Unobtrusive client validation for core mvc (can be used instead of jquery.validate + jquery.validate.unobtrusive)
Add the scripts to your page:
<script src="~/lib/ovld/ovld.js"></script>
<script src="~/lib/ovld/ovld.unobtrusive.js"></script>
On page load all form
tags will be bound to automatically, but you can also call the bind manually, for example:
ovld.unobtrusive.setDefaults({ autorun: false });
Besides the validation rules parsed from the unobtrusive html attributes, we can add additional validation rules:
// turn off automatic binding
ovld.unobtrusive.setDefaults({ autorun: false });`
// bind manually
const boundApi = ovld.unobtrusive.bind({
selector: 'form',
{ Name: [{chk: noAsdf, msg:'Name can\'t contain asdf'}] }
// rule: value can't contain 'asdf' string
function noAsdf({v}) {
return v.indexOf('asdf') !== -1;
const boundApi = ovld.unobtrusive.bind({...});
// call destroy later if necessary
We can make certain editors related, so that when we change the value of one the other is also checked, e.g. Password and ConfirmPassword, example:
const boundApi = ovld.unobtrusive.bind({
selector: '#f1 form',
// when checking `Name`, rules of `Name1` will also be checked
// when checking NumA, rules of NumC will also be checked
related: {
"Name": ["Name1"],
"NumA": ["NumC"],
"NumB": ["NumC"],
// value must equal the editor with name=Name
function sameAsName({v, input }) {
let nameVal = find(input.closest('form'), '[name=Name]')[0].value;
return v != nameVal;
// value must be equal to editor with name=NumA + name=NumB
function sumOfNumbers({v, input}){
const form = input.closest('form');
const numA = parseInt(find(form, '[name=NumA]')[0].value, 10);
const numB = parseInt(find(form, '[name=NumB]')[0].value, 10);
if (parseInt(v, 10) !== numA + numB){
return {
msg: `${numA} + ${numB} != ${v}`
see custom rules page for example
subev: 'submit', // submit event, a custom event can be used
selector: '#mydiv',
//cont: myElm // alternative to selector
'Name': [
{ chk:ovld.rules.req, msg:'The Name field is required.' },
{ chk: ovld.rules.len({ max: 50, min: 3 }), msg: 'Length must be between 3 and 50' }
'Date': [{ chk: ovld.rules.req, msg: 'The Date field is required.' }, ],
// container relative to the input where to put or clear the validation message
msgCont: function(o) {
return o.input.closest('.awe-row').querySelector('[vld-for=' + + ']');
Example, ignore editors whose name starts with 'abc' (add this script after you've referenced ovld.js)
ovld.ignore = function(input){
return true;
Live example here: (also reason this was created)
ovld.js used directly (without unobtrusive) for client validation of inline editing grid rows: