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26 repositories
Public- The Graph example project shows you how to use the PowerBuilder WebBrowser control and a third-party charting library (such as ECharts or Google Charts) to present intuitive, interactive and highly customizable charts in your PowerBuilder application.
- The Sales App demonstrates PowerServer supporting key PowerBuider constructs and programming style commonly used in many existing client/server applications. It is developed with Appeon PowerBuilder and deployed to the Cloud with Appeon PowerServer 2022 R2.
- This demo is a PowerBuilder application, developed with Appeon PowerBuilder 2022. It showcases some of the new features added since the version of PowerBuilder 2019, including: 1.Call Web APIs via RESTClient. 2.UI Theme. 3.RibbonBar control. 4.Use the new WebBrowser control to display the Google Charts report.