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refactor: pull [Cached_digest] move (#10313)
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It was moved to [Dune_digest]

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
rgrinberg authored Mar 27, 2024
1 parent 77c5419 commit 6a62109
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Showing 18 changed files with 198 additions and 193 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -1258,9 +1258,9 @@ let init (builder : Builder.t) =
Dune_engine.Clflags.debug_backtraces c.builder.debug_backtraces;
Dune_rules.Clflags.debug_artifact_substitution := c.builder.debug_artifact_substitution;
Dune_engine.Clflags.debug_load_dir := c.builder.debug_load_dir;
Dune_engine.Clflags.debug_digests := c.builder.debug_digests;
Dune_engine.Clflags.debug_fs_cache := c.builder.cache_debug_flags.fs_cache;
Dune_engine.Clflags.wait_for_filesystem_clock := c.builder.wait_for_filesystem_clock;
Dune_digest.Clflags.debug_digests := c.builder.debug_digests;
Dune_digest.Clflags.wait_for_filesystem_clock := c.builder.wait_for_filesystem_clock;
Dune_engine.Clflags.capture_outputs := c.builder.capture_outputs;
Dune_engine.Clflags.diff_command := c.builder.diff_command;
Dune_engine.Clflags.promote := c.builder.promote;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ include struct
module Dpath = Dpath
module Findlib = Dune_rules.Findlib
module Diff_promotion = Diff_promotion
module Cached_digest = Cached_digest
module Targets = Targets
module Context_name = Context_name

module Cached_digest = Dune_digest.Cached_digest
module Execution_env = Dune_util.Execution_env

include struct
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let cache =
let get_current_filesystem_time () =
let special_path = Path.relative Path.build_dir ".filesystem-clock" in
Io.write_file special_path "<dummy>";
(Path.Untracked.stat_exn special_path).st_mtime
(Path.stat_exn special_path).st_mtime

let wait_for_fs_clock_to_advance () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let set_with_stat path digest stat =
let set path digest =
(* the caller of [set] ensures that the files exist *)
let path = path in
let stat = Path.Untracked.stat_exn path in
let stat = Path.stat_exn path in
set_with_stat path digest stat

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ let catch_fs_errors f =
(* Here we make only one [stat] call on the happy path. *)
let refresh_without_removing_write_permissions ~allow_dirs path =
catch_fs_errors (fun () ->
match Path.Untracked.stat_exn path with
match Path.stat_exn path with
| stats -> refresh stats ~allow_dirs path
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ELOOP, _, _) -> Error Cyclic_symlink
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) ->
(* Test if this is a broken symlink for better error messages. *)
(match Path.Untracked.lstat_exn path with
(match Path.lstat_exn path with
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error No_such_file
| _stats_so_must_be_a_symlink -> Error Broken_symlink))
Expand All @@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ let refresh_without_removing_write_permissions ~allow_dirs path =
here, e.g., by telling the subsequent [chmod] to not follow symlinks. *)
let refresh_and_remove_write_permissions ~allow_dirs path =
catch_fs_errors (fun () ->
match Path.Untracked.lstat_exn path with
match Path.lstat_exn path with
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error No_such_file
| stats ->
(match stats.st_kind with
| S_LNK ->
(match Path.Untracked.stat_exn path with
(match Path.stat_exn path with
| stats -> refresh stats ~allow_dirs:false path
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ELOOP, _, _) -> Error Cyclic_symlink
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error Broken_symlink)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ let peek_file ~allow_dirs path =
then Ok x.digest
else (
(* The [stat_exn] below follows symlinks. *)
match Path.Untracked.stat_exn path with
match Path.stat_exn path with
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ELOOP, _, _) ->
Error Digest_result.Error.Cyclic_symlink
| exception Unix.Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error No_such_file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,9 +374,12 @@ let remove path =

module Untracked = struct
let source_or_external_file = peek_or_refresh_file ~allow_dirs:false
let source_or_external_file path =
peek_or_refresh_file ~allow_dirs:false (Path.outside_build_dir path)

let invalidate_cached_timestamp path =
let path = Path.outside_build_dir path in
let cache = Lazy.force cache in
match Path.Table.find cache.table path with
| None -> ()
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ val refresh
module Untracked : sig
(** Digest the contents of a source or external file. This function doesn't
track the source file. For a tracked version, see [fs_memo.mli]. *)
val source_or_external_file : Path.t -> Digest_result.t
val source_or_external_file : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> Digest_result.t

(** Invalidate the cached [stat] value. This causes the subsequent call to
[source_or_external_file] to incur an additional [stat] call. *)
val invalidate_cached_timestamp : Path.t -> unit
val invalidate_cached_timestamp : Path.Outside_build_dir.t -> unit

(** {1 Managing the cache} *)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_digest/
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let wait_for_filesystem_clock = ref false
let debug_digests = ref false
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_digest/clflags.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(** Wait for the filesystem clock to advance rather than dropping cached digest
entries *)
val wait_for_filesystem_clock : bool ref

(** Print debug info for cached digests *)
val debug_digests : bool ref
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_digest/
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@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
open Stdune

type t = string

external md5_fd : Unix.file_descr -> string = "dune_md5_fd"

module D = Stdlib.Digest
module Set = String.Set
module Map = String.Map
module Metrics = Dune_metrics

module type Digest_impl = sig
val file : string -> t
val string : string -> t

module Direct_impl : Digest_impl = struct
let file file =
(* On Windows, if this function is invoked in a background thread,
if can happen that the file is not properly closed.
[O_SHARE_DELETE] ensures that the main thread can delete it even if it
is still open. See #8243. *)
let fd =
match Unix.openfile file [ Unix.O_RDONLY; O_SHARE_DELETE; O_CLOEXEC ] 0 with
| fd -> fd
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES, _, _) ->
raise (Sys_error (sprintf "%s: Permission denied" file))
| exception exn -> reraise exn
Exn.protectx fd ~f:md5_fd ~finally:Unix.close

let string = D.string

module Mutable_impl = struct
let file_ref = ref Direct_impl.file
let string_ref = ref D.string
let file f = !file_ref f
let string s = !string_ref s

let override_impl ~file ~string =
Mutable_impl.file_ref := file;
Mutable_impl.string_ref := string

module Impl : Digest_impl = Mutable_impl

let hash = Poly.hash
let equal = String.equal
let file p = Impl.file (Path.to_string p)
let compare x y = Ordering.of_int ( x y)
let to_string = D.to_hex
let to_dyn s = Dyn.variant "digest" [ String (to_string s) ]

let from_hex s =
match D.from_hex s with
| s -> Some s
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> None

let string = Impl.string
let to_string_raw s = s

(* We use [No_sharing] to avoid generating different digests for inputs that
differ only in how they share internal values. Without [No_sharing], if a
command line contains duplicate flags, such as multiple occurrences of the
flag [-I], then [Marshal.to_string] will produce different digests depending
on whether the corresponding strings ["-I"] point to the same memory location
or to different memory locations. *)
let generic a =
Metrics.Timer.record "generic_digest" ~f:(fun () ->
string (Marshal.to_string a [ No_sharing ]))

let path_with_executable_bit =
(* We follow the digest scheme used by Jenga. *)
let string_and_bool ~digest_hex ~bool =
Impl.string (digest_hex ^ if bool then "\001" else "\000")
fun ~executable ~content_digest ->
string_and_bool ~digest_hex:content_digest ~bool:executable

let file_with_executable_bit ~executable path =
let content_digest = file path in
path_with_executable_bit ~content_digest ~executable

module Stats_for_digest = struct
type t =
{ st_kind : Unix.file_kind
; st_perm : Unix.file_perm

let of_unix_stats (stats : Unix.stats) =
{ st_kind = stats.st_kind; st_perm = stats.st_perm }

module Path_digest_error = struct
type nonrec t =
| Unexpected_kind
| Unix_error of Dune_filesystem_stubs.Unix_error.Detailed.t

exception E of Path_digest_error.t

let directory_digest_version = 2

let path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) =
let rec loop path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) =
match stats.st_kind with
| S_LNK ->
let executable = Path.Permissions.test Path.Permissions.execute stats.st_perm in
(fun path ->
let contents = Unix.readlink (Path.to_string path) in
path_with_executable_bit ~executable ~content_digest:contents)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun x -> Path_digest_error.Unix_error x)
| S_REG ->
let executable = Path.Permissions.test Path.Permissions.execute stats.st_perm in
(file_with_executable_bit ~executable)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun x -> Path_digest_error.Unix_error x)
| S_DIR when allow_dirs ->
(* CR-someday amokhov: The current digesting scheme has collisions for files
and directories. It's unclear if this is actually a problem. If it turns
out to be a problem, we should include [st_kind] into both digests. *)
(match Path.readdir_unsorted path with
| Error e -> Error (Path_digest_error.Unix_error e)
| Ok listing ->
List.rev_map listing ~f:(fun name ->
let path = Path.relative path name in
let stats =
match Path.lstat path with
| Error e -> raise_notrace (E (Unix_error e))
| Ok stat -> Stats_for_digest.of_unix_stats stat
let digest =
match loop path stats with
| Ok s -> s
| Error e -> raise_notrace (E e)
name, digest)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun (x, _) (y, _) -> x y)
| exception E e -> Error e
| contents -> Ok (generic (directory_digest_version, contents, stats.st_perm))))
| S_DIR | S_BLK | S_CHR | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Error Unexpected_kind
match stats.st_kind with
| S_DIR when not allow_dirs -> Error Path_digest_error.Unexpected_kind
| S_BLK | S_CHR | S_LNK | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Error Unexpected_kind
| _ -> loop path stats
File renamed without changes.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_digest/dune
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(name dune_digest)
(libraries dune_metrics stdune unix)
(libraries dune_metrics dune_stats dune_console dune_util stdune unix)
(names dune_digest_stubs)
(language c))
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