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OTGen: Open Traffic Generator CLI Tool

Lint System Tests Builds

How to use

The idea behind otgen is to leverage shell pipe capabilities to break OTG API interactions into multiple stages with output of one feeding to the next. This way, each individual stage can be:

  • easily parameterized,
  • individually re-used,
  • when needed, substituted by a custom implementation

The shell pipe workflow on otgen looks the following:

otgen create flow -s -d -p 80 --rate 1000 | \
otgen add flow -n f2 -s -d --sport 80 --dport 1024 --tx p2 --rx p1 | \
otgen run -k --metrics flow | \
otgen transform --metrics flow --counters frames | \
otgen display --mode table

Port locations are read from ENV:OTG_LOCATION_P1 and ENV:OTG_LOCATION_P2.

See Environmental variables section for more options.


otgen is distributed as a precompiled binary for Linux and MacOS. You can also build it from source for any other platform supported by Go language.

Install script

otgen can be installed using the installation script which detects the operating system type and installs the relevant binary:

# download and install the latest release (may require sudo)
bash -c "$(curl -sL"

# download a specific version - 0.4.0 in this example (may require sudo)
bash -c "$(curl -sL" -- -v 0.4.0

# with wget
bash -c "$(wget -qO -"

Manually download

To manually select and download a TAR archive with a precompiled otgen binary for your platform use otgen releases page.

Command reference

Global options

  [--log level]                       # Logging level: err | warn | info | debug (default "err")

create and add

Create a new OTG configuration item that can be further passed to stdin of otgen run command. The add variant of the command first reads an OTG configuration from stdin.

otgen create flow                     # Create a configuration for a Traffic Flow
  [--name string]                     # Flow name (default f1)
  [--tx string]                       # Test port name for TX (default p1) 
  [--rx string]                       # Test port name for RX (default p2) 
  [--txl string]                      # Test port location string for TX (default localhost:5555) 
  [--rxl string]                      # Test port location string for RX (default localhost:5556) 
  [--ipv4 ]                           # IP version 4 (default)
  [--ipv6 ]                           # IP version 6
  [--proto icmp | tcp | udp]          # IP transport protocol
  [--smac xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx]          # Source MAC address. For device-bound flows, default value is copied from the Tx device
  [--dmac xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx]          # Destination MAC address. For device-bound flows, default value "auto" enables ARP for IPv4 / ND for IPv6
  [--src x.x.x.x]                     # Source IP address
  [--dst x.x.x.x]                     # Destination IP address
  [--sport N]                         # Source TCP or UDP port. If not specified, incrementing source port numbers would be used for each new packet
  [--dport N]                         # Destination TCP or UDP port (default 7 - echo protocol)
  [--swap]                            # Swap default values of: Tx and Rx names and locations; source and destination MACs, IPs and TCP/UDP ports
  [--count N]                         # Number of packets to transmit. Use 0 for continuous mode. (default 1000)
  [--rate N]                          # Packet rate in packets per second. If not specified, default rate decision would be left to the traffic engine
  [--size N]                          # Frame size in bytes. If not specified, default frame size decision would be left to the traffic engine
  [--loss]                            # Enable loss metrics
  [--latency sf | ct]                 # Enable latency metrics: sf for store_forward | ct for cut_through
  [--timestamps]                      # Enable metrics timestamps
  [--nometrics ]                      # Disable flow metrics
otgen create device                   # Create a configuration for an Emulated Device
  [--name string]                     # Device name (default otg1)
  [--port string]                     # Test port name (default p1)
  [--location string]                 # Test port location string (default localhost:5555)
  [--mac xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx]           # Device MAC address
  [--ip x.x.x.x]                      # Device IP address
  [--gw x.x.x.x]                      # Device default gateway
  [--prefix nn]                       # Device network prefix

add bgp

Adds a BGP router to an emulated device in the existing OTG configuration. Typical usage:

otgen create device --name r1 | \
otgen add bgp --device r1 --route

Available parameters:

otgen add bgp                         # Add a BGP configuration to an Emulated Device
  [--device string]                   # Device name to add BGP configuration to (default "otg1")
  [--id]                              # Router ID (default is an IP address of the interface the BGP configuration is attached to)
  [--asn N]                           # Autonomous System Number (default 65534)
  [--peer x.x.x.x]                    # Peer IP address (default is a GW address of the interface the BGP configuration is attached to)
  [--type ebgp|ibgp]                  # BGP peering type: ebgp | ibgp (default "ebgp")
  [--route x.x.x.x/nn]                # Route to advertise


Requests OTG API endpoint to:

  • apply an OTG configuration
  • start Protocols, if any Devices are defined in the configuration
  • run Traffic Flows
otgen run 
  [--api https://otg-api-endpoint]    # URL of OTG API endpoint. Overrides ENV:OTG_API (default "https://localhost:8443")
  [--insecure]                        # Ignore X.509 certificate validation
  [--file otg.yml | --file otg.json]  # OTG configuration file. If not provided, will use stdin
  [--yaml | --json]                   # Format of OTG input
  [--rxbgp 10|2x]                     # How many BGP routes shall we receive to consider the protocol is up. In number routes or multiples of routes advertised (default 1x)
  [--metrics port,flow,bgp4]          # Metrics types to report as a comma-separated list: "port" for PortMetrics, "flow" for FlowMetrics, "bgp4" for Bgpv4Metrics
  [--interval 0.5s]                   # Interval to pull OTG metrics. Valid time units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Example: 1s (default 0.5s)
  [--xeta 2]                          # How long to wait before forcing traffic to stop. In multiples of ETA. Example: 1.5 (default 2)
  [--timeout 120]                     # Maximum total run time, including protocols convergence and running traffic
  [--protocols auto|ignore|keep]      # Protocols control mode: auto - detect, start and stop; ignore - do not detect, start or stop; keep - detect, start but do not stop


Transform raw OTG metrics into a format suitable for further processing. If no parameters is provided, transform validates input for a match with OTG MetricsResponse data structure, and if matched, outputs it as is.

otgen transform 
  [--metrics port|flow]               # Metrics type to transform: 
                                      #   "port" for PortMetrics
                                      #   "flow" for FlowMetrics
  [--counters frames|bytes|pps|tput]  # Metric counters to transform:
                                      #   "frames" for frame count (default),
                                      #   "bytes" for byte count,
                                      #   "pps" for frame rate, in packets per second
                                      #   "tput" for throughput, in bytes per second (PortMetrics only)
  [--file template.tmpl]              # Go template file. If not provided, built-in templates will be used based on provided parameters


Displays metrics of a running test as charts or a table.

otgen display
  [--mode chart|table]               # Display type to show metrics as
  [--type line]                      # Type of the chart displayed. Currently, only line charts are supported.


For built-in help, use

otgen run --help


To check otgen version you have, use

otgen version

Environmental variables

Values of certain parameters in the OTG configuration depend on specifics of the traffic generator deployment. These values would typically stay the same between multiple otgen runs as long as the deployment stays the same.

For example:

  • location string of the OTG ports section depends on traffic generator ports available for the test
  • MAC addresses for OTG flows change only after re-deployment of containerized traffic generator components, and don't change in hardware setups

For such parameters it may be more convenient to change default values used by otgen instead of specifying them as command-line arguments.

Environmental variables is one of the mechanisms used by otgen to control default values. See below the full list of the variables recognized by otgen to redefine default values.

OTG_API                               # URL of OTG API endpoint

OTG_LOCATION_%PORT_NAME%              # location for test port with a name PORT_NAME, for example:
OTG_LOCATION_P1                       # location for test port "p1"
OTG_LOCATION_P2                       # location for test port "p2"

OTG_FLOW_SMAC_P1                      # Source MAC address to use for flows with Tx on port "p1"
OTG_FLOW_DMAC_P1                      # Destination MAC address to use for flows with Tx on port "p1"
OTG_FLOW_SMAC_P2                      # Source MAC address to use for flows with Tx on port "p2"
OTG_FLOW_DMAC_P2                      # Destination MAC address to use for flows with Tx on port "p2"

OTG_FLOW_SRC_IPV4                     # Source IPv4 address to use for flows
OTG_FLOW_DST_IPV4                     # Destination IPv4 address to use for flows
OTG_FLOW_SRC_IPV6                     # Source IPv6 address to use for flows
OTG_FLOW_DST_IPV6                     # Destination IPv6 address to use for flows

These are the values otgen uses if no variables or arguments were provided.

export OTG_API="https://localhost:8443"
export OTG_LOCATION_P1="localhost:5555"     # ixia-c-traffic-engine for p1 (tx) listening on localhost:5555
export OTG_LOCATION_P2="localhost:5556"     # ixia-c-traffic-engine for p2 (rx) listening on localhost:5556
export OTG_FLOW_SMAC_P1="02:00:00:00:01:aa"
export OTG_FLOW_DMAC_P1="02:00:00:00:02:aa"
export OTG_FLOW_SMAC_P2="02:00:00:00:02:aa"
export OTG_FLOW_DMAC_P2="02:00:00:00:01:aa"
export OTG_FLOW_SRC_IPV4=""
export OTG_FLOW_DST_IPV4=""
export OTG_FLOW_SRC_IPV6="fe80::000:00ff:fe00:01aa"
export OTG_FLOW_DST_IPV6="fe80::000:00ff:fe00:02aa"

Note, default values displayed via built-in --help output reflect currently set environmental variables values, except for test port location strings.