Bug Fixes
#535 fix the bug that querying without results after sepcified heigh upgrade
#531 move the SetParams execution location in InitGenesis
#527 fix --chain-id param of okexchaind causes an error when it's set empty
#519 fix hd path to 'm/44'/996'/0'/0/0' in sdk.Config
#513 adapt 'okexchaind testnet' to local starting
#512 set blockHash when init CommitStateDB
#503 fix cumulative gas
#500 fix the order of magnitudes in evm tx is inconsistent with other modules
#499 fix backend ticker
#496 fix submit text proposal failed through json
#495 fix unexpected text in the raw log of depositing in staking module
#494 fix undefined codespace
#530 bump to cosmos-sdk v0.39.2-okexchain2
#518 make rest path prefix configurable
#515 add error code for rest api
#514 bump go-ethereum from v1.9.24 to v 1.9.25
#508 change tokt to okt
#506 add pending mode for test
#502 add balance and nonce invariants for evm
#498 rm faucet
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