Write Storybook in ClojureScript with ease.
Library is still undergoing development, so expect frequent changes to the API. The current version only supports Reagent.
does not include Reagent as its dependency, so
add both as the development dependency to your tool of choice.
contains two macros:
: creates thedefault
property that Storybook expects.defstory
: well, the story.
(ns hello.world
(:require [fan-fiction.reagent :refer [foreword defstory]]))
(defn greeting [person] ;; this probably should be in a different namespace
[:h1 "Hello, " person "!"])
(foreword :title "Greeting component"
:component greeting
:hide-controls false) ;; default is true
(defstory hello-world [greeting "World"])
is an alias of the longer hideNoControlsWarning
The equivalent Component Story Format (CSF) in JavaScript is as follows:
import React from 'react';
import { Greeting } from './greeting';
export default {
title: 'Greeting component',
component: Greeting,
parameters: {controls: {hideNoControlsWarning: false}}
export const HelloWorld = () => <Greeting name='World' />;
Copyright © 2021 Shaolang Ai
Distributed under the MIT License