayAfterSelector = 1500,
delayAfterNavigated = 0)
* Will wait for an element to appear.
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param selector -> the selector to search for
* @param timeout -> 0 to disable timeout
* @param delayAfterFound -> how long to wait after found
* @return ElementHandle -> the element, if found, else, undefined
waitForSelector: async function (page, selector, timeout = null, delayAfterFound = 1500)
* Will wait for an element with a text to appear.
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param selector -> the selector to search for
* @param text -> the text you wait for to appear
* @param timeout -> optional timeout
* @param checkEach -> tracker search time
* @param delayAfterFound -> the delay after found
* @param caseSensitive -> true for exact text match false, ignore capitals etc...
* @return elmentHandle -> the element if found, else undefined
waitForSelectorWithText: async function (page,
checkEach = 1000,
timeout = null,
delayAfterFound = 0,
caseSensitive = false)
* Will wait for an element to be removed from the dom
* @param page -> the page
* @param selector -> the selector to be removed
* @param checkEach -> search every x millis for the selector
* @param disappearFor -> the selector should disappear for x millis
waitForSelectorToBeRemoved: async function (page, selector, checkEach = 2000, disappearFor = 1000)
* Will wait for elements to appear
waitForSelectors: async function (page, timeout = null, delayAfterFound = 1500, ...selectors)
* Will find an element by it's partial attribute value
getElementByPartialAttributeValue: async function (page, eleTag, eleAttributeName, partialAttributeValue, findMoreThanOneElement = false)
* Will find an element by it's attribute value suffix
getElementBySuffixAttributeValue: async function (page, eleTag, eleAttributeName, attributeSuffixValue, findMoreThanOneElement = false)
* Will find an element by it's attribute value prefix
getElementByPrefixAttributeValue: async function (page, eleTag, eleAttributeName, attributePrefixValue, findMoreThanOneElement = false)
* Will wait for navigation to change
waitForNavigation: async function (page, selector, timeout = null)
* Will set text to a selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param selector -> the selector to write upon. For example: input[id="username"]
* @param text -> the text you wish to write
* @param delayAfter -> the delay after the type
* @param typeDelay -> the delay between each written letter
* @param clearTextBefore -> set to true if you want to clear the text box before (manual clear)
setTextToSelector: async function (page, selector, text, delayAfter = 0, typeDelay = 20, clearTextBefore = true)
* Will set text to xpath
* @param page -> the current page
* @param element -> optional element you want to write upon
* @param text -> the text you wish to write
* @param delayAfter -> the delay after the type
* @param typeDelay -> the delay between each written letter
* @param clearTextBefore -> set to true if you want to clear the text box before (manual clear)
setTextToXpath: async function (page, xpath, text, delayAfter = 0, typeDelay = 20, clearTextBefore = true)
* Will set text to an element
* @param page -> the current page
* @param element -> optional element you want to write upon
* @param text -> the text you wish to write
* @param delayAfter -> the delay after the type
* @param typeDelay -> the delay between each written letter
* @param clearTextBefore -> set to true if you want to clear the text box before (manual clear)
setTextToElement: async function (page, element, text, delayAfter = 0, typeDelay = 20, clearTextBefore = true)
* Will type alpha/numerical on the keyboard
* @param page -> the current page
* @param text -> the text to write
* @param delay -> the delay between letters
* @param delayAfter -> the delay after the whole type
typeOnKeyboard: async function (page, text, delay = 2, delayAfter = 0)
* Will read text from selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param selector -> the selector to read
* @param innerText -> true for innerText, false for innerHTML
* @param delayAfter -> the delay after the whole type
readTextFromSelector: async function (page, selector, innerText = true, delayAfter = 0)
* Will click on a selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param selector -> the selector to click. For example: a:nth-of-type(2)
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> optional element to look for after click
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> optional time to look for the element after click
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> optional delay after element found
clickOnSelector: async function (page,
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will click on a XPath selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param xpath -> the xpath to click. For example: /html/body/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/h1
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> optional element to look for after click
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> optional time to look for the element after click
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> optional delay after element found
clickOnXPath: async function (page,
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will mouse click on an xpath
* @param page -> the current page
* @param xpath -> the xpath to click
* @param selector -> the selector to click. For example: a:nth-of-type(2)
* @param mouseBtn -> the mouse btn to click ('left'/'right')
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
mouseClickOnXPath: async function (page,
mouseBtn = 'left',
delayAfterClick = 0)
* Will mouse click on a selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param selector -> the selector to click. For example: a:nth-of-type(2)
* @param mouseBtn -> the mouse btn to click ('left'/'right')
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
mouseClickOnSelector: async function (page,
mouseBtn = 'left',
delayAfterClick = 0)
* Will mouse click on a selector which contains text
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param selector -> the selector to click. For example: 'div'
* @param text -> the element's innerText
* @param caseSensitive -> toggle this to find the exact text or to ignore higher/lower cases
* @param includes -> set to true if to click on an element based on contains() text
* @param identical -> set to true if to click on an element which has the EXACT text ( === )
* @param innerHTML -> set to true for innerHTML. False for innerText
* @param mouseBtn -> the mouse btn to click ('left'/'right')
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> optional element to look for after click
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> optional time to look for the element after click
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> optional delay after element found
mouseClickOnSelectorContainsText: async function (page,
caseSensitive = false,
includes = true,
identical = false,
innerHTML = true,
mouseBtn = 'left',
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will mouse click on element
* @param element -> the element to click
* @param mouseBtn -> the mouse btn to click ('left'/'right')
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
mouseClickOnElement: async function (element,
mouseBtn = 'left',
delayAfterClick = 0)
* Will click an element/selector
* @param page -> the current page
* @param element -> the element to click upon
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> optional element to look for after click
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> optional time to look for the element after click
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> optional delay after element found
clickOnElement: async function (page,
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will selectByValue an element based on it's value
* For more formidable approach, look for CheerioHelper.isSelectHasValue()
selectByValue: async function (page, selector, value, delayAfter = 0)
* Will clear text from selector or element
clearText: async function (page, selector, element = null, delayAfter = 0)
* Will create a count down (10 9 8 ...)
makeCountDown: async function (from)
* Will download a file.
* NOTICE: if you only want to change the saving location of a file, call setDownloadedFilesLocation(output).
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param outputPath -> the path to the downloaded file
* @param downloadSelector -> the selector to click in order to start the download
downloadFile: async function (page, outputPath, downloadSelector)
* will set the location to which the downloaded files will be saved
setDownloadedFilesLocation: async function (page, outputPath)
* will scroll a selector into view
scrollSelectorIntoView: async function (page, selector)
* will scroll an xpath into view
scrollXPathIntoView: async function (page, xpath)
* will scroll an element into view
scrollElementIntoView: async function (page, element)
* Will click on an element which contains text
* for example("div", "Floki") will click on a div with an innerText of "Floki" (uppercase sensitive)
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param selector -> the selector to click. For example: a:nth-of-type(2)
* @param text -> the element's innerText
* @param caseSensitive -> toggle this to find the exact text or to ignore higher/lower cases
* @param includes -> set to true if to click on an element based on contains() text
* @param identical -> set to true if to click on an element which has the EXACT text ( === )
* @param innerHTML -> set to true for innerHTML. False for innerText
* @param delayAfterClick -> optional delay after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> optional element to look for after click
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> optional time to look for the element after click
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> optional delay after element found
clickOnElementContainsText: async function (page,
caseSensitive = false,
includes = true,
identical = false,
innerHTML = true,
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will return an element contains text
* for example("div", "Floki") will click on a div with an innerText of "Floki" (uppercase sensitive)
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param selector -> the selector to find. For example: a:nth-of-type(2)
* @param text -> the element's innerText
* @param caseSensitive -> toggle this to find the exact text or to ignore higher/lower cases
* @param includes -> set to true if the element contains text
* @param identical -> set to true if element has the EXACT text ( === )
* @param innerHTML -> set to true for innerHTML. False for innerText
getElementByText: async function (page,
caseSensitive = false,
includes = true,
identical = false,
innerHTML = true)
* Will return element/s from the dom
getElementsBySelector: async function (page, selector)
* Will return element from the dom/other element.
* If no found, return undefined
getElementBySelector: async function (pageOrElement, selector)
* Will return element from the dom/other element.
* If no found, return undefined
getElementByXPath: async function (pageOrElement, xpath)
* Will return the next sibling element from another element
getNextSibling: async function (page, element)
* Will return the previous sibling element from another element
getPreviousSibling: async function (page, element)
* Will return the parent of an element
getParent: async function (page, element)
* Will return the sibling of an element
getOnlyDirectChildren: async function (page, element)
* Will return the inner html of an element
getInnerHTML: async function (page, element)
* Will return the inner text of an element
getInnerText: async function (page, element)
* Will set the element attribute value
setElementAttributeValue: async function (page, elementOrSelector, attribName, attribValue)
* Will return an attribute value from an element
getAttributeValueFromElement: async function (page, element, attName)
* Will click on a an element which happens to be before or after a label.
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param innerHTML -> set to true to look on the label's innerHTML. False for innerText
* @param labelText -> the label's innerHTML
* @param caseSensitive -> toggle this to find the exact text or to ignore higher/lower cases
* @param includes -> set to true if the element contains()
* @param identical -> set to true if the label has the EXACT text ( === )
* @param isElementAfterLabel -> set to false if the element is before the label (rtl pages)
clickOnElementWithAdjacentLabel: async function (page,
innerHTML = true,
caseSensitive = true,
includes = false,
identical = true,
isElementAfterLabel = false)
* Will return the inner html of an element
getInnerHTMLFromElement: async function (element)
* Will kill the browser
close: async function (browser)
* Will select an element from drop down (from <select>)
* @param page -> the puppetter page
* @param dropDownSelectorOrElement -> the <select> element, in a form of selector or element
* @param optionSelectorOrElementToSelect -> the <option> to select from the drop down
* @param delayAfterClick -> how long to wait after click
* @param selectorToFindAfterClick -> selector to search afterwards
* @param howLongToWaitForSelector -> if you chose to wait afterwards, set how long
* @param delayAfterSelectorFound -> if you chose to wait afterwards, set how long to wait after
selectFromDropDown: async function (page,
delayAfterClick = 0,
selectorToFindAfterClick = null,
howLongToWaitForSelector = null,
delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will press ENTER on the keyboard
pressEnter: async function (page, delayAfterPress = 0, selectorToFindAfterClick = null, howLongToWaitForSelector = null, delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500) {
await tools.delay(delayAfterPress);
if (selectorToFindAfterClick != null)
* Will type some text
type: async function (page, text, typeDelay = 20, delayAfter = 0)
* Will press the esc key
pressEsc: async function (page, delayAfterPress = 0, selectorToFindAfterClick = null, howLongToWaitForSelector = null, delayAfterSelectorFound = 1500)
* Will check if the selector/element is visible
isElementVisible: async function (page, selector, element = null)
* Will return only visible elements from a list of elements
getOnlyVisibleElements: async function (page, elesList)
* Will check if element has attribute
isElementHasAttribute: async function (page, eleOrSelector, attName)
* Will remove elements contains a certain text from a list
* @param page -> the puppeteer page
* @param elesList -> the list of elements to search the inner text
* @param text -> the inner text to look for
* @param caseSensitive -> ignore capitals etc...
* @param includes -> true if only included part from element text comprise your text, and not all of it
* @param identical -> true for exact text match
removeElementsContainTextFromList: async function (page, elesList, text, caseSensitive = false, includes = true, identical = false)
a short example of initiating a purchase from ebay:
// create the browser
let tuplee = await ph.createBrowser("about:blank");
let browser = tuplee[0];
let page = tuplee[1];
// navigate to eBay
await ph.navigateTo(page, '');
// insert username and pass
await ph.setText(page, "#userid", ebayUsername);
await ph.setText(page, "#pass", ebayPas);
// click ok and wait
await, "#sgnBt");
console.log("waiting for selector...
await ph.waitForSelector(page, "form[id = 'gh-f'");
console.log("done waiting!");
// navigate to a shopping page and wait
await ph.navigateTo(page, EBAY_LINK, null, "label[for = 'qtyTextBox']", null);
// clear the quantity box and set it with your receipt obj quantity
await ph.clearText(page, "input[id = 'qtyTextBox']");
await ph.setText(page, "input[id = 'qtyTextBox']", receipt.quantity);
// click on buy
await, "#binBtn_btn");
// at the make a purchase page, wait for the quantity, at the bottom, to appear
await ph.waitForSelector(page, "div.item-image");
If you're trying to web scrape, consider integrate this module with os-cheerio-helper for more professional use.
- os-tools-npm -> This module contains fundamental functions to implement in an npm project
- os-file-handler-npm -> This module contains fundamental files manipulation functions to implement in an npm project
- os-file-stream-handler-npm -> This module contains read/write and more advanced operations on files
- os-xml-handler-npm -> This module will build, read and manipulate an xml file. Other handy stuff is also available, like search for specific nodes