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workflow to detect Minimal Residual disease with MRDetect

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Workflow for MRdetect, detection of Minimal Residual Disease from paired tumor-plasma sample





java -jar cromwell.jar run mrdetect.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
tumorSampleName String ID for WGS tumor sample, must match .vcf header
tumorvcf File tumor vcf file, bgzip
tumorvcfindex File tumor vcf index file
reference String genome reference build. Only hg38 supported
instrument String sequencing instrument used (Illumina NovaSeq X Plus or Illumina NovaSeq 6000)

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
plasmabam File? None plasma input .bam file
plasmabai File? None plasma input .bai file
plasmaSampleName String? None name for plasma sample (from bam)
full_analysis_mode Boolean true Enable full analysis mode with this flag

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
filterVCF.tumorVCFfilter String "FILTER~'haplotype' FILTER~'clustered_events'
filterVCF.tumorVAF String "0.1" Variant Allele Frequency for tumor VCF
filterVCF.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
filterVCF.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
filterVCF.timeout Int 10 Hours before task timeout
parseControls.jobMemory Int 4 Memory for this task in GB
parseControls.timeout Int 12 Timeout in hours, needed to override imposed limits
controlPullReads.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
controlPullReads.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
controlPullReads.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
controlPullReads.pullreadsScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pull_reads" executable
controlQualityScore.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
controlQualityScore.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
controlQualityScore.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
controlQualityScore.pickle String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/MRDetectSNV/trained_SVM.pkl" trained pickle for detecting real tumor reads
controlQualityScore.qualityscoreScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/quality_score" executable
controlDetectSNVs.tumorSampleName String basename(tumorvcf,".vcf") name for tumour sample (from vcf)
controlDetectSNVs.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
controlDetectSNVs.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
controlDetectSNVs.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
controlDetectSNVs.blocklist String "$PWGS_BLOCKLIST_ROOT/blocklist.vcf.gz" list of sites to exclude from analysis, gzipped
controlDetectSNVs.filterAndDetectScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/filterAndDetect" executable
samplePullReads.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
samplePullReads.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
samplePullReads.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
samplePullReads.pullreadsScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pull_reads" executable
sampleQualityScore.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
sampleQualityScore.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
sampleQualityScore.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
sampleQualityScore.pickle String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/MRDetectSNV/trained_SVM.pkl" trained pickle for detecting real tumor reads
sampleQualityScore.qualityscoreScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/quality_score" executable
sampleDetectSNVs.tumorSampleName String basename(tumorvcf,".vcf") name for tumour sample (from vcf)
sampleDetectSNVs.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
sampleDetectSNVs.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
sampleDetectSNVs.timeout Int 20 Hours before task timeout
sampleDetectSNVs.blocklist String "$PWGS_BLOCKLIST_ROOT/blocklist.vcf.gz" list of sites to exclude from analysis, gzipped
sampleDetectSNVs.filterAndDetectScript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/filterAndDetect" executable
snvDetectionSummary.pvalue String "0.00001" p-value for HBC error rate
snvDetectionSummary.jobMemory Int 20 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
snvDetectionSummary.threads Int 1 Requested CPU threads
snvDetectionSummary.timeout Int 2 Hours before task timeout
snvDetectionSummary.modules String "mrdetect/1.1.1" Required environment modules
snvDetectionSummary.pwgtestscript String "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pwg_test" executable of pwg_test.R


Output Type Description Labels
snvDetectionResult File? Result from SNV detection incl sample HBCs vidarr_label: snvDetectionResult
pWGS_svg File? pWGS svg vidarr_label: pWGS_svg
snpcount File number of SNPs in vcf after filtering vidarr_label: snpcount
snvDetectionVAF File? VAF from SNV detection for sample vidarr_label: snvDetectionVAF
final_call File? Final file of mrdetect results vidarr_label: final_call
filteredvcf File? Filtered vcf


This section lists command(s) run by mrdetect workflow

  • Running mrdtect
		set -euo pipefail

		$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools view -s ~{tumorSampleName} --regions-file ~{difficultRegions} ~{tumorvcf} |\
		$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools norm --multiallelics - --fasta-ref ~{genome} |\
		$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "TYPE='snps'" |\
		$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -e "~{tumorVCFfilter}" |\
		$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "(FORMAT/AD[0:1])/(FORMAT/AD[0:0]+FORMAT/AD[0:1]) >= ~{tumorVAF}" > ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.vcf

		awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}' ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.vcf | wc -l > ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.count.txt

		set -euo pipefail

		~{pullreadsScript} \
			--bam ~{plasmabam} \
			--vcf ~{tumorvcf} \
			--out PLASMA_VS_TUMOR.tsv

		set -euo pipefail

		~{qualityscoreScript} \
			--pickle-name ~{pickle} \
			--detections ~{snvDetectionReads} \
			--output_file PLASMA_VS_TUMOR.svm.tsv

		set -euo pipefail

		~{filterAndDetectScript} \
			--vcfid ~{tumorSampleName} --bamid ~{plasmaSampleName} \
			--svm ~{snvDetectionReadsScored} \
			--vcf ~{tumorvcf} \
			--output ./ \
			--blocklist ~{blocklist} 
		mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.results.csv ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.results.csv
		mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.vaf.txt ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.vaf.txt
		python <<CODE
		import os

		with open(os.environ.get("~{controlFileList}")) as f:
			for line in f:
				line = line.rstrip()
				tmp = line.split("\t")
				r = tmp[0] + "\t" + tmp[1]
		set -euo pipefail

		cat ~{sep=' ' controlCalls} | awk '$1 !~ "BAM" {print}' > HBCs.csv

		cat ~{sampleCalls} HBCs.csv > ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv

		~{pwgtestscript} \
			--sampleName ~{plasmaSampleName} \
			--results ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv \
			--candidateSNVsCountFile ~{snpcount} \
			--vafFile ~{vafFile} \
			--pval ~{pvalue} 
		mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.pWGS.svg ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.pWGS.svg
		mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv
		mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.txt ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.txt


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workflow to detect Minimal Residual disease with MRDetect







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