Piano LED Visualizer system image v1.5
- Download PLV_v1.5.zip
- Unzip the file
- Use program like Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher to save system image to your SD card (4GB is a minimum).
Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi. After 3-8 minutes (depending on the speed of your SD card), you should see the Visualizer menu on the RPi screen and a new Wi-Fi access point.
Connect your smartphone or another device to the hotspot called "PianoLEDVisualizer" with the password "visualizer". Using your browser navigate to url: "pianoledvisualizer.local", then go to "Network" tab, choose your network, and provide password. After that, your RPi should be connected to your home network. You can access web interface with the same address (pianoledvisualizer.local). If that doesn't work, try If you're connecting to the hotspot with your smartphone, try temporarily disabling the mobile network.
SSH credentials:
Login: plv
Password: visualizer
- Hotspot
- On the first launch and when Wi-Fi is not available, Visualizer will start a hotspot, allowing access to the web interface
- Translations
- The web interface has been translated to Polish, German*, French*, Spanish*, Chinese (Simplified), Hindi, Portuguese* and Japanese*
*AI translation
- The web interface has been translated to Polish, German*, French*, Spanish*, Chinese (Simplified), Hindi, Portuguese* and Japanese*
- Support for LED strips with lower density
- FPS counter for measuring performance (credits to @stephen322 )
- Visualizer's logs accessible from the web interface
- An option to restart Visualizer from the screen's menu or web interface
- Improvements to the Learning tool
- Show future notes with a dimmer color
- Light up keys with red color when pressing incorrect notes
- Auto restart on Visualizer crash
- Chords animation (light up keys in the chosen scale)
- Chords animation on scale C when aligning LED to piano keys
- New color mode "VelocityRainbow" (credits to @stephen322 )
- An option to rotate menu on the screen
- Gradient in multicolor mode (smooth transition between colors)
- An option to iterate through colors in multicolor mode
- Showing midi event in the web interface
- Various QOL changes
Code related
- Various refactors and code improvements (credits to @stephen322 )
- The "Mido" package has been updated to the newest version - some MIDI files are now correctly loading