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    • BeddoMaster is a repository containing only the root maven pom.xm for all repos in the "Beddo" product family. The products are designed to create an overlay for a poker live stream.
      MIT License
      1000Updated Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019
    • BeddoCommon is a shared repository for the products from the "Beddo" product family. It's main purpose is to provide classes and files that are shared between multiple "Beddo" products to decrease duplications.
      MIT License
      1000Updated Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019
    • BeddoControl is a tool in the "Beddo" product family. It's main purpose is to manage and control all important settings for the overlays generated by BeddoMischer.
      MIT License
      1000Updated Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019
    • BeddoMischer is a tool in the "Beddo" product family. It's main purpose is to act as the central unit between multiple instances of BeddoFabrik and a BeddoControl admin interface. BeddoMischer provides several websites showing different overlays that can be used in live web streams to provide information for the audience.
      MIT License
      1000Updated Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019
    • BeddoFabrik is a tool in the "Beddo" product family. It's main purpose is to manage up to five NFC scanners that are connected to a Rasperry Pi Zero W and send information about detected cards to BeddoMischer.
      MIT License
      2000Updated Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019