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Validate maintenance_intent (#11308)
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* Validate maintenance_intent

Signed-off-by: ArthurW <>

* Fix after review

Signed-off-by: ArthurW <>


Signed-off-by: ArthurW <>
art-w authored Jan 17, 2025
1 parent 346f93a commit 3f64250
Showing 5 changed files with 326 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/changes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
- Validate opam `maintenance_intent` (#11308, @art-w)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_config_file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ module Dune_config = struct
(let+ authors = field_o "authors" (repeat string)
and+ maintainers = field_o "maintainers" (repeat string)
and+ maintenance_intent = field_o "maintenance_intent" (repeat string)
and+ maintenance_intent =
field_o "maintenance_intent" Dune_lang.Package_info.decode_maintenance_intent
and+ license = field_o "license" (repeat string) in
{ authors; maintainers; maintenance_intent; license })
82 changes: 79 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -109,6 +109,84 @@ let encode_fields

let maintenance_intent_list = [ "any"; "latest"; "none" ]

let rec pp_or_list () = function
| [] -> ""
| [ x ] -> x
| [ x; y ] -> sprintf "%S or %S" x y
| x :: xs -> sprintf "%S, %a" x pp_or_list xs

let valid_maintenance_intent =
let open Decoder in
map_validate (located string) ~f:(fun (loc, str) ->
let rec parse_part i =
if i >= String.length str
then if i > 0 then Error "version ends with a dot" else Error "empty version"
else (
match str.[i] with
| '(' -> parse_token (i + 1) (i + 1)
| '.' -> Error "unexpected dot"
| _ -> inside_part (i + 1))
and inside_part i =
if i >= String.length str
then Ok ()
else (
match str.[i] with
| '.' -> parse_part (i + 1)
| '(' | ')' -> Error "unexpected parenthesis"
| _ -> inside_part (i + 1))
and parse_token start i =
if i >= String.length str
then Error "unclosed parenthesis"
else (
match str.[i] with
| ')' ->
let token = String.sub str ~pos:start ~len:(i - start) in
if List.mem ~equal:String.equal maintenance_intent_list token
then after_token (i + 1)
"unknown intent %S, expected %a"
| '-' ->
let token = String.sub str ~pos:start ~len:(i - start) in
if String.equal token "latest"
then parse_num (i + 1) (i + 1)
else Error (sprintf "substraction only allowed for \"latest\", not %S" token)
| _ -> parse_token start (i + 1))
and parse_num start i =
if i >= String.length str
then Error "unclosed parenthesis"
else (
match str.[i] with
| ')' when i > start -> after_token (i + 1)
| '0' when i > start -> parse_num start (i + 1)
| '0' -> parse_num (i + 1) (i + 1)
| '1' .. '9' -> parse_num start (i + 1)
| _ -> Error "invalid substraction")
and after_token i =
if i >= String.length str
then Ok ()
else (
match str.[i] with
| '.' -> parse_part (i + 1)
| _ -> Error "missing dot after intent")
match parse_part 0 with
| Ok () -> Ok str
| Error msg -> Error (User_error.make ~loc [ Pp.text msg ]))

let decode_maintenance_intent =
let open Decoder in
Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 18) >>> repeat valid_maintenance_intent

let decode ?since () =
let open Decoder in
let v default = Option.value since ~default in
@@ -132,9 +210,7 @@ let decode ?since () =
field_o "bug_reports" (Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (v (1, 10)) >>> string)
and+ maintainers =
field_o "maintainers" (Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (v (1, 10)) >>> repeat string)
and+ maintenance_intent =
field_o "maintenance_intent" (Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (v (3, 18)) >>> repeat string)
and+ maintenance_intent = field_o "maintenance_intent" decode_maintenance_intent in
{ source
; authors
; license
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune_lang/package_info.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ val decode
-> unit
-> t Dune_sexp.Decoder.fields_parser

val decode_maintenance_intent : string list Dune_sexp.Decoder.t
val superpose : t -> t -> t

val create
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/opam-maintenance-intent.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
The `x-opam-maintenance` field allows a list of strings matching version
numbers, possibly using the special keywords (latest), (any) and (none):

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (generate_opam_files true)
> (package (name foo) (allow_empty))
> (maintenance_intent
> "1.2.3"
> "(latest)"
> "(latest-1234567890)"
> "(latest-1).(none)"
> "(any).(latest).(none)"
> "1.(any).2.(none)"
> "3.14.(latest)")
$ cat dune-project
(lang dune 3.18)
(generate_opam_files true)
(package (name foo) (allow_empty))
$ dune build foo.opam
$ cat foo.opam
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.18"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
"@runtest" {with-test}
"@doc" {with-doc}
x-maintenance-intent: [

The following are all invalid maintenance intents:

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-22:
2 | (maintenance_intent "")
Error: empty version

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-29:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest")
Error: unclosed parenthesis

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent ").1")
$ dune build

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent ".1")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-24:
2 | (maintenance_intent ".1")
Error: unexpected dot

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "1.2.")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-26:
2 | (maintenance_intent "1.2.")
Error: version ends with a dot

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "1.2(latest).3")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-35:
2 | (maintenance_intent "1.2(latest).3")
Error: unexpected parenthesis

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(none-3)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-30:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(none-3)")
Error: substraction only allowed for "latest", not "none"

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(any-3)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-29:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(any-3)")
Error: substraction only allowed for "latest", not "any"

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest)1")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-31:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest)1")
Error: missing dot after intent

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest-)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-31:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest-)")
Error: invalid substraction

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest-0)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-32:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest-0)")
Error: invalid substraction

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest-00)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-33:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest-00)")
Error: invalid substraction

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest--1)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-33:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest--1)")
Error: invalid substraction

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest-a)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-32:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest-a)")
Error: invalid substraction

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(latest-1")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-31:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(latest-1")
Error: unclosed parenthesis

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "(lates)")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 20-29:
2 | (maintenance_intent "(lates)")
Error: unknown intent "lates", expected "any", "latest" or "none"

$ cat >dune-project <<EOF
> (lang dune 3.18)
> (maintenance_intent "1.2" "(latest)" "err)" "3.4")
$ dune build
File "dune-project", line 2, characters 37-43:
2 | (maintenance_intent "1.2" "(latest)" "err)" "3.4")
Error: unexpected parenthesis

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