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refactor(pkg): inline [Solver_core] (#11321)
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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <[email protected]>
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rgrinberg authored Jan 18, 2025
1 parent a3ec877 commit 0e90361
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Showing 3 changed files with 374 additions and 383 deletions.
375 changes: 374 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_pkg/
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Expand Up @@ -559,7 +559,380 @@ module Solver = struct
Input.virtual_role [ impl ]

module Solver = Solver_core.Make (Input)
module Solver = struct
(* Copyright (C) 2013, Thomas Leonard
*See the README file for details, or visit
module Model = Input

(* We attach this data to each SAT variable. *)
module SolverData = struct
[@@@ocaml.warning "-37"]

type t =
(* If the SAT variable is True then we selected this... *)
| ImplElem of Model.impl
| Role of Model.Role.t

let pp = function
| ImplElem impl -> Model.pp_impl impl
| Role role -> Model.Role.pp role

module S = Sat.Make (SolverData)

type decision_state =
(* The next candidate to try *)
| Undecided of S.lit
(* The dependencies to check next *)
| Selected of Model.dependency list
| Unselected

module Candidates = struct
type t =
{ role : Model.Role.t
; clause : S.at_most_one_clause option
; vars : (S.lit * Model.impl) list
; dummy_impl : Model.impl option

let[@ocaml.warning "-32"] is_dummy t impl =
match t.dummy_impl with
| None -> false
| Some dummy_impl -> dummy_impl == impl

let create role clause vars dummy_impl = { role; clause; vars; dummy_impl }
let vars t = ~f:fst t.vars

let selected t =
let open Option.O in
let* lit = t.clause >>= S.get_selected in
match S.get_user_data_for_lit lit with
| SolverData.ImplElem impl -> Some (lit, impl)
| _ -> assert false

let state t =
match t.clause with
| None -> Unselected (* There were never any candidates *)
| Some clause ->
(match S.get_selected clause with
| Some lit ->
(* We've already chosen which <implementation> to use. Follow dependencies. *)
let impl =
match S.get_user_data_for_lit lit with
| SolverData.ImplElem impl -> impl
| _ -> assert false
Selected (Model.requires t.role impl)
| None ->
(match S.get_best_undecided clause with
| Some lit -> Undecided lit
| None -> Unselected (* No remaining candidates, and none was chosen. *)))

(* Apply [test impl] to each implementation, partitioning the vars into two
lists. Only defined for [impl_candidates]. *)
let partition t ~f:test =
List.partition_map t.vars ~f:(fun (var, impl) ->
if test impl then Stdune.Either.Left var else Right var)

module RoleMap = Map.Make (struct
include Model.Role

let to_dyn = Dyn.opaque

type diagnostics = S.lit

let explain = S.explain_reason

type selection =
{ impl : Model.impl (** The implementation chosen to fill the role *)
; diagnostics : diagnostics (** Extra information useful for diagnostics *)

module Conflict_classes = struct
module Map = Map.Make (struct
type t = Model.conflict_class

let compare (x : t) (y : t) = (x :> string) (y :> string)
let to_dyn (x : t) = Dyn.string (x :> string)

type t =
{ sat : S.t
; mutable groups : S.lit list ref Map.t

let create sat = { sat; groups = Map.empty }

let var t name =
match Map.find t.groups name with
| Some v -> v
| None ->
let v = ref [] in
t.groups <- Map.set t.groups name v;

(* Add [impl] to its conflict groups, if any. *)
let process t impl_var impl =
Model.conflict_class impl
|> List.iter ~f:(fun name ->
let impls = var t name in
impls := impl_var :: !impls)

(* Call this at the end to add the final clause with all discovered groups.
[t] must not be used after this. *)
let seal t =
Map.iter t.groups ~f:(fun impls ->
let impls = !impls in
if List.length impls > 1
then (
let (_ : S.at_most_one_clause) = S.at_most_one t.sat impls in

(* Add the implementations of an interface to the implementation cache
(called the first time we visit it). *)
let make_impl_clause sat ~dummy_impl role =
let+ { impls } = Model.implementations role in
(* Insert dummy_impl (last) if we're trying to diagnose a problem. *)
let impls =
(match dummy_impl with
| None -> impls
| Some dummy_impl -> impls @ [ dummy_impl ])
|> ~f:(fun impl ->
let var = S.add_variable sat (SolverData.ImplElem impl) in
var, impl)
let clause =
let impl_clause =
match impls with
| [] -> None
| _ :: _ -> Some (S.at_most_one sat ( ~f:fst impls))
Candidates.create role impl_clause impls dummy_impl
clause, impls

(* Starting from [root_req], explore all the feeds and implementations we
might need, adding all of them to [sat_problem]. *)
let build_problem root_req sat ~dummy_impl =
(* For each (iface, source) we have a list of implementations. *)
let impl_cache = ref RoleMap.empty in
let conflict_classes = Conflict_classes.create sat in
let+ () =
let rec lookup_impl expand_deps role =
match RoleMap.find !impl_cache role with
| Some s -> Fiber.return s
| None ->
let* clause, impls = make_impl_clause sat ~dummy_impl role in
impl_cache := RoleMap.set !impl_cache role clause;
let+ () =
Fiber.sequential_iter impls ~f:(fun (impl_var, impl) ->
Conflict_classes.process conflict_classes impl_var impl;
match expand_deps with
| `No_expand -> Fiber.return ()
| `Expand_and_collect_conflicts deferred ->
Model.requires role impl
|> Fiber.sequential_iter ~f:(fun dep ->
let { Model.dep_importance; _ } = Model.dep_info dep in
match dep_importance with
| `Essential -> process_dep expand_deps impl_var dep
| `Restricts ->
(* Defer processing restricting deps until all essential
deps have been processed for the entire problem.
Restricting deps will be processed later without
recurring into their dependencies. *)
deferred := (impl_var, dep) :: !deferred;
Fiber.return ()))
and process_dep expand_deps user_var dep : unit Fiber.t =
(* Process a dependency of [user_var]:
- find the candidate implementations to satisfy it
- take just those that satisfy any restrictions in the dependency
- ensure that we don't pick an incompatbile version if we select
- ensure that we do pick a compatible version if we select
[user_var] (for "essential" dependencies only) *)
let { Model.dep_role; dep_importance } = Model.dep_info dep in
let+ pass, fail =
let meets_restrictions =
(* Restrictions on the candidates *)
let dep_restrictions = Model.restrictions dep in
fun impl -> List.for_all ~f:(Model.meets_restriction impl) dep_restrictions
lookup_impl expand_deps dep_role
>>| Candidates.partition ~f:meets_restrictions
match dep_importance with
| `Essential ->
~reason:"essential dep"
pass (* Must choose a suitable candidate *)
| `Restricts ->
(* If [user_var] is selected, don't select an incompatible version of
the optional dependency. We don't need to do this explicitly in
the [essential] case, because we must select a good version and we can't
select two. *)
(try S.at_most_one sat (user_var :: fail) |> ignore with
| Invalid_argument reason ->
(* Explicitly conflicts with itself! *)
S.at_least_one sat [ S.neg user_var ] ~reason)
let conflicts = ref [] in
let* () =
(* This recursively builds the whole problem up. *)
lookup_impl (`Expand_and_collect_conflicts conflicts) root_req
>>| Candidates.vars
>>| S.at_least_one sat ~reason:"need root" (* Must get what we came for! *)
(* Now process any restricting deps. Due to the cache, only restricting
deps that aren't also an essential dep will be expanded. The solver will
not process any transitive dependencies here since the dependencies of
restricting dependencies are irrelevant to solving the dependency
problem. *)
List.rev !conflicts
|> Fiber.sequential_iter ~f:(fun (impl_var, dep) ->
process_dep `No_expand impl_var dep)
(* All impl_candidates have now been added, so snapshot the cache. *)
let impl_clauses = !impl_cache in
Conflict_classes.seal conflict_classes;

module Output = struct
module Input = Model
module Role = Input.Role
module RoleMap = RoleMap

type impl = selection
type dependency = Model.dependency

type dep_info = Model.dep_info =
{ dep_role : Role.t
; dep_importance : [ `Essential | `Restricts ]

type requirements = Role.t

let dep_info = Model.dep_info
let requires role impl = Model.requires role impl.impl

type t =
{ root_req : requirements
; selections : selection RoleMap.t

let to_map t = t.selections
let requirements t = t.root_req

let explain t role =
match RoleMap.find t.selections role with
| Some sel -> explain sel.diagnostics
| None -> Pp.text "Role not used!"

let get_selected role t =
match RoleMap.find t.selections role with
| Some selection when selection.impl == Model.dummy_impl -> None
| x -> x

let unwrap sel = sel.impl

(** [do_solve model req] finds an implementation matching the given
requirements, plus any other implementations needed
to satisfy its dependencies.
@param closest_match
adds a lowest-ranked (but valid) implementation ([Input.dummy_impl]) to
every interface, so we can always select something. Useful for diagnostics.
Note: always try without [closest_match] first, or it may miss a valid solution.
@return None if the solve fails (only happens if [closest_match] is false). *)
let do_solve ~closest_match root_req =
(* The basic plan is this:
1. Scan the root interface and all dependencies recursively, building up a SAT problem.
2. Solve the SAT problem. Whenever there are multiple options, try the most preferred one first.
3. Create the selections XML from the results.
All three involve recursively walking the tree in a similar way:
1) we follow every dependency of every implementation (order not important)
2) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation (better versions first)
3) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation
let sat = S.create () in
let dummy_impl = if closest_match then Some Model.dummy_impl else None in
let+ impl_clauses = build_problem root_req sat ~dummy_impl in
let lookup role = RoleMap.find_exn impl_clauses role in
(* Run the solve *)
let decider () =
(* Walk the current solution, depth-first, looking for the first undecided interface.
Then try the most preferred implementation of it that hasn't been ruled out. *)
let seen =
let module Requirements = struct
type t = Output.requirements

let equal x y = Ordering.is_eq ( x y)
let hash = Poly.hash
let to_dyn = Dyn.opaque
Table.create (module Requirements) 100
let rec find_undecided req =
if Table.mem seen req
then None (* Break cycles *)
else (
Table.set seen req true;
let candidates = lookup req in
match Candidates.state candidates with
| Unselected -> None
| Undecided lit -> Some lit
| Selected deps ->
(* We've already selected a candidate for this component. Now check its dependencies. *)
let check_dep dep =
let { Model.dep_role; dep_importance } = Model.dep_info dep in
match dep_importance with
| `Restricts ->
(* Restrictions don't express that we do or don't want the
dependency, so skip them here. If someone else needs this,
we'll handle it when we get to them.
If noone wants it, it will be set to unselected at the end. *)
| `Essential -> find_undecided dep_role
List.find_map ~f:check_dep deps)
find_undecided root_req
match S.run_solver sat decider with
| None -> None
| Some _solution ->
(* Build the results object *)
let selections =
RoleMap.filter_mapi impl_clauses ~f:(fun _role candidates ->
Candidates.selected candidates
|> ~f:(fun (lit, impl) -> { impl; diagnostics = lit }))
Some { Output.root_req; selections }

module Diagnostics = Diagnostics.Make (Solver.Output)

let solve context pkgs =
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