mod-rs - Providing Resource Sharing Capabilities
mod-rs is not a document-storage oriented RMB module, it is a hibernate / ORM based object/relational app. Although this arrangement requires more effort to add properties (Note though that all the primary domain objects support an extensible document-like customProperties structure) it has the advantage of being dynamically tuned and queryable in response to changing and evolving domain model requirements in a way that document stores often are not, particularly when dealing with highly relational data. This is especially true when filtering on joined collections.
Because of this, RAML and Json Schema are not used to define our private internal storage model - they arise out of it. This means mod-rs interface can often hide information from clients and provide a sensible boundary between callers and business/storage logic.
Since our public interface arises out of the domain model, rather than having the external interface dictate the internal storage model the RAML and JsonSchema descriptions of this module are made available through the API itself at the following endpoints
Artefact | Call URL | Notes |
RAML Description | /rs/kiwt/raml | human maintained in service/grails-app/controllers/mod/rs/RSConfigurationController |
All Schema Objects | /rs/kiwt/config/schema | All schema objects |
Stand Alone Schema - Patron request | /rs/kiwt/config/schema/PatronRequest | The schema for PatronRequest with all it's sub-objects embedded in a single schema |
Embedded Schema | /rs/kiwt/config/schema/embedded/PatronRequest | The schema for PatronRequest with all it's sub-objects embedded in a single schema |
All the basic object types can be listed as stand-alone objects or as embedded structures
mod-rs is functional - it's not a dumb store. Clients do not "Set" the state of a request - you can ask mod-rs to perform a "Shipped" action against a request, and a side effect of that action might be to set the status of a request to "SHIPPED". This convention reaches down to the different protocol stacks involved in interlending. When you "Ship" an item, there are standards based protocol messages that need to be exchanged before the state can be changed (This is particularly true when performing operations like cancel). Please don't treat mod-rs like a dumb store - it's absolutely doing work, and you should consider it an application level "service" rather than a dumb data storage tool.
The mod-rs domain model is the heart of the module - you should probably start there. The domain model also imports the shared domain model for directory information and a number of classes for refdata, custom properties, tags and other common structures from this utility library.
mod-rs is slightly unusual in that it often mediates messages passed between tenants in an okapi environment. These events are passed over a kafka substrate and the majority of the work is done in services. In particular, the service ReshareApplicationEventHandlerService.groovy is responsible for handling application level events. This service will receive an "STATUS_XXX_ind" whenever the state of a patron request changes - for example "STATUS_VALIDATED_ind" once a request status has been changed to VALIDATED. The service can also receive other indications, for example "NewPatronRequest_ind" is called when a new patron request (Requester side) is created, and a "MESSAGE_REQUEST_ind" event is raised on the lender side when a new request enters the system.
Please note well that in a scaled-out system, different instances of the running system will be removing notifications from the KAFKA queue - this balances the load of processing events, indications and incoming protocol messages over the set of running modules.
The current events and the handlers that get called are (N.B. this is for illustrative purposes only, please see the code, and maybe update this section if you notice discrepancies)
Event | Description | Handler |
NewPatronRequest_ind | A new request (On the borrower side) was created | handleNewPatronRequestIndication |
STATUS_VALIDATED_ind | A request went from IDLE -> VALIDATED | sourcePatronRequest |
STATUS_ITEM_SHIPPED_ind | A request moved to the SHIPPED state | |
MESSAGE_REQUEST_ind | A Lender received a new request (Usually via an interlending protocol) for an item | handleRequestMessage |
mod-rs contains a lot of behaviour. It's really important you update and use the integration tests. PLEASE run grails test-app before committing changes. Failed tests leave the database state intact so you can investigate what went wrong, but this can mess up your next round of testing, so it's ideal if you "Vagrant destroy", "Vagrant up" before running your test suite. Remember that the mod-rs vagrant image also includes a kafka setup.
Run tests individually with
grails test-app *ShipmentSpec*
grails test-app *RSLifecycleSpec*
grails test-app *ProtocolPeerSpec*
grails test-app *RSNotSuppliedSpec*
This module is developed and tested in a vagrant container projectreshare/development - see
to update this box, make whatever changes are needed and then
Remember that when starting a vagrant image, the directory containing the Vagrantfile will be mounted as /vagrant in the started image This will give you an easy way to make an updated .deb avaialable, for example.
As root, run
Exit from the VM and run
vagrant package
This will create - Go to and create a new version with provider virtualbox then upload the new .box image.
Schemas are controlled by the liquibase database migrations plugin. This means domain classes work sligthly differently to normal grails projects.
After adding or editing domain classes, you will need to generate a liquibase config file. The full file can be regenerated with::
grails dbm-gorm-diff description-of-change.groovy --add
grails dbm-generate-gorm-changelog my-new-changelog.groovy
NOTE: If you are using the database from the vagrant image, which is on 54321 to avoid clashes with any local postgres you might have, the above won't be able to find your database. Try:
grails -Dgrails.env=vagrant-db dbm-gorm-diff description-of-change.groovy --add
grails -Dgrails.env=vagrant-db dbm-generate-gorm-changelog my-new-changelog.groovy
- To prepare for a release, create a branch called release-N.N.x where N.N is the major and minor versions, and x is the letter x.
- Push a tag to the release branch when changes are finalized
- From the Github repository page, create a release from the tag created in the previous step.
- CI will publish appropriate artifacts when the release is published.