extra-array.web 3.1.10
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @nodef/extra-array.web@3.1.10
Install via package.json:
"@nodef/extra-array.web": "3.1.10"
About this version
A collection of functions for working with Arrays.
π¦ Node.js,
π Web,
π Files,
π° Docs,
π Wiki.
An Array is a collection of values, stored contiguously. This package includes common array functions related to querying about arrays, generating them, comparing one with another, finding their length, getting and setting elements, obtaining its properties, getting a part of it, rearranging elements in it, finding an element of a subset of elements in it, performing functional operations, manipulating it in various ways, combining together arrays or its elements, of performing set operations upon it.
All functions except from*()
take array as 1st parameter. Methods like
are pure and do not modify the array itself, while methods like
do modify (update) the array itself. Some methods accept a map
function for faster comparision (like unique). I find the map-approach
beautiful, which I learned from Haskell's sortOn()
. You can notice that I have
followed Javascript naming scheme as far as possible. Some names are borrowed
from Haskell, Python, Java, Processing.
This package is available in Node.js and Web formats. The web format
is exposed as extra_array
standalone variable and can be loaded from
jsDelivr CDN.
Stability: Experimental.
const array = require('extra-array');
// import * as array from "extra-array";
// import * as array from "https://unpkg.com/extra-array/index.mjs"; (deno)
var x = [1, 2, 3];
array.get(x, -1);
// β 3
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4];
array.swap(x, 0, 1);
// β [2, 1, 3, 4]
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4];
array.rotate(x, 1);
// β [4, 1, 2, 3]
[...array.permutations([1, 2, 3])];
// β [
// [], [ 1 ],
// [ 2 ], [ 3 ],
// [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ],
// [ 2, 1 ], [ 2, 3 ],
// [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ],
// [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3, 2 ],
// [ 2, 1, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 1 ],
// [ 3, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 2, 1 ]
// ]
Property | Description |
is | Check if value is an array. |
keys | List all indices. |
values | List all values. |
entries | List all index-value pairs. |
from | Convert an iterable to array. |
from$ | Convert an iterable to array. |
fromRange | Generate array from given number range. |
fromInvocation | Generate array from repeated function invocation. |
fromApplication | Generate array from repeated function application. |
compare | Compare two arrays (lexicographically). |
isEqual | Check if two arrays are equal. |
index | Get zero-based index for element in array. |
indexRange | Get index range for part of array. |
length | Find the length of an array. |
isEmpty | Check if an array is empty. |
get | Get value at index. |
getAll | Get values at indices. |
getPath | Get value at path in a nested array. |
hasPath | Check if nested array has a path. |
set | Set value at index. |
set$ | Set value at index. |
setPath$ | Set value at path in a nested array. |
swap | Exchange two values. |
swap$ | Exchange two values. |
remove | Remove value at index. |
remove$ | Remove value at index. |
removePath$ | Remove value at path in a nested array. |
count | Count values which satisfy a test. |
countAs | Count occurrences of values. |
min | Find smallest value. |
minEntry | Find smallest entry. |
max | Find largest value. |
maxEntry | Find largest entry. |
range | Find smallest and largest values. |
rangeEntries | Find smallest and largest entries. |
slice | Get part of an array. |
slice$ | Get part of an array. |
head | Get first value. |
last | Get last value. |
tail | Get values except first. |
init | Get values except last. |
middle | Get values from middle. |
take | Keep first n values only. |
takeRight | Keep last n values only. |
takeWhile | Keep values from left, while a test passes. |
takeWhileRight | Keep values from right, while a test passes. |
drop | Discard first n values only. |
dropRight | Discard last n values only. |
dropWhile | Discard values from left, while a test passes. |
dropWhileRight | Discard values from right, while a test passes. |
prefixes | List all possible prefixes. |
suffixes | List all possible suffixes. |
infixes | List all possible infixes. |
subsequences | List all possible subsequences. |
permutations | List all possible permutations. |
randomValue | Pick an arbitrary value. |
randomPrefix | Pick an arbitrary prefix. |
randomSuffix | Pick an arbitrary suffix. |
randomInfix | Pick an arbitrary infix. |
randomSubsequence | Pick an arbitrary subsequence. |
randomPermutation | Pick an arbitrary permutation. |
randomPermutation$ | Pick an arbitrary permutation. |
includes | Check if array has a value. |
indexOf | Find first index of a value. |
lastIndexOf | Find last index of a value. |
find | Find first value passing a test. |
findRight | Find last value passing a test. |
scanWhile | Scan from left, while a test passes. |
scanWhileRight | Scan from right, while a test passes. |
scanUntil | Scan from left, until a test passes. |
scanUntilRight | Scan from right, until a test passes. |
search | Find index of first value passing a test. |
searchRight | Find index of last value passing a test. |
searchAll | Find indices of values passing a test. |
searchValue | Find first index of a value. |
searchValueRight | Find last index of a value. |
searchValueAll | Find indices of value. |
searchInfix | Find first index of an infix. |
searchInfixRight | Find last index of an infix. |
searchInfixAll | Find indices of an infix. |
searchSubsequence | Find first index of a subsequence. |
hasValue | Check if array has a value. |
hasPrefix | Check if array starts with a prefix. |
hasSuffix | Check if array ends with a suffix. |
hasInfix | Check if array contains an infix. |
hasSubsequence | Check if array has a subsequence. |
hasPermutation | Check if array has a permutation. |
forEach | Call a function for each value. |
some | Check if any value satisfies a test. |
every | Check if all values satisfy a test. |
map | Transform values of an array. |
map$ | Transform values of an array. |
reduce | Reduce values of array to a single value. |
reduceRight | Reduce values from right, to a single value. |
filter | Keep values which pass a test. |
filter$ | Keep values which pass a test. |
filterAt | Keep values at given indices. |
reject | Discard values which pass a test. |
reject$ | Discard values which pass a test. |
rejectAt | Discard values at given indices. |
accumulate | Produce accumulating values. |
flat | Flatten nested array to given depth. |
flatMap | Flatten nested array, based on map function. |
zip | Combine values from arrays. |
fill | Fill with given value. |
fill$ | Fill with given value. |
sort | Arrange values in order. |
sort$ | Arrange values in order. |
push | Add value to the end. |
push$ | Add values to the end. |
pop | Remove last value. |
pop$ | Remove last value. |
shift | Remove first value. |
shift$ | Remove first value. |
unshift | Add values to the start. |
unshift$ | Add values to the start. |
copy | Copy part of array to another. |
copy$ | Copy part of array to another. |
copyWithin | Copy part of array within. |
copyWithin$ | Copy part of array within. |
moveWithin | Move part of array within. |
moveWithin$ | Move part of array within. |
splice | Remove or replace existing values. |
splice$ | Remove or replace existing values. |
split | Break array considering test as separator. |
splitAt | Break array considering indices as separator. |
cut | Break array when test passes. |
cutRight | Break array after test passes. |
cutAt | Break array at given indices. |
cutAtRight | Break array after given indices. |
group | Keep similar values together and in order. |
partition | Segregate values by test result. |
partitionAs | Segregate values by similarity. |
chunk | Break array into chunks of given size. |
cycle | Obtain values that cycle through array. |
repeat | Repeat an array given times. |
reverse | Reverse the values. |
reverse$ | Reverse the values. |
rotate | Rotate values in array. |
rotate$ | Rotate values in array. |
intersperse | Place a separator between every value. |
interpolate | Estimate new values between existing ones. |
intermix | Place values of an array between another. |
interleave | Place values from iterables alternately. |
concat | Append values from arrays. |
concat$ | Append values from arrays. |
join | Join values together into a string. |
isUnique | Check if there are no duplicate values. |
isDisjoint | Check if arrays have no value in common. |
unique | Remove duplicate values. |
union | Obtain values present in any array. |
union$ | Obtain values present in any array. |
intersection | Obtain values present in both arrays. |
difference | Obtain values not present in another array. |
symmetricDifference | Obtain values not present in both arrays. |
cartesianProduct | List cartesian product of arrays. |