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rich-text-toolkit 2.0.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @cultureamp/rich-text-toolkit@2.0.2
Install via package.json:
"@cultureamp/rich-text-toolkit": "2.0.2"

About this version

Rich Text Toolkit

A collection of helpers for building a rich text editor (WYSIWYG) with ProseMirror.

If you only need basic rich text editing functions (bold, italics, lists, links)—take a look at the Kaizen Rich Text Editor, which uses these helpers to create a plug-and-play component.


While the Toolkit was initially built out by the Kaizen Team, contributions are welcome and encouraged from all teams. If there is new functionality that you would like add or extend upon, please reach out to the Kaizen Team to set up some time before kicking off this new body of work.

Triggering a new release

This repo uses changesets for versioning. When you want to trigger a new release:

  • run yarn changeset add from your local terminal to generate a changeset.
    • Select the semver change type (ie: major, minor, patch)
    • Write a concise summary of the change - this is used in the changelog
  • Commit the generated file and merge the PR
    • This will automatically trigger a release PR
  • Checkout to the release PR (changeset-release/main) and push up an empty commit
git checkout changeset-release/main
git commit -m "Empty commit to trigger CI tasks" --allow-empty
git push origin
  • Approve the PR and merge into main

Why the empty commit?

This is due to a quirk with the PR that is automatically generated. At the moment it cannot trigger the CI tasks to run. In order to run these, push an empty commit to the PR before merging.

Local development

As there is currently no storybook attached to the Rich Text Toolkit, for ease of local development we would recommend either of the following:

  • run yarn build and copy your /dist folder into your local @kaizen/rich-text-editor package - this is only really helpful to spot check your current change
  • yalc to create a dependency on your local development environment with the @kaizen/rich-text-editor

Using the rich-text-toolkit

The Toolkit was built out with the intention to be used in @kaizen/rich-text-editor, which handles the UI and logic around interactive states. While it is recommended that you leverage the Kaizen component, you can utilize the Toolkit to build out a custom solution if modelled similarly.

If you have spoken to the Design System Team and need a bespoke solution, we advise reviewing the Kaizen Rich Text Editor source code to see how the Toolkit has been implemented. Where possible, extend the functionality of the Toolkit before building out separate logic in your implementation.



RTE Diagram Note: this diagram was created in the planning stage and while it mostly represent the overall structure, there may be some inconsistencies as development continues.


Contains the essential functionality to build out the RTE, Including:

  • React Hook to initialize Rich Text Editor (/hooks/useRichTextEditor.ts)
    • The useRichTextEditor hook creates an instance of the RTE, binds it to the DOM and allows it to update its state within the React lifecycle
  • Helpers to create the editor view (/create.ts)
    • createRichTextEditor creates a new instance of the RTE that can dispatch commands and transactions.


Contains any function that is used to dispatch or help dispatch an editing action within the Rich Text Editor. These either extend or simplified the API for Commands from the ProseMirror package


Plugins are used to add or extend functionality to the rich text editor. They are an encapsulated bundle of functions that may influence the state and the view that contains it.

You can learn more about ProseMirror's Plugin System over here.


Contains the schema for both nodes and marks. As ProseMirror is opinionated in how it handles the two types we have opted to keep them in separate files. When adding new nodes or marks, please add them into the appropriate schema file.

  • Nodes - An element in the DOM tree
  • Marks - A piece of information that can be attached to a node



  • rich-text-toolkit-2.0.2.tgz

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