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obruchez committed Jan 29, 2021
1 parent bc5edd1 commit d409dfe
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions My Clippings.txt
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Expand Up @@ -19383,3 +19383,218 @@ La valse aux adieux (Milan Kundera)

Elle croyait à l’infidélité de son mari comme un chrétien croit à l’existence de Dieu. Seulement, le chrétien croit en Dieu avec la certitude absolue de ne jamais l’apercevoir. À la pensée qu’elle allait ce jour-là voir Klima avec une femme, elle éprouvait la même épouvante qu’un chrétien auquel Dieu annoncerait par téléphone qu’il vient chez lui pour déjeuner.
La valse aux adieux (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 2343-2346 | Added on Monday, November 9, 2020 10:26:15 PM

Mais elle était déjà trop dégrisée. Tous les sortilèges avaient cessé d’agir. Elle se retrouvait seule avec elle-même, avec son passé, avec sa tête pesante pleine de ses vieilles pensées angoissantes. Elle eût aimé prolonger, même de quelques heures, ce rêve trop court, mais elle savait que le songe était déjà pâli et qu’il se dissipait comme la pénombre matinale.
La valse aux adieux (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 3106-3108 | Added on Saturday, November 21, 2020 11:52:03 PM

En outre, Jakub savait que tout homme souhaite la mort d’un autre et que deux choses seulement le détournent du meurtre : la peur du châtiment et la difficulté physique de la mise à mort. Jakub savait que si tout homme avait la possibilité de tuer en secret et à distance, l’humanité disparaîtrait en quelques minutes.
La valse aux adieux (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 3168-3170 | Added on Sunday, November 22, 2020 10:27:31 PM

Elle avait la nostalgie de toutes les occasions qu’elle avait laissé passer, échapper, auxquelles elle s’était dérobée, même de celles qu’elle n’avait jamais eues.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 361-362 | Added on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 10:44:30 PM

Do you now understand why I say the future and the past are the same? We cannot change either, but we can know both more fully.”
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 422-423 | Added on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:26:46 PM

Perhaps I could rescue Najya and bring her back with me to the Baghdad of my own day. I knew it was foolhardy; men of experience say, “Four
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 423-424 | Added on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:26:54 PM

“Four things do not come back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity,”
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 496-499 | Added on Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:41:47 PM

past and future are the same, and we cannot change either, only know them more fully. My journey to the past had changed nothing, but what I had learned had changed everything, and I understood that it could not have been otherwise. If our lives are tales that Allah tells, then we are the audience as well as the players, and it is by living these tales that we receive their lessons.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 510-511 | Added on Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:43:26 PM

Nothing erases the past. There is repentance, there is atonement, and there is forgiveness. That is all, but that is enough.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 552-552 | Added on Saturday, December 5, 2020 11:17:14 PM

asunder, ripping the titanium as easily as if it were tin. In the past,
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 732-735 | Added on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 10:45:30 PM

The universe began as an enormous breath being held. Who knows why, but whatever the reason, I am glad that it did, because I owe my existence to that fact. All my desires and ruminations are no more and no less than eddy currents generated by the gradual exhalation of our universe. And until this great exhalation is finished, my thoughts live on.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 750-751 | Added on Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:30:48 PM

And then, our universe will be in a state of absolute equilibrium. All life and thought will cease and, with them, time itself.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 766-769 | Added on Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:33:21 PM

And whether or not your brain is impelled by the air that once impelled mine, through the act of reading my words, the patterns that form your thoughts become an imitation of the patterns that once formed mine. And in that way I live again, through you.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 784-785 | Added on Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:35:30 PM

Contemplate the marvel that is existence, and rejoice that you are able to do so. I feel I have the right to tell you this because, as I am inscribing these words, I am doing the same.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 808-811 | Added on Friday, December 11, 2020 10:58:23 PM

People used to speculate about a thought that destroys the thinker, some unspeakable Lovecraftian horror, or a Gödel sentence that crashes the human logical system. It turns out that the disabling thought is one that we’ve all encountered: the idea that free will doesn’t exist. It just wasn’t harmful until you believed it.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 817-819 | Added on Friday, December 11, 2020 11:00:02 PM

Unfortunately, such reasoning is faulty; every form of behavior is compatible with determinism. One dynamic system may fall into a basin of attraction and wind up at a fixed point, while another exhibits chaotic behavior indefinitely, but both are completely deterministic
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 821-823 | Added on Friday, December 11, 2020 11:00:43 PM

Pretend that you have free will. It’s essential that you behave as if your decisions matter, even though you know they don’t. The reality isn’t important; what’s important is your belief, and believing the lie is the only way to avoid a waking coma. Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 903-904 | Added on Monday, December 14, 2020 10:49:37 PM

He feels that helping a new life-form express itself is the most exciting work an animator could be doing.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 1919-1920 | Added on Friday, December 25, 2020 11:46:32 PM

He knows plenty of people who take nootropics or use transcranial magnetic stimulation to boost their performance at work, but so far no employer has made it a requirement. He shakes his head in disbelief.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2586-2587 | Added on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 11:46:57 PM

Lifelogs are the most complete photo album imaginable, but like most photo albums, they lie dormant except on special occasions.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2623-2624 | Added on Friday, January 1, 2021 11:25:21 PM

“It is an art that we Europeans know. When a man speaks, we make marks on the paper. When another man looks at the paper later, he sees the marks and knows what sounds the first man made. In that way the second man can hear what the first man
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2623-2625 | Added on Friday, January 1, 2021 11:25:26 PM

“It is an art that we Europeans know. When a man speaks, we make marks on the paper. When another man looks at the paper later, he sees the marks and knows what sounds the first man made. In that way the second man can hear what the first man said.”
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2685-2687 | Added on Friday, January 1, 2021 11:37:43 PM

Anyone who has wasted hours surfing the Internet knows that technology can encourage bad habits.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2735-2735 | Added on Sunday, January 3, 2021 10:11:18 PM

But having a perfect memory wasn’t the blessing one might imagine it to be. Reading
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2735-2735 | Added on Sunday, January 3, 2021 10:11:23 PM

But having a perfect memory wasn’t the blessing one might imagine it to be.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2843-2847 | Added on Monday, January 4, 2021 10:22:23 PM

writing was not just a way to record what someone said; it could help you decide what you would say before you said it. And words were not just the pieces of speaking; they were the pieces of thinking. When you wrote them down, you could grasp your thoughts like bricks in your hands and push them into different arrangements. Writing let you look at your thoughts in a way you couldn’t if you were just talking, and having seen them, you could improve them, make them stronger and more elaborate.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2876-2877 | Added on Monday, January 4, 2021 10:27:22 PM

seemed to me that continuous video of my entire childhood would be full of facts but devoid of feeling, simply because cameras couldn’t capture the emotional dimension of events.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2876-2877 | Added on Monday, January 4, 2021 10:27:27 PM

It seemed to me that continuous video of my entire childhood would be full of facts but devoid of feeling, simply because cameras couldn’t capture the emotional dimension of events.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2887-2891 | Added on Monday, January 4, 2021 10:30:33 PM

People are made of stories. Our memories are not the impartial accumulation of every second we’ve lived; they’re the narrative that we assembled out of selected moments. Which is why, even when we’ve experienced the same events as other individuals, we never constructed identical narratives: the criteria used for selecting moments were different for each of us, and a reflection of our personalities. Each of us noticed the details that caught our attention and remembered what was important to us, and the narratives we built shaped our personalities in turn.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 2892-2894 | Added on Monday, January 4, 2021 10:31:11 PM

It seemed to me that a perfect memory couldn’t be a narrative any more than unedited security-cam footage could be a feature film.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3134-3136 | Added on Friday, January 8, 2021 10:49:01 PM

don’t normally think of it as such, but writing is a technology, which means that a literate person is someone whose thought processes are technologically mediated. We became cognitive cyborgs as soon as we became fluent readers, and the consequences of that were profound.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3134-3136 | Added on Friday, January 8, 2021 10:49:05 PM

We don’t normally think of it as such, but writing is a technology, which means that a literate person is someone whose thought processes are technologically mediated. We became cognitive cyborgs as soon as we became fluent readers, and the consequences of that were profound.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3150-3152 | Added on Friday, January 8, 2021 10:51:50 PM

Literacy encourages a culture to place more value on documentation and less on subjective experience, and overall I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Written records are vulnerable to every kind of error, and their interpretation is subject to change, but at least the words on the page remain fixed, and there is real merit in that.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3157-3158 | Added on Friday, January 8, 2021 10:53:00 PM

I think I’ve found the real benefit of digital memory. The point is not to prove you were right; the point is to admit you were wrong.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3454-3455 | Added on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 10:44:39 PM

But for me, science is the true modern cathedral, an edifice of knowledge every bit as majestic as anything made of stone.
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3623-3625 | Added on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 10:26:49 PM

“Science is not just the search for the truth,” he said. “It’s the search for purpose.” And I had no response. I had always assumed those were one and the same, but what if they aren’t?
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3651-3651 | Added on Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:19:10 PM

humanity is the central fact of the universe, if our species is the omphalos,
Exhalation (Chiang, Ted)
- Your Highlight on Location 3702-3705 | Added on Thursday, January 14, 2021 10:29:12 PM

I’ve always assumed that this meant that I was acting in accordance with your will, Lord, and your reason for making me. But if it’s in fact true that you have no purpose in mind for me, then that sense of fulfillment has arisen solely from within myself. What that demonstrates to me is that we as humans are capable of creating meaning for our own lives.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 743-746 | Added on Saturday, January 23, 2021 10:58:21 PM

Et plus elle s’efforçait de savoir sa liberté, plus cette liberté devenait une tâche ardue, une obligation, une chose à laquelle elle devait se préparer chez elle (réfléchir pour savoir par quel mot, quel désir, quel geste elle allait surprendre le peintre et lui démontrer sa spontanéité), de sorte qu’elle ployait sous l’impératif de la liberté comme sous un fardeau.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 765-767 | Added on Sunday, January 24, 2021 10:16:54 PM

Mais cet unique vers ou cet unique paragraphe de prose suffisait à le rendre heureux, non seulement à cause de leur beauté, mais surtout parce qu’ils lui servaient de carte d’introduction dans le royaume des élus qui savent percevoir ce qui, pour les autres, demeure caché.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 958-959 | Added on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:45:38 PM

il n’était plus assujetti à ce qu’il venait de vivre, mais ce qu’il venait de vivre était assujetti à ce qu’il avait écrit.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 959-964 | Added on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:46:17 PM

lendemain, il prit la machine à écrire de son grand-père, il recopia le poème sur un papier spécial et le poème lui parut encore plus beau qu’il ne l’était quand il le récitait à haute voix, car le poème cessait d’être une simple succession de mots pour devenir une chose ; son autonomie était encore plus incontestable ; les mots ordinaires sont faits pour s’éteindre dès qu’ils ont été prononcés, ils n’ont d’autre but que de servir à l’instant de la communication ; ils sont assujettis aux choses, ils n’en sont que la désignation ; or, voici que ces mots-là étaient eux-mêmes devenus choses et n’étaient assujettis à rien ; ils n’étaient plus destinés à la communication immédiate et à une prompte disparition, mais à la durée.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 959-964 | Added on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:46:23 PM

Le lendemain, il prit la machine à écrire de son grand-père, il recopia le poème sur un papier spécial et le poème lui parut encore plus beau qu’il ne l’était quand il le récitait à haute voix, car le poème cessait d’être une simple succession de mots pour devenir une chose ; son autonomie était encore plus incontestable ; les mots ordinaires sont faits pour s’éteindre dès qu’ils ont été prononcés, ils n’ont d’autre but que de servir à l’instant de la communication ; ils sont assujettis aux choses, ils n’en sont que la désignation ; or, voici que ces mots-là étaient eux-mêmes devenus choses et n’étaient assujettis à rien ; ils n’étaient plus destinés à la communication immédiate et à une prompte disparition, mais à la durée.
La vie est ailleurs (Milan Kundera)
- Your Highlight on Location 979-981 | Added on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:48:38 PM

pour qu’un poème soit un poème, il faut qu’il soit lu par quelqu’un d’autre ; alors seulement on a la preuve que le poème est autre chose qu’un simple journal intime chiffré et qu’il est capable de vivre d’une vie propre, indépendante de celui qui l’a écrit.

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