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SUO‐KIF Adjectives and Adverbs

epachamo edited this page Feb 26, 2025 · 1 revision

SUO-KIF for the beginner

Introduction to Adjectives and Adverbs


Modifiers on nouns (i.e., tall, thin, bright...) Comparatives and superlatives

  • Tall, taller, tallest


  • (Moron), dull, average, smart, bright, brilliant, (genius)?

SUMO has attribute (relation) and Attribute (term)


Modifiers on a verb (i.e. quickly, slowly)

Relative Representation

"John is tall" is almost meaningless, but maybe we have a default context for all classes? John is 6 feet tall is tall for a ten year old boy, but short for a professional basketball player.

The challenge is to give a completely decontextualized description.

Tall is not an attribute of "boy", but rather a relationship to the set of similar entities referred to in that context.

This is an active area of research, how best to formalize these types of statements.


Timmy is tall.

(exists (?T ?A)
 (instance ?T Boy)
 (attribute ?T ?A)
 (instance ?A SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute)))
(instance Tall SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute)
(exists (?T ?A)
 (instance ?T Boy)
 (attribute ?T ?A)
 (instance ?A Tall)))