A well-tuned B+-tree for Persistent Memory Systems.
Please cite our paper if you use SSB-Tree:
Tongliang Li, Haixia Wang, Airan Sao, Dongsheng Wang. SSB-Tree: Making Persistent Memory B+-Trees Crash-Consistent and Concurrent by Lazy-Box. Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2022).
Support: SSBTree
supports Insert, Delete, Update, Point Lookup, and Range Scan operations. Each operation works for 64-bit integer keys and values.
Use Case: SSBTree
is suitable to be applied for the applications using persistent memory to enable instant recovery.
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Compile: cmake, g++-7, gcc-7, c++17
$ sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev libjemalloc-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/pmem/pmdk.git
$ cd pmdk
$ git checkout tags/1.6
$ make -j
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. //-DREBALANCE=on to enable merge, disabled by default
$ make -j
$ sudo ./example 10000 4 /mnt/pmem
usage: ./example [n] [nthreads] [poolpath]
n: number of keys (integer)
nthreads: number of threads (integer)
poolpath: path of the persistent memory pool
We support a wrapper for PiBench to easily verify the performance of SSBTree with other PM B+-trees.
Please check PiBench for more information.