A WIP Multi-Platform YouTube & Spotify music downloader tool. Downloads music with Artwork & metadata.
The downloader itself it contained in Musix.Core. Musix Desktop has yet been started, and Musix.Console is being used for the early development process.
Current features:
- Sources from Youtube (audio) and Spotify (Metadata)
- Embeds ID3 metadata (Song/Album name, atrists, ect.)
- Embeds album artwork
- Audio Normilization
- Track Trimming/Cropping
Planned features:
- Lyric embedding from Genius
- In-App plugin downloader/manager
Current Features:
- UI Themes/Skinning
- Musix Plugin Packer
In Development:
- Plugin API
Planned features:
- Audio trimming Visualiser
- Bulk album/playlist (Youtube/Spotify) downloads
MusixClient will be coming to MacOS and Linux, however, development for these platforms is currently suspended until .NEt Maui is released.
- Musix Sync: A plugin to remotely sync your downloaded music to an Android device.
- Manual Metadata: Allows downloading of YouTube tacks that are not on Spotify. Using manually entered metadata, incl Album Cover.
This is the successor to my old 'YoutubeDownloder' project.
If you want to see updates and screenshots of development, or see new features, you can join my Discord Server