Fully Automated Smart Parking system (Software & Hardware with GUI as well!) made for prof.hamdy Digital Control Course . this project
✨Main project parts
- Hardware structure , motors , controller ,sensors, pullies , belt , cables
- CV
- Sqlite DB
- Arduino/python code
- GUI tkinter code
- google gmail API
Gmail is now connected to our Database
EXE version (pre-release) is out now! just download setup file connect to arduino then youre ready to go!
some bugs fixed
in project files - (SOON) Enhancing The GUI using tkinter v2 or pyqt
- (SOON) OCR using our own dataset and model!!
- (SOON) audio feedback
- (SOON) OCR ID motion tracker (track id card crop the number and OCR it only not whole card)!
- OCR ID detect box not altering color with change of ID angle
- De-skew algorithm is not working as expected
- learn how to really control multithreading and gpu accel and use subprocess and asyncio libs
- either delete my usermade th and gpu accel functions if win and cv2 already handles activating them( search more wither cv2 and pytesseract auto activate them or windows )
- GUI need some spelling check
- need parking entrance sensors and gate
- Enhance arduino and steppers code (nearest empty cell algorithm needs enhance and speed)
regarding google Api : readme if you wont to use gmail feature
📍Interpreter version Python : cPython v3.11.0 [Compiler : MSC v.1933 AMD64] || Arduinno IDE : v2.0.4 �