Copyright (c) Katelyn Rule and Sam Shippey
Simple raytracer written in Rust using nalgebra, ncollide3d, and image.
Currently can cast rays and render simple geometric objects in 3d space.
This project is a learning experience -- The authors aren't particularly experienced in computer graphics.
The project is commented heavily with the long term goal of being a simple, featureful, well-documented, and easy to read example of a raytracer with relatively few dependencies. All the dependencies we pull in are related to either doing linear algebra (which makes the code more readable) or writing to images quickly and behind a layer of abstraction. Hopefully this makes it just a bit easier for someone somewhere to understand raytracing and not need to cobble the idea together from Wikipedia pages and YouTube lectures.
We've made it to about 1978, just before Turner Whitted figured out shadows.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.