CSVKeep is an Importer/Exporter which allows you to import CSV files and save to your database. It also allows you to export your data in a JSON format.
###Design I designed this script to be easily expandable to support other formats if needed.
###Installation In #Rails #3, you need to specify the Attr Accessible parameters in your model.
###Usage You can use a #Method to run the tasks, or you can use a #Rake task
###Method Place the Import and Export methods in your app, then call the method you need
####Import CSV
####Export to JSON
###Rake Task Alternatively, you can run a rake task.
####Import CSV
Rake data:import
####Export to JSON
Rake data:export
####Minor issues and Roadmap I am still working on fixing some of these bugs:
- Some conflicts with "id" and "primary id"
- Modifier(s) need to be placed in an array when exporting to json.
- Primary id, and Timestamps need to be removed from json output.
- Need to write better tests to prevent issues like scalability when using large files and other issues.