Navigate to the official reference implementation theme (GCWeb)
The purpose of this repository is to allow the developer community to use, test and experiment with new components, layouts, templates and features for building digital products under the brand. Use this theme to provide a more usable, consistent and trustworthy online experience for people who access Government of Canada digital services. Start with user-tested templates, patterns and design principles to get going quickly and help save time and money.
- How does it work? (coming...)
- Who will use this project? (coming...)
- What is the goal of this project? (coming...)
Unless otherwise noted, the source code of this project is covered under Crown Copyright, Government of Canada, and is distributed under the MIT License.
The Canada wordmark and related graphics associated with this distribution are protected under trademark law and copyright law. No permission is granted to use them outside the parameters of the Government of Canada's corporate identity program. For more information, see Federal identity requirements.