Workflow for MRdetect, detection of Minimal Residual Disease from paired tumor-plasma sample
java -jar cromwell.jar run mrdetect.wdl --inputs inputs.json
Parameter | Value | Description |
tumorSampleName |
String | ID for WGS tumor sample, must match .vcf header |
tumorvcf |
File | tumor vcf file, bgzip |
tumorvcfindex |
File | tumor vcf index file |
reference |
String | genome reference build. Only hg38 supported |
instrument |
String | sequencing instrument used (Illumina NovaSeq X Plus or Illumina NovaSeq 6000) |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
plasmabam |
File? | None | plasma input .bam file |
plasmabai |
File? | None | plasma input .bai file |
plasmaSampleName |
String? | None | name for plasma sample (from bam) |
full_analysis_mode |
Boolean | true | Enable full analysis mode with this flag |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
filterVCF.tumorVCFfilter |
String | "FILTER~'haplotype' | FILTER~'clustered_events' |
filterVCF.tumorVAF |
String | "0.1" | Variant Allele Frequency for tumor VCF |
filterVCF.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
filterVCF.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
filterVCF.timeout |
Int | 10 | Hours before task timeout |
parseControls.jobMemory |
Int | 4 | Memory for this task in GB |
parseControls.timeout |
Int | 12 | Timeout in hours, needed to override imposed limits |
controlPullReads.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
controlPullReads.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
controlPullReads.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
controlPullReads.pullreadsScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pull_reads" | executable |
controlQualityScore.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
controlQualityScore.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
controlQualityScore.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
controlQualityScore.pickle |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/MRDetectSNV/trained_SVM.pkl" | trained pickle for detecting real tumor reads |
controlQualityScore.qualityscoreScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/quality_score" | executable |
controlDetectSNVs.tumorSampleName |
String | basename(tumorvcf,".vcf") | name for tumour sample (from vcf) |
controlDetectSNVs.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
controlDetectSNVs.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
controlDetectSNVs.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
controlDetectSNVs.blocklist |
String | "$PWGS_BLOCKLIST_ROOT/blocklist.vcf.gz" | list of sites to exclude from analysis, gzipped |
controlDetectSNVs.filterAndDetectScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/filterAndDetect" | executable |
samplePullReads.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
samplePullReads.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
samplePullReads.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
samplePullReads.pullreadsScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pull_reads" | executable |
sampleQualityScore.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
sampleQualityScore.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
sampleQualityScore.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
sampleQualityScore.pickle |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/MRDetectSNV/trained_SVM.pkl" | trained pickle for detecting real tumor reads |
sampleQualityScore.qualityscoreScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/quality_score" | executable |
sampleDetectSNVs.tumorSampleName |
String | basename(tumorvcf,".vcf") | name for tumour sample (from vcf) |
sampleDetectSNVs.jobMemory |
Int | 64 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
sampleDetectSNVs.threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
sampleDetectSNVs.timeout |
Int | 20 | Hours before task timeout |
sampleDetectSNVs.blocklist |
String | "$PWGS_BLOCKLIST_ROOT/blocklist.vcf.gz" | list of sites to exclude from analysis, gzipped |
sampleDetectSNVs.filterAndDetectScript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/filterAndDetect" | executable |
snvDetectionSummary.pvalue |
String | "0.00001" | p-value for HBC error rate |
snvDetectionSummary.jobMemory |
Int | 20 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
snvDetectionSummary.threads |
Int | 1 | Requested CPU threads |
snvDetectionSummary.timeout |
Int | 2 | Hours before task timeout |
snvDetectionSummary.modules |
String | "mrdetect/1.1.1" | Required environment modules |
snvDetectionSummary.pwgtestscript |
String | "$MRDETECT_ROOT/bin/pwg_test" | executable of pwg_test.R |
Output | Type | Description | Labels |
snvDetectionResult |
File? | Result from SNV detection incl sample HBCs | vidarr_label: snvDetectionResult |
pWGS_svg |
File? | pWGS svg | vidarr_label: pWGS_svg |
snpcount |
File | number of SNPs in vcf after filtering | vidarr_label: snpcount |
snvDetectionVAF |
File? | VAF from SNV detection for sample | vidarr_label: snvDetectionVAF |
final_call |
File? | Final file of mrdetect results | vidarr_label: final_call |
filteredvcf |
File? | Filtered vcf |
This section lists command(s) run by mrdetect workflow
- Running mrdtect
set -euo pipefail
$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools view -s ~{tumorSampleName} --regions-file ~{difficultRegions} ~{tumorvcf} |\
$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools norm --multiallelics - --fasta-ref ~{genome} |\
$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "TYPE='snps'" |\
$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -e "~{tumorVCFfilter}" |\
$BCFTOOLS_ROOT/bin/bcftools filter -i "(FORMAT/AD[0:1])/(FORMAT/AD[0:0]+FORMAT/AD[0:1]) >= ~{tumorVAF}" > ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.vcf
awk '$1 !~ "#" {print}' ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.vcf | wc -l > ~{tumorSampleName}.SNP.count.txt
set -euo pipefail
~{pullreadsScript} \
--bam ~{plasmabam} \
--vcf ~{tumorvcf} \
set -euo pipefail
~{qualityscoreScript} \
--pickle-name ~{pickle} \
--detections ~{snvDetectionReads} \
--output_file PLASMA_VS_TUMOR.svm.tsv
set -euo pipefail
~{filterAndDetectScript} \
--vcfid ~{tumorSampleName} --bamid ~{plasmaSampleName} \
--svm ~{snvDetectionReadsScored} \
--vcf ~{tumorvcf} \
--output ./ \
--blocklist ~{blocklist}
mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.results.csv ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.results.csv
mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.vaf.txt ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.vaf.txt
python <<CODE
import os
with open(os.environ.get("~{controlFileList}")) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
tmp = line.split("\t")
r = tmp[0] + "\t" + tmp[1]
set -euo pipefail
cat ~{sep=' ' controlCalls} | awk '$1 !~ "BAM" {print}' > HBCs.csv
cat ~{sampleCalls} HBCs.csv > ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv
~{pwgtestscript} \
--sampleName ~{plasmaSampleName} \
--results ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv \
--candidateSNVsCountFile ~{snpcount} \
--vafFile ~{vafFile} \
--pval ~{pvalue}
mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.pWGS.svg ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.pWGS.svg
mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.HBCs.csv
mv ~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.txt ~{tumorSampleName}_~{plasmaSampleName}.mrdetect.txt
For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to [email protected] .
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