- Use and setup the project with
. - Convert the project to Typescript.
- Initialize tsconfig.
- Create .gitignore file to ignore the node_modules
You will be tasked with creating a node.js based Rest application which will serve as a data source for a library web application. The application will expose one rest resources
- book Resource - This will handle CRUD endpoints for managing a book list. All endpoints will only be accessed by an authenticated user. The Project will persist data to a JSON database.
What we are testing. Express project structure REST API Endpoint Nomenclature Javascript ECMA standards Data persistence (JSON database.) Unit Testing
- You can add a new book.
- You can browse through all books.
- You can edit a book.
- You can delete a profile.
- you can view details of each book
-- Your application should be able to perform. -- GET Request which returns all the data in your database.json data -- POST Request which adds data to your database.json file (Note: If there is no database.json on post, create one dynamically). -- PUT Request which updates fields of a particular data using the id in database.json -- DELETE Request which removes a particular data from your database.json using the id Host your application on Heroku
“Title”: “A Promised Land”,
“Author”: “Barack Obama”,
“datePublished”: “2020-0-12T19:0455.455z”,
“Description”: “A Promised Land is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Published on November 17, 2020, it is the first of a planned two-volume series”
“pageCount”: 768,
“Genre”: “autobiography”,
“bookId”: 1,
“Publisher”: “Crown”
- Make sure you write test to cover your application using supertest
Test coverage Make sure you write test to cover your application using supertest Test for a GET request Test for a POST request Test for a PUT request Test for a DELETE request
- Page to display all books
- Page to display each book details
- Implement add, edit and delete functions ( User can add,edit and delete books from the platform)