Get permissions on this repository, and edit it straight from the github interface. All simple text editing can be done this way - once you save (write a message then commit changes) you should be able to see it live.
If you are making complex changes or you want to be sure about how this will look before it goes live, check out the repository and run (jekyll)[].
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd okfestival-public-report
~/okfestival-public-report $ jekyll serve
# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000
Make sure when you commit that you do it to the gh-pages branch as this is how github knows to compile the jekyll site.
All content is in the 'pages' folder, each item in the first level navigation is stored in a folder named after the navigation item.
Content for the homepage and 'What you did' is generated from the front matter that is contained in the sub-content pages. Front matter is the metadata contained between the --- at the top of every file.
All the rest of the subpages are in markdown files nested within the folders named after the navigation items.
Content in the pages are described with markdown, HTML or small includes. The main page heading is generated from the title or parent_title in the front matter.
# Main heading
## Secondary heading
### Tertiary heading
--- for hard rules
[Link Text](URL)
Because the markup for Images and Quotes can be cumbersome to copy and paste, they use includes. The includes are formatted as follows.
Please be careful when copying and pasting this code as non-standard quotes can cause errors.
{% include image.html filename="NameOfImage.jpg" alt="Accessible alternate text" caption="Caption that goes under the image" %}
If you need to add a link to the photographer, and in HTML and make sure the inner quotes are single quotes.
{% include image.html filename="NameOfImage.jpg" alt="Accessible alternate text" caption="Caption that goes under the image. Photo take by Photographer Name." %}
{% include quote.html cite="Person, Publication" link="" quote="Here goeth the quote thing." %}
(NB. unfortunately the includes need to be all on one line as the line breaks confuse Jekyll )
<span class="summary">Page summaries</span>
<div class="pull">
Images that need to be floated
Images for anything described as a gallery are stored in the 'img' folder in the directory of the page.
For the 'What you did' page this is generated from the front matter on each subpage. The items are generated from the gallery_item description on each subpage.
file: filename.jpg
alt: Jane Doe
file: filename.jpg
alt: John Smith
caption_header: Communities
caption: Some caption text
For the small image gallery on the 'How it was' page, the images are described in the /how-it-was/ front matter.
img: https://regular_image.jpg
thumb: https://small_image.jpg
img: https://regular_image.jpg
thumb: https://small_image.jpg
Layout describes the default layout for the page
layout: page
Page title or subpage title references the parent page
parent_title: What You Did
title: Communities
Identifier helps with the section specific styling
identifier: what-you-did
Order controls the order that this page appears in the navigation
order: 3
The main navigation and sub-navigation are generated. If you add new pages and sections these should appear automatically.
The sub-navigation is generated from the _includes/navigation.html with a flag in the _layouts/page.html.