An Omeka S module that adds NDE (Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed) Termennetwerk to the Value Suggest module.
- Art & Architecture Thesaurus - materials
- Art & Architecture Thesaurus - processes and techniques
- Art & Architecture Thesaurus - styles and periods
- Archaeological Basic Register
- Adamlink: streets in Amsterdam
- Biographies Second World War Netherlands
- Brinkman keyword thesaurus
- Buildings in Brabant
- Colonial Past
- Cultural-Historical Thesaurus
- Cultural-Historical Thesaurus - Materials
- Cultural-Historical Thesaurus - Styles and periods
- EuroVoc - thesaurus of the European Union
- GeoNames: gepgraphical names in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
- GTAA: classification
- GTAA: genres
- GTAA: geographic names
- GTAA: names
- GTAA: subjects
- GTAA: person names
- Homosaurus
- Iconclass
- Indian Heritage Thesaurus
- Muziekweb: genres and styles
- Muziekweb: persons and groups
- Muziekschatten: subjects
- Muziekschatten: performance mediums
- Muziekschatten: persons
- Dutch thesaurus of author names
- RKDartists
- STCN: printers
- streets in Gouda
- Thesaurus National Museum of World Cultures
- Thesaurus Second World War Netherlands
- Wikidata: all entities
- Wikidata: persons
- Wikidata: places in the Netherlands and Belgium
- Wikidata: streets in the Netherlands
NDE Termennetwerk module is Copyright © 2023-present Corporation for Digital Scholarship, Vienna, Virginia, USA
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