This repository contains some code + latex source from work on Guided Generation.
Building off the work in Discovering Latent Knowledge by Collin Burns, Haotian Ye, Dan Klein, Jacob Steinhardt, we attempt to generate model completions guided by a linear probe in activation space
See this thread in the Eleuther discord for some discussion too.
In this work, we show that linear classifiers for truth learned from consistent-contrast search in a language model's activation space transfer well to open-ended question answering. On TruthfulQA, a benchmark designed adversarially to uncover instances where models mimic human falsehoods, this method outperforms raw model probabilities at every model size tested. We then introduce Guided Generation, a novel method for generating text from a language model in line with latent knowledge uncovered from a classifier on model activations. We examine three approaches: simple rejection sampling, greedy search on merged objectives, and beam search on the same.
contains a jupyter notebook for several guided generation experiments.