Analyses to support workshop discussions for pilot deployment program.
Assumes src
is the project root. Each file in src
is expected to be run in order.
├─ src/ # Analysis
├─ outputs/ # Intermediate data files
├─ figs/ # Figures
├─ .gitignore
├─ Project.toml # Julia project spec
└─ # this file
In addition to the above, spatial data should be stored outside the repository and its
location defined in a .config.toml
file placed within src
N_PROCS = 2 # Number of cores to use for multi-processing steps
MPA_DATA_DIR = "path to GBR data" # location of GBR datasets
ACA_DATA_DIR = "path to Allen Atlas data" # location of Allen Atlas datasets
WAVE_DATA_DIR = "path to wave data" # location of wave NetCDF datasets
GDA2020_DATA_DIR = "path to GDA2020 vector data" # location of GBRMPA region feature datasets in EPSG:7844 (GDA2020)
RUG_DATA_DIR = "path to Rugosity raster data" # location of Rugosity data
PORT_DATA_DIR = "path to QLD Ports vector data" # Location of QLD Ports data.
Expected data directory layout:
Separate directories are used for GBRMPA (MPA), Allen Coral Atlas (ACA), wave, GDA2020 and Rugosity datasets.
Sub-directory names should be consistent and match.
Data directories can currently be accessed via AIMS-Decision Support Sharepoint/Documents/General/GBR Spatial Datasets
MPA_DATA_DIR : contains raster data at whole-GBR and GBRMPA-management-region scales.
holds GBRMPA zone layers in geojson format.features
holds the GBRMPA GBR-wide feature set.- Sharepoint folder name :
ACA_DATA_DIR : contains raster and vector data at whole-GBR scale.
- Sharepoint folder name :
WAVE_DATA_DIR : contains wave data in NetCDF format at the scale of GBRMPA-management-regions.
- Sharepoint folder name :
GDA2020_DATA_DIR : contains GBRMPA management and zoning geopackage data in EPSG:7844 (GDA2020).
- Sharepoint folder name:
RUG_DATA_DIR : contains Rugosity raster data provided by Ben Radford for Townsville-Whitsunday region.
- Sharepoint folder name :
PORT_DATA_DIR : contains QLD Port location vector data provided by Marji Poutinen.
- Sharepoint folder name :
│ ├───Cairns-Cooktown
│ ├───FarNorthern
│ ├───Mackay-Capricorn
│ └───Townsville-Whitsunday
│ ├───Cairns-Cooktown
│ ├───FarNorthern
│ ├───Mackay-Capricorn
│ └───Townsville-Whitsunday
│ └───Raster data
│ └───Vector data
│ └───Vector data
│ └───Vector data
│ └───Vector data
└───Raster data
│ ├───Cairns-Cooktown
│ ├───FarNorthern
│ ├───Mackay-Capricorn
│ └───Townsville-Whitsunday
└───Townsville-Whitsunday_Rugosity Raster
└───QLD_Ports Shapefile
All scripts assume src
is the root. References to external directories may be specified
as relative to the src
$ cd src
$ julia --project=..
Scripts are labelled by their expected run order for GBRMPA (MPA) and Allen Coral Atlas (ACA),
and are written to be as stand-alone as possible.
It should be possible to run one script, so long as other scripts earlier in the
indicated order have been run previously.
e.g., Script 3 could be run after script 1 and 2, so long as 1 and 2 were run at some point
(Note: Running 1b_*.jl
requires the user to have raw MPA bathymetry input data,
as it is required for processing of wave data.)
(Note: Running 1a_*.jl
requires the user to have raw ACA turbidity input data,
as it is also required for MPA analyses.)
: Separate data into regions to reduce computational requirements. Ensure all data used in later steps are in EPSG:7844/GDA2020.2_*.jl
: Filter raster data into cells that meet selected criteria and calculate the proportion of suitability in the hectare surrounding each cell.3_*.jl
: Count the number of cells that have a surrounding suitability >= 0.95.
In QGIS, once the raster layers have been added, create an MBTiles file with:
Processing Toolbox -> Raster Tools -> Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles)
Great Barrier Reef 10m Grid (GBR10) GBRMP Benthic Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Bathymetry data that can be sourced from the sharepoint folder GBR-Bathy10m
has been split into
management regions and reprojected to the relevant UTM zones.
Calculated by Dr M. Puotinen based on the bathymetry.
Callaghan, David (2023). Great Barrier Reef non-cyclonic and on-reef wave model predictions. The University of Queensland. Data Collection.
(Significant wave height) : average height of the top 1/3 highest waves in a section
of ocean; in metres Gives a general idea of sea state, which is the general roughness
(or not) of a part of the sea A reasonable proxy for the potential for wave impacts on
structures like reefs.
Often this might be the only data available.
(Peak wave period) : Peak wave energy period, in seconds.
A low Tp
means a locally generated wind wave.
A high Tp
means swell generated far away that has propagated to the location of interest.
If you need to know whether the sea state is generated by local winds or from a distant storm.
< 6 s : Mixed or wind wave environments
> 8 s : Swell wave environments
is used to constrain locations by suitable deployment conditions.
Deployment conditions are dependent on the type of vessel. Small tenders are assumed to be
used for pilot deployment scenarios for 2025.
and Tp
data from the 90th percentile of values are used (Hs90
and Tp90
Provided by Ben Radford for Townsville-Whitsunday region.
MPA raster data
(Bathymetry, Benthic, Geomorphic, Slope) : 10 x 10m pixel size
ACA raster data
(Bathymetry and Turbidity) : 10 x 10m pixel size
Waves NetCDF data
(Hs and Tp) : 10 x 10m pixel size
After 1*_.jl
(pre-processing and reprojecting data) is complete all raster and vector data
, and outputs from 2*_.jl
and 3*_.jl
will be in EPSG:7844 GDA2020.
Wave data provided can span across two UTM zones. Saving processed data as geotiffs will fail due to bounds checking; the GDAL implementation will refuse to write to disk if the data falls outside of the indicated projection bounds.
This may be why the wave data (provided in netCDF format) does not include a CRS.
For example, most of the Townsville-Whitsunday region falls under UTM Zone 55S extents (EPSG:32755).
- Latitude: 1116915.04, 10000000.0
- Longitude: 166021.44, 833978.56
Units are meters in Northings/Eastings. Simply, the greater the Longitude (Eastings) value, the further east the extent. The greater the Latitude (Northings) value, the further north the extent.
The bathymetry data for the same region spans across:
- Latitude: 7709845.2670042375, 8045915.2670042375
- Longitude: 394844.2269136696, 875934.2269136696
The wave data spans across:
- Latitude: 7709850.2670042375, 8045910.2670042375
- Longitude: 394849.2269136696, 875929.2269136696
After trimming to bathymetry extents:
- Latitude: 7729280.2670042375, 8040970.2670042375
- Longitude: 401619.2269136696, 859799.2269136696
Note the east-most longitude is outside the nominal bounds for UTM Zone 55S.
As a tentative workaround, it is assumed that the embedded extents in the wave netCDFs are
incorrect. Extents of the wave data typically match the size/shape of bathymetry data
(i.e., the number of rows/columns are the same). When missing data is cropped away, the
remaining wave data is well within the bathymetry bounds. Where the sizes do not match,
the bounds of the wave data is extended so it does (the additional rows/columns are filled
with values denoting missing
The bathymetry data structure is then copied (so metadata on its extent, projection, etc. are retained), and finally, the wave data is copied across.
All data in 1a_prep_MPA.jl
are projected to EPSG:7844/GDA2020 prior to further analysis.
ACA raster data is in EPSG:4326/WGS84.
Wave data preparation in 1b_prep_aca.jl
MPA bathymetric data to be available due to inconsistent reference systems/units
(see 'Projections - MPA Data' section for more details).
All data in 1b_prep_aca.jl
are projected to EPSG:7844/GDA2020 prior to further analysis.
Recommended Colors
- Flats: #7570b3 (purple)
- Slopes: #1b9e77 (green)
Initial results from GBR-reef-guidance-assessment are displayed in the Great Barrier Reef -
Reef Guidance Web Application (
These results show flat and slope surrounding hectare suitability between 1-100% as well as context layers.
Layers can be adjusted for position and transparency, and a grey scale map option is also available.
The initial suitability criteria are displayed under Data Information
Layers added for context include:
QLD Port Locations
: Provided by Dr Marji PuotinenEcoRRAP Site Locations
: Provided by Dr Maren ToorTourism Pontoon Locations
Cruise Ship Transit Lanes
Designated Shipping Areas
Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement areas
Marine Park Zoning
Mean DHW data 1985-2023
: NOAA Observed DHW data provided by Dr Jessica BenthuysenMean projected DHW data 2015-2100 (SSP2-4.5 CNRM-ESM2-1)
: Statistically downscaled data provided by Dr Jessica BenthuysenReefMod reef outlines with contextual information
: Produced by canonical-reefs project (