Application for Generic-ICO
A running RPC ethereum daemon. See:
Mongo DB for storing account info. See:
Create DB and user:
use database-name db.createUser( { user: "{user}", pwd: "{password}", roles: [ { role: "readWrite" } ] } )
Node.js 6.x for running Generic-ICO. For debian installations:
If running 4.x:
sudo apt-get purge nodejs npm
Install 6.x:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm install
If Generic-ICO is not running locally, https is the default protocol. To set up a self-signed SSL certificate in debian/apache2 environments, run:
sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/certs sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/apache2/certs/{domain name}.key -out /etc/apache2/certs/{domain name}.crt
Note: Also copy the crt and key file to the {nodejs}/sslcert directory. Change the owner to that of the nodejs process, then make sure your settings.json SSL parameters have the correct file-names for your key and crt files.
Configure the database connection parameters, localizations and features of Generic-ICO by copying 'settings.json.template' to 'settings.json' and making your changes in 'settings.json'.
If you need to run Generic-ICO app from a "sub directory" of the main web-site (e.g., change the settings.json parameter, chRoot to: "".
(If supervisor is not installed, run 'npm install supervisor'.)
(If 'daemon' is not installed, please consult your Linux distro's documentation for installing 'daemon'.)
GNU V3 (See LICENSE file.)